Job Journal Entries Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Job Journal Entries sub-tab.

Field Description
Entry Date In this field, you give the date the entry is entered. The date must be within the open posting period, which is entered in the window Posting Period Setup in the General Ledger Setup menu. Note that you can enter different entry dates on different lines. Maconomy suggests today’s date on the first line. On every subsequent line Maconomy suggests the same date as on the line before it.
Job No. In this field, you enter the number of the job the entry involves.

If the parameter “Allow Multi-Company Job Journal” has been marked in the window System Parameters in the Set-Up module, you can use this field to specify the number of a job which belongs to a company different from the one shown in the main tab. The number of the company responsible for the job is shown in the field “Company No.”

When posting, Maconomy uses the current journal for job entries concerning the company specified in the main tab. In addition, Maconomy automatically creates and posts a journal for each of the other companies that have been associated with job entries, if any.

If the “Repeat Auto.” field is marked, Maconomy suggests the job number on the previous line.

The job number is shown on the job entry in the window Itemize Invoice Selection when the job journal has been posted.

Task In this field, you can specify the task to which the job budget line is to be assigned. If a task list exists for the job, you must enter a task from the task list in question. If dimension values have been specified in the task list, these dimensions are automatically suggested on the new journal line, but you can change these. However, if the window Task Lists specifies that derived dimension values should overwrite existing dimensions values, any manually entered dimensions will be overwritten. If no task list has been assigned to the job, you cannot enter a task.

If the “Repeat Auto.” field is marked, Maconomy suggests the task name on the previous line.

Act. No. In this field, you enter the number of the activity the job entry involves. Maconomy verifies that the activity is created in the window Activities.

If the “Repeat Auto.” field is marked, Maconomy suggests the activity number on the previous line.

The activity number is shown with the job entry in the window Itemize Invoice Selection when the job journal has been posted.

Empl. No. In this field, you enter the number of the employee. You must enter an employee for time activities. Use the search functions in the Find menu if you cannot remember the number of an employee.

If the “Repeat Auto.” field is marked, Maconomy suggests the employee number on the previous line.

The employee number is shown with the job entry in the window Itemize Invoice Selection when the job journal has been posted.

Description In this field, you enter the job entry text. The entry text is shown with the job entry in the window Itemize Invoice Selection when the job journal has been posted.
Quantity In this field, you enter the quantity of activity units. Maconomy suggests the value “1.”

If the entry involves a time activity, the quantity represents a number of hours or days, depending on the time unit on the job. Hours are totaled in the “No. Hours” field. Cost and billing prices in base currency are totaled in the “Cost, Base” and “Billing Price, Currency” fields, respectively.

If the entry is for an amount activity, the cost and billing prices in base currency are added to the “Cost, Base” and “Billing Price, Currency” fields, respectively, in the “Amount” island.

In the Invoice Selection and Itemize Invoice Selection windows, you can invoice your customers for more hours than you have entered here. You can, therefore, enter zero quantity here, so that you can invoice the customer for an estimated time usage, while not actually using any time on the job. Maconomy also allows you to register negative figures, which is useful for reentries and entry transfers.

Base Currency This field shows the base currency of the company responsible for the job.
Cost, Base In this field, you can enter the cost per unit to be used for the job entry in question.

Maconomy calculates the cost based on information from job price lists, item price lists, and employee or activity information tabs. If the executing company behind the activity is different from the company responsible for the job, Maconomy suggests the intercompany price instead of the cost price. You can find a more detailed description of how Maconomy calculates these prices in “Appendix A: Price Calculation in the Job Cost module.”

You can only change the suggested cost here if the entry is for an amount activity.

If the system parameter “Update prices upon dimension change” has been marked, the price in this field is updated when entering a new entry date on the line. For further information, see the description of the system parameter “Update prices upon dimension change.”

Sales Currency This field shows the currency of the job. It is retrieved from the window Job Information.

Maconomy uses the exchange rate valid on the line entry date when converting between different currencies.

When using different currencies, Maconomy performs a conversion. You can find a more detailed description of price calculations in “Appendix A: Price Calculation in the Job Cost module.”

Billing Price, Curr. In this field, you enter the billing price per unit in the job’s currency.

