Vacation Calendar Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Vacation Calendars tab.

Field Description
Vacation Calendar No. Enter the number that identifies the vacation calendar.
Description Enter a description for the vacation calendar.
Company No. Enter a company number for the vacation calendar. If no company number is specified, this vacation calendar is a global one that can be used by employees in any company. Otherwise, the calendar can only be used by employees in the specified company.
Open Code This field specifies the code to use for color-coding absence for restricted types in the calendar when the absence has not yet been submitted. If no value is specified, the default code is "1."
Submitted Code This field specifies the code to use for color-coding absence for restricted types in the calendar when the absence has been submitted, but not yet approved. If no value is specified, the default code is "2."
Rejected Code This field specifies the code to use for color-coding absence for restricted types in the calendar when the absence has been rejected. If no value is specified, the default code is "3."
Approved Code This field specifies the code to use for color-coding absence for restricted types in the calendar when the absence has been approved. If no value is specified, the default code is "4."
Absence Type 1 - 5 In this field, you can select an absence type to show absence statistics for in the window Employee Absence Calendars. The absence types defined here will be shown for employees using this vacation calendar.