Display Reconciliation of Job Invoice on Account Workspace

Use this workspace to review how job invoices and job credit memos on account have been reconciled.

An invoice on account is an invoice issued in advance of any work done. The customer then pays this invoice, and later when a subsequent invoice is produced, the amount paid in advance is deducted from that invoice. This is called a reconciliation of the invoice on account and occurs automatically. This workspace shows which invoices on account are reconciled against which invoices, what amounts are still waiting to be reconciled, and so on.

The functionality of this workspace is almost the same for both job invoices on account and job credit memos on account, so only job invoices on account are mentioned in the following, unless differences apply.

When you print a job invoice on account in the Invoice Selection workspace, Maconomy creates a line in the sub-tab of the Job Invoices On Account workspace that displays information about the invoice on account in question. You can view this line in the Display Reconciliation Of Job Invoice On Account tab in this workspace. When you perform a regular job invoicing, the job invoice can be reconciled (reduced) by an amount previously invoiced on account. The reconciliation amount can be as high as the invoiced amount, unless the invoiced amount is higher than the amount invoiced on account. If several invoices on account exist, you can use the Job Invoices On Account workspace to determine which invoices on account should be reconciled and the extent of the reconciliation. When an invoice on account is fully reconciled, Maconomy closes it. If the same job invoice is later credited, Maconomy reopens the reconciled invoices on account.

This workspace displays an overview of the reconciliation of an invoice on account. The Display Reconciliation Of Job Invoice On Account tab displays information about the current invoice on account. The Reconciliations of Job Invoice on Account sub-tab tracks details about the reconciliation of the invoice on account.