
This section shows the actions available in the Mileage Sheets workspace.

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Field Description
Submit Mileage Sheet When you select this action, you submit the mileage sheet in the window. If you try to edit a submitted mileage sheet, Maconomy issues a warning. If you then continue, the mileage sheet is no longer registered as submitted.

When the mileage sheet is submitted, Maconomy checks all lines on the sheet to see if there are lines that do not require approval according to the approval principle of the job to which each individual line refers. Lines that do not require approval are transferred for posting. Furthermore, any line pertaining to a job for which the employee in question is the project manager automatically receives project manager approval if project manager approval is optional or required, and the job parameter “Automatically approve Project Manager’s Expense Lines” has been set to “Yes” for the job in question.

If you use approval hierarchies — that is, if an approval hierarchy has been selected for mileage sheets in the window Approval Hierarchies in the Set-Up module — Maconomy will find out who is to approve the mileage sheet in question on the basis of the current approval hierarchy. Information on approval hierarchies and the next approver is shown in the fields in the island Approval.

If you do not use approval hierarchies, the mileage sheet can be approved by the employee’s supervisor. See the description of the windows Approval Hierarchy Selection and Approval Hierarchies in the Set-Up module for further information on creation and use of approval hierarchies.

Release Mileage Sheet This action can only be used if the field “Transf. Non-Appr. Time Sheets” has been marked in the window System Information, and the current user has access to transferring time sheets as specified in the window Actions. The employee specified as the supervisor for the current employee, however, always has the right to release mileage sheets for the employee in question if the above mentioned field in the window System Information has been marked. The user naturally needs access to view the mileage sheets to be released.

When the action is selected, the current mileage sheet is transferred to a journal of the type “Mileage Sheet Journal” which can be posted in the G/L module. This allows you to invoice the customer before the mileage sheet has been approved using the action “Approve Mileage Sheet.” However, the transfer depends on the approval principle selected for the job in the window Jobs. If both the employee’s supervisor and the project manager of a given job need to approve mileage sheets, the mileage sheet lines concerning the job in question are only transferred if both project manager and supervisor have either released or approved the lines. The project manager releases or approves the individual mileage sheet lines in the window Approve Mileage Sheet Lines, while the supervisor does it for a whole mileage sheet at a time by selecting this action.

A mileage sheet can only be released if it has been submitted. Any dimension values from the employee such as activity, job, or company are copied to the mileage sheet journal.

When the invoice is posted, Maconomy creates a number of entries which are placed in a mileage sheet journal. Once the number of entries in a journal reaches 500, Maconomy automatically creates a journal for the next 500 entries. Maconomy creates one entry per mileage sheet line.

When posting mileage sheet journals, Maconomy checks whether the journal in question contains entries where the posting date is outside the open posting period for G/L entries in the companies affected by the mileage sheet lines. If the journal contains such entries, the G/L entries created as a result of the posting will be assigned a posting date corresponding to the first date in the open G/L posting period of the company in question. The job entries created are assigned the posting dates specified in this window, as well as a reference date identical to the one used on the G/L entries.

If an employee has been working on a job which is to be invoiced by another company (the responsible company) than the one to which the employee is assigned (the executing company), the transfer will result in intercompany entries between the two companies involved. However, if the system parameter “Create intercompany entries for companies with same parent company” is not marked, intercompany entries are only created if the two companies involved are not both assigned to the same parent company.

When mileage sheets have been posted, the mileage sheet journals will be settled on the account for expense settlement. The account for expense settlement is specified by means of a dimension combination in the window Posting References. Notice that the dimension combination may include other dimension values that are to be used in this connection.

If the employee who filled in the mileage sheet has been assigned to a vendor in the window Employees in the Set-Up module, Maconomy checks if any of the expenses were registered on activities for which the window Activities indicates that expenses are to be settled through a vendor. For such mileage sheet lines, Maconomy will create entries on the vendor to which the employee is assigned, instead of on the account for expense settlement. When posting mileage sheets containing more than one line to be settled through a vendor, Maconomy creates only one vendor entry covering all these mileage sheet lines, provided that the currency and entry date are the same on the mileage sheet lines in question. This means that when posting a vendor-related mileage sheet, Maconomy will create one vendor entry per currency and per entry date. The vendor entries created in this process must be approved for payment before reimbursement can take place, unless the system parameter “Automatically approve expense sheets for payment” has been marked, in which case the vendor entries are approved automatically.

Approve Mileage Sheet When this action is selected, the mileage sheet shown in the window is approved, and unless the mileage sheet has already been transferred, a number of entries in an existing mileage sheet journal will automatically be created as described above in the section “Release Mileage Sheet.” However, the transferal depends on the approval principal as described in the action “Release Mileage Sheet” above.

Once a mileage sheet has been approved, you can only make changes to it by first selecting the action “Reopen Mileage Sheet.” You can find more information about access and mileage sheet journals above in the description of the action “Release Mileage Sheet.”

A mileage sheet can only be released if it has been submitted.

When a mileage sheet is approved, the fields “Transferred” and “Approved” in the island Status will automatically be marked. A mileage sheet journal created by using this action contains the same entries as a journal created by using the action “Release Mileage Sheet.”

Reopen Mileage Sheet This action is used for reopening an approved and transferred mileage sheet for changes if the mileage sheet is within the open posting period for job entries. It is possible to edit already reported quantities and to create lines, but approved lines cannot be deleted, and it is not possible to change entry date, job and activity numbers, dimensions, or tasks on these mileage sheet lines.

When the mileage sheet is reapproved, Maconomy creates a journal with the difference between the previous registration and the new one. If, for instance, you have first approved USD 400 on a given job, activity, and day, and you later change it to USD 600, the new job journal will include an entry of USD 200. In contrast, if you change the entry to USD 300, the journal will include an entry of USD -100. If the mileage sheet is approved without new changes, Maconomy does not create a mileage sheet journal.

In the window Actions in the Set-Up module, you can specify which users are allowed to reopen mileage sheets.

Copy Mileage Sheet This action is used for copying the lines from an already submitted mileage sheet to the mileage sheet in question. In the island Copy Mileage Sheet, you can enter the number of the mileage sheet from which lines should be copied. You can only copy mileage sheets that you submitted. When copying, job numbers, activity numbers, and dimensions are included on the lines, whereas quantities and amounts are reset to zero. Only the fields which are opened in the Mileage Sheets window sub-tab can be copied; the closed fields will keep their values.
Create favorite Select this action to create a new favorite with the specified combination of job, task, and activity.