Show Exported Job Entries Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Show Exported Job Entries tab.

Export Information Island

Field Description
Run No. This field shows the number of the run associated with the current export.
Data Agent This field shows the name of the data agent used in the current export.
Exported by This field shows the name of the user who ran the current export.
Export Date This field shows the date on which the current export was run.
No. Entries This field shows the number of entries in the current export. This includes Record Start/End lines, Sector Start/End lines, and so on, that are included in the file in accordance with the export specification.
Output Data File This field shows the name of the file created in the current export.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Show Lines If you mark this field, the individual job entries exported in the current export will be displayed in the Job Entries sub-tab. If you do not mark this field, no table lines are displayed.

Selection Criteria, Export Island

Field Description
Company No. These fields show the range of company numbers included in the current export.
G/L Entry Date These fields show the range of G/L entry dates included in the current export.
Job Posting Date This field shows the job cost posting date of the exported job entry.

Extra Fields Island

Field Description
Remarks 1-5 These fields show the remarks entered in relation to the current export in the Export Data workspace when the export was run.
Date 1-5 These fields show the dates entered in relation to the current export in the Export Data workspace when the export was run.