Approve Job Budgets Single Dialogs Workspace

Use this workspace to select a group of job budgets and perform a number of functions on them.

You can select a group of job budgets for submission, approval, reopening, or creation of a revision. You can only see job budgets for jobs to which you have access.

In the Approve Job Budgets tab you can select the job budgets that you want to display in the Job Budgets sub-tab, define how the assignment of a revision code should be performed, and indicate whether you want to create revisions of the job budgets, even if they have not been changed since a revision was last created.

You can also use this workspace to indicate that a budget be assigned a revision code and assign a revision code to the selected group of budgets. A revision code can function as an internal signal. For example, when a job budget has a certain revision code, it can flag that a certain person has reviewed the budget.

You can also perform these functions in the Job Budgets workspace, but only for one budget at a time. Because selection criteria in this workspace require you to limit to one particular job budget type, you can only perform actions on one job budget per job at a time.

Users must have access granted via the Change Job Budgets, Approve Job Budgets, and Reopen Job Budgets fields in the Actions workspace in the Set-Up module to submit, approve, and reopen job budgets, respectively.