Company Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Company tab.

Company Island

Field Description
Company No. This field shows the company’s number, name, and address.
Country This field shows the company’s country code.
Phone This field shows the company’s telephone number.
Fax This field shows the company’s fax number.
Telex This field shows the company’s telex number.
Giro This field shows the company’s giro account number.
Bank This field shows the company’s bank.
Company Reg. No. This field shows the company’s registration number.
Credit Card No. This field shows the company’s credit card number.
Tax No. This field shows the company’s tax registration number.

Currency Island

Field Description
Base Currency This field shows the company’s base currency. Maconomy calculates all metrics in base currency.

Accounts Receivable Island

Field Description
Total Outstanding This field shows the open balance of all of the company’s customers, in base currency. This includes the amount that has been invoiced to customers, but has not yet been paid.
Total Overdue This field shows the due open balance of all of the company’s customers, in base currency. This includes the amount that has been invoiced to customers, is due for payment, but has not yet been paid.

Accounts Payable Island

Field Description
Total Outstanding This field shows the open balance of all of the company’s vendors, in base currency. This includes the amount that vendors have invoiced, but the company has not yet paid.
Total Overdue This field shows the open balance of all of the company’s vendors, in base currency. This includes the amount that vendors have invoiced, is due for payment, but the company has not yet paid.

Contact Management Island

Field Description
Opportunities This field shows the current number of opportunities in the company.
Campaigns This field shows the current number of campaigns running in the company.

Human Resources Island

Field Description
Employees This field shows the current number of employees in the company.
Vacancies This field shows the current number of vacancies in the company.

Fiscal Year Island

This field shows the company’s fiscal year.

Finance Island

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