Invoicing on Account Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Invoicing on Account tab.

Sales Orders Island

Field Description
Order No. This is the number of the sales order. If you cannot remember the number of a sales order, you can use the search functions in the Find menu. The number cannot be changed.
Created on This is the date the sales order was created. The date cannot be changed manually.
Order Total This is the sum of the item lines on the sales order. The value cannot be changed here.
Currency This is the currency of the sales order. The currency cannot be changed here.

Ship to Address Island

Field Description
Customer This is the number of the customer receiving the items on the sales order. The number cannot be changed here. The remaining lines of this field show the name and address of the ship-to customer. The text is retrieved from the sales order and cannot be changed here.
Attn. This is the ship-to customer’s attention person the person to whom shipping information is directed. The name is retrieved from the sales order and cannot be changed here.
Country This is the ship-to customer’s country. It is retrieved from the sales order and cannot be changed here.

Customer Information Island

Field Description
Pmt. Terms Here you can enter the payment terms of the sales order. Maconomy suggests the value from the sales order, but you can change it.

If the payment terms of the sales order are changed when you invoice on account, the new payment terms will apply to later invoices, unless the payment terms are changed back again, either in the Invoicing on Account or Sales Orders window.

If you change the payment terms, Maconomy verifies that you have permission to do so. Permission to change information about prices, and thus payment terms, is given to users individually in the window Actions in the Set-Up module.

The payment terms appearing in this pop-up are defined in the Popup Fields window in the Set-Up module.

Print Control Island

Field Description
Layout In this field, you choose the layout of the invoice when it is printed by selecting “Print Invoice.” Unless you have added layouts in the window Print Layouts in the Set-Up module, “Standard” is the only option.

Invoice on Account Island

Field Description
% Here you enter how large a percentage of the order total you wish to invoice on account. Maconomy issues a warning if this figure is higher than 100% of the order total. However, this warning is not issued if the order total is exceeded as a result of invoicing the sales order on account more than once. If you enter both a percentage here and an amount in the “Amount” field, Maconomy calculates a percentage from the amount.
Amount Here you enter how large an amount of the order total you wish to invoice on account. Maconomy verifies that this figure does not exceed the order total but if you invoice the sales order on account more than once, the figure is not cross checked.
Description Here you enter a text to describe the invoice. Maconomy suggests “Invoice on Account,” but you can change it. You must enter a text.
Invoice Date Here you enter an invoice date. If you leave the field blank, Maconomy inserts today’s date. Maconomy verifies that the date is within the open posting interval. The open posting interval is maintained in the System Information window in the Set-Up module.

Billing Address Island

Field Description
Bill to Customer This is the number of the customer receiving the invoice. The number cannot be changed here.

The other lines in this field show the name and address of the bill-to customer. The text is retrieved from the sales order and cannot be changed here.

Attn. This is the bill-to customer’s attention person the person to whom payment information is directed. The name is retrieved from the sales order and cannot be changed here.
Country This is the bill-to customer’s country. It is retrieved from the sales order and cannot be changed here.

Company Island

Field Description
Company No. This field shows the number of the company responsible for the current order. The value is transferred from the island Company on the order in question.
Name This field shows the name of the company shown in the field “Company No.” above.