Maconomy calculates the billing price based on information from job price lists, item price lists, regulation percentage, the employee or activity information tab, and information in the window System Information in the Set-Up module. For a further description of how Maconomy calculates these prices, please refer to “Appendix A: Price Calculation in the Job Cost Module.”

If you change the billing price in this field, the markup percentage is changed proportionally in the field “Markup %,” and the billing price is hereafter interpreted as “Entered” when calculating the price. This may influence the price calculation.

If the system parameter “Update prices upon dimension change” has been marked, the price in this field is updated when you change the entry date on the line. For further information, see the description of the system parameter “Update prices upon dimension change.”

The amount is included in the invoice selection made for the job when the job journal is posted. The amount can be changed when you edit the invoice in the windows Invoice Selection and Itemize Invoice Selection.

You can change the billing price suggested by Maconomy.

Markup % This field shows gross margin as a percentage of the cost. If you change this value, the billing price is changed proportionally, and the billing price is hereafter interpreted as “Entered” when calculating the price (see “Appendix A: Price Calculation in the Job Cost module”). If you change the values in the fields “Billing Price, Currency” and “Markup %” at the same time, the entered billing price is used, and the markup percentage is then adjusted proportionally.

If the system parameter “Update prices upon dimension change” has been marked, the markup in this field is updated when you change the entry date on the line. For further information, see the description of the system parameter “Update prices upon dimension change.”

Standard Billing Price, Currency This field shows the standard billing price of the entry in the currency shown in the field “Sales Currency” above. The field cannot be changed. The difference between the standard billing price, the registered billing price, and the invoiced billing price (as found in the window Invoice Selection) can be used for performance analyses. For more information, please see “Appendix A: Price Calculation in the Job Cost Module.”

If the system parameter “Update prices upon dimension change” has been marked, the price in this field is updated when you change the entry date on the line. For further information, see the description of the system parameter “Update prices upon dimension change.”

Company No. This field shows the number of the company responsible for the job that the current job entry concerns. See the description of the field “Job No.” in this window.
Company Name This field displays the name of the responsible company shown in the field “Company No.” above.
Exec. Company No. This field shows the number of the company which carried out the activity. For time activities, Maconomy looks up the company to which the specified employee is assigned in the window Employees in the Set-Up module. If no company has been specified on the employee information tab, Maconomy will use the job’s responsible company. For amount activities, Maconomy uses the company specified on the activity in the island Company No. If no company has been specified in this field, Maconomy will use the company to which the employee is assigned. If no employee is specified, Maconomy will use the company responsible for the job.
Name This field shows the name of the company specified in the field “Executing Company” above.
Base Currency, Exec. Company This field shows the base currency selected for the executing company in the window Company Information.
Cost, Exec. Company In this field, you can enter the cost of one piece of the current activity within the executing company. If the company responsible for the current job journal is the same as the executing company, the amount in this field will be identical to the one in the field “Cost, Base.” If the responsible company is different from the executing company, and the activity is a time activity, Maconomy suggests the cost of the employee specified on the line. If the activity is an amount activity, Maconomy suggests the cost of the activity. The cost is shown in the currency of the executing company.
Location In this field, you can enter a value for the dimension Location. If you do not enter a value manually, Maconomy will attempt to derive a value, using the order of priority set up in the window Dimension Derivation in the G/L module. If no value can be derived, the standard value is transferred from the window System Parameters in the Set-Up module. See the chapter “Introduction to the G/L Module” and the window Dimension Derivation for a further description of dimension derivation.
Entity The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Project The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Purpose The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Local Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Accrual In this field, you can mark the entry as an accrual. The field can only be completed if the selected activity is an amount activity, and if the company responsible for the activity is also the executing company.

An accrual is an advance registration of a coming invoice. By using this facility, you can invoice a customer before having received and registered any vendor invoices. When you post the entries, Maconomy updates all the job-related accounts as if you had actually received a vendor invoice for the given amount. The job will be registered with the cost, but instead of being posted to the activity’s offset account, it will be posted to the account for job accruals. Furthermore, Maconomy will keep track of accumulated job accruals for each activity assigned to the job.

To be able to manage job costs with accruals, the posting algorithms for job journals, general journals, vendor invoice journals, and transfer journals function as described below:

When you post a debit entry to a combination of job and activity to which there are accruals, Maconomy includes the accruals according to the following rules.

