Purchase Receipt Workspace

Use this workspace to record the receipt of services and items ordered via purchase orders.

A purchase order must be approved in the Purchase Orders workspace before you can record receipts against it.

The tab displays general information about the current purchase order. The sub-tab displays the individual items, activities, and account entries that were ordered on the purchase order. A purchase order must be approved in the Purchase Orders workspace before you can enter receipt here.

You can enter receipt of items as well as activities and purchases entered to accounts. The entry of receipt affects the item inventories (for item lines only) and provides a basis for easy invoice allocation when an invoice is received.

To record receipt, you first select the relevant purchase order in the tab of the workspace. Next, you specify how many units you received for each line. You cannot change any prices here. Prices are determined in the Purchase Orders workspace. After you enter the relevant number of units received for each line, you enter a packing slip number in the tab and use the Approve Receipt action to approve the receipt. When you approve the receipt, Maconomy enters items that have inventory control in their proper warehouses and warehouse locations and updates item costs as described for the Approve Receipt action. For lines that do not pertain to an item, the relevant number of units are merely entered as approved, because no cost price updating or inventory entries are done. You can thus use the receipt entries of such lines for lookup and reporting purposes.

When you approve a receipt, automatic backorder allocation regarding items received only happens if you select the Automatic Back Order Receipt field in the System Information workspace, and you use the By Reservation Back Order method. Backorder allocation occurs when an item is received. The quantity for packing on order and BOM lines is set at the number of items in backorder, and the new items thus do not count as available stock.

After you approve a receipt, you can use the delivery note number when entering the vendor invoice that covers the items and services entered as received. For more information, see the description of the Packing Slip No. field in the Vendor Invoices workspace.

In the Inventory Change workspace in the Inventory module, you can enter item receipts that are not related to any purchase order.