
This section shows the Actions available in the Approve Job Budgets workspace.

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Field Description
Mark Lines Provides the following marking options:

  • Mark for Submission — When you select this action, Maconomy marks the field “Submit” for the job budgets in the table part, if possible. The field is, for example, not marked if the budget is approved.
  • Mark for Approval — When you select this action, Maconomy marks the field “Approve” for the job budgets in the table part, if possible. The field is not marked if the budget has already been approved or is not submitted.
  • Mark for Reopening — When you select this action, Maconomy marks the field “Reopen” for the job budgets in the table part, if possible. The field is not marked if the budget has not been approved.
  • Mark for New Revision — When you select this action, Maconomy marks the field “New Revision” for the job budgets in the table part, in accordance with the mark in the field “Include Changed Only” in the card part. The field is not marked if the field “Include Changed Only” in the card part is marked, and the job budget has not been changed since a new revision was last created. If you have manually marked the field “New Revision,” and the budget has not changed since the previous revision, the mark in the field is removed when you select this action if the field “Include Changed Only” has been marked.
  • Mark for Revision Code — When you select this action, Maconomy marks the field “Assign Code” for the job budgets in the table part, in accordance with the mark in the field “Assign Approved” in the card part of the window. The field is not marked if the field “Assign Approved” in the card part has been marked, and no approved revision of the job budget exists. If you have manually marked the fields “Assign Code” and “Assign Approved,” and no approved revision of the budget exists, the mark in the field is removed when you select this action if the field “Assign Approved” is marked.
  • Submit Budgets — When you select this action, the job budgets with a mark in the field “Submit” are submitted.
  • Approve Budgets — When you select this action, the job budgets with a mark in the field “Approve” are approved. When a job budget is approved, it is locked, and it can no longer be changed unless it is reopened first. The different revisions of the job budget can be viewed in the window Job Budget Revisions.
  • Reopen Budgets — When you select this action, the job budgets with a mark in the field “Reopen” are reopened. When a job budget is reopened, the revision number is incremented by one, and it is possible to change the new revision of the job budget.
  • New Revisions — When you select this action, Maconomy creates a revision of the marked job budgets. The previous revision of the job budget is locked, and any subsequent changes in the job budget take place in the new revision. The different revisions of the job budget can be viewed in the window Job Budget Revisions.
  • Assign Revision Code — When you select this action, Maconomy assigns the revision code in the field “Revision Code” in the card part of the window to the marked job budgets. If the field “Assign Approved” in the card part is marked, the revision code is assigned to the latest approved revision of the budget visible in the window Job Budget Revisions – that is, not necessarily the latest revision. If the field “Overwrite Codes” in the card part has been marked, any existing revision code on the job budget is overwritten; otherwise Maconomy will not overwrite existing codes.