If the entry amount is less than or the same as the accrual, Maconomy creates a job entry with zero amount, while the G/L entry is entered to the account for job accruals. The job accrual account is specified by means of a dimension combination in the window Posting References. Please note that this dimension combination may include other dimension values which are to be used in this connection. If the entry amount exceeds the accruals by a given amount, Maconomy creates a job entry and G/L entry with this amount. In addition, Maconomy enters an amount to the account for job accruals corresponding to the accrual amount. In both cases, the accumulated job accrual is reduced.

This field cannot be used if the system parameter “Job accruals from purchase order” has been marked in the Set-Up module. If this parameter is marked, job accruals must be made in the window Job Accruals.

Job Name This is the name of the job to which the entry is made. It is retrieved from the window Jobs and cannot be changed here.
Employee Name This field displays the name of the employee to which the entry in the field “Employee No.” has been assigned.
Activity Name This field displays the activity name. The text is retrieved from the window Activities.
Task Description This field displays the task description. The task description is retrieved from the window Tasks Lists for the task in question.
Employee Category No. This field shows the employee category number that comes from job budget lines or that you add manually in this window.
Item No. This field displays an item number.
External Cost Select this field to indicate that an expense displays as External in the Job Journal.
Started In this field, you can enter the time a time activity starts. You cannot enter a value for amount activities.

If you complete this field, you must complete the field “Finished.” The two fields can be used as an alternative to the field “Quantity” to specify how many hours are used on an activity.

If you change or enter a time here and in the field “Finished,” Maconomy will change the value in the field “Quantity.” If the time entered here is later than the time entered in the field “Finished,” Maconomy regards the activity as having finished on the following day.

If you enter the number of hours in the field “Quantity,” Maconomy will not change the value entered here.

Finished In this field, you enter the time the activity finished. You cannot enter a value for amount activities.

If you complete this field, you must complete the field “Started.” The two fields can be used as an alternative to the field “Quantity” to specify how many hours are used on an activity.

If you change or enter a time here and in the field “Started,” Maconomy will change the value in the field “Quantity.” If the time entered here is before the time entered in the field “Started,” Maconomy regards the activity as having started on the previous day.

If you enter the number of hours in the field “Quantity,” Maconomy will not change the value entered here.

Remarks In this field, you can enter a note regarding the current line. The note is transferred to the job entry when the journal is posted.
Quantity 1 In this field, you can enter a quantity used on the current activity. The information can be used in reporting and statistics.
Quantity 2 The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Quantity 1” above.
Overtime Spec. In this pop-up field, you can select an overtime specification for a time activity on the current line. Overtime specifications are defined in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module.

When entering time, you can specify that the work was performed using overtime by selecting one of the values in this field. For instance, if you have been working over the weekend, you can specify this by selecting the pop-up value “Weekend” in this field (provided that the value has been defined in your system). The price list assigned to the job for which you entered overtime registrations may add an additional charge for over-time entries, which will be reflected in the subsequent processing of the time sheet, for example, when creating invoices for the job.

Accrual Type If you select a value in this field, Maconomy will create an accrual entry for each period covered by the interval specified in the fields “Period From” and “Period To.” The accrual entries are posted to the relevant accrual-related posting references on the activity in question or in the window Posting References, depending on whether the field “Post by Activity” is marked in the window System Information. The offset entries are posted to the accounts referenced for the selected accrual type in the window Popup Fields. The amount is distributed evenly on the selected periods. Both cost and billing prices are accrued.
Period From, Accrual In this field and the field “Period To” you can enter a range of dates. If you select a value in the field “Accrual Type” above, Maconomy will create an accrual entry on the specified G/L account for each period covered by the interval specified in the fields “Period From” and “Period To.” The amount is distributed evenly on the selected periods.

Please note that the last period must be no later than the accrual ending period set up in the field “Accrual Period, Ending” in the information tab of the company specified on the entry. If no ending period has been specified there, the ending period set up in the corresponding field in the window System Information applies instead. If an ending period has been set up neither in the company information tab nor in the system information, period, you can specify any period in the field “Period To.”

Period To, Accrual See the field “Period From” above.
Transaction Type This field shows the transaction type of the job entry.