Blanket Invoice Collection Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Blanket Invoice Collection tab.

Blanket Invoicing Criteria Island

Field Description
Bill to Customer This field shows the name and number of the customer to which the jobs belong and the first line of the customer’s name. The fields in this island are shared by the jobs in the table part; all of the jobs have the same bill-to customer, company, department, and so on.
Company This field shows the name and number of the company that is responsible for the jobs, with the associated company name.
Department This field shows the department of the jobs that are displayed in the table part.
Currency This field shows the currency of the jobs in the table part.
Invoice Currency This field shows the invoice currency (for invoicing on account) on the jobs.
Tax This checkbox is selected if the invoices are subject to tax. Maconomy retrieves this value from the Job Information window. You cannot change it here.
Company Tax Code This field shows the company tax code of the jobs. Maconomy uses this field to determine the tax code to use in calculating tax for the individual allocation lines, as the reporting code is part of the criteria for the selection of a G/L tax code in the G/L Tax Tables window, if such a table was specified for the company that is responsible for the jobs.
Main Job No. This field shows the number of the main job in case the Blanket Invoicing per Main Job system parameter is selected. If that is the case, the table part shows the main job and all of the subjobs that are set up for blanket invoicing.
Job Collection This field shows the number of the job collection of the jobs, provided that they belong to a job collection where the Blanket invoice Separately field is selected. This field is also displayed in the Blanket Invoice Overview window.

Draft Overview Island

Field Description
Number of Drafts for Editing This field shows the number of draft invoices for editing.
Number of Drafts for Invoicing This field shows the number of draft invoices for invoicing.

Work in Progress Island

Field Description
WIP Available This field shows the WIP available for invoicing for time activities and amount activities, as well as the total WIP.
WIP for Invoicing Enter the amount of WIP to invoice.

When you change the amount of WIP to invoice, Maconomy selects entries for invoicing, with the oldest entries first, to reach the specified amount.

Carry Forward Enter the amount of WIP to carry forward.
Billing Price You can change the billing price of the WIP to invoice in this field.

When you change the billing price, Maconomy adjusts the hourly rate proportionately to the registered rate, to obtain the specified total billing price.

Maconomy applies a change in billing price only to time-related activities.

Write-Up/Down Enter the amount of WIP to write down.

When you change the amount for Write-Up/Down, Maconomy adjusts the hourly rate proportionately to the registered rate, to obtain the specified total billing price.

Maconomy applies a change in Write-Up/Down only to time-related activities.

Realization Rate This field shows the realization rate. This is based on the Billing Price and the WIP for Invoicing fields for time. You can change the Realization Rate, which adjusts the Billing Price and Write-Up/Down accordingly.

When you change the Realization Rate, Maconomy adjusts the hourly rate proportionately to the registered rate, to obtain the specified total billing price.

Maconomy applies a change in Realization Rate only to time-related activities.

Exclude Entries for Carry Forward Select this check box to exclude selected entries in the table part that are marked for carry forward from the billing adjustment when changing the WIP for Invoicing.

You can only select this check box simultaneously with a change in the WIP for Invoicing field.

Invoiced this Customer Island

Field Description
For all Jobs in Currency This field shows the currency of all of the jobs that are included in the totals on this panel.
Invoiced Billing Price These fields display the invoiced billing price for this year and the prior year.
Invoiced Billing Price, Time These fields display the write-up/down amount for the time activity entries that have been invoiced for this year and the prior year. These fields are similar to the Invoiced Billing Price fields, except that they only sum up time activities invoiced.
Realization Rate This field displays a weighted average of the approved budgeted realization for the selected jobs.
Invoiced on Account This field shows the amount (fixed price) invoiced on account.
On Account Movement This field shows the total amount invoiced on account, minus on account reconciliation in the given period during the current year and prior year. This field is focused on the customer, rather than the currently opened job.

Customer Balance Island

Field Description
Balance This field displays the currency and the balance in that currency for the company specific customer.

Invoice Island

Field Description
Preferred Invoice Date Enter a preferred invoice date. If you leave this field blank, the invoice date is the current date when the draft invoice is printed as an invoice.
Show Write Down Separately If the invoice layout rule is set up to show amounts on lines, the draft invoice that Maconomy creates when you approve an invoice selection on a job shows the amount that is being invoiced, including any write-up/down that you might have selected.

You can show write-down on a single, separate line, and then instead show the billing price, excluding write down, on the specification. Select this field to do this.

You can set up the text in this line (such as Courtesy discount) in the Language Texts window on the entry with key1 @JobWriteDownLine.

Show Customer Balances On Invoice Select this check box to show a customer’s prior balance and the new balance on the invoice. The default value is inherited from the customer or company-specific customer, but you can overwrite it in this window and the Invoice Selection and On Account Invoice Selection windows.
Show Customer Statement On Invoice Select this check box to show the customer statement on the job invoice printout. The default value is inherited from the customer or company-specific customer, but you can overwrite it in this window and the Invoice Selection and On Account Invoice Selection windows.
Show Customer Aging On Invoice Select this check box to show the A/R aging on the job invoice printout. The default value is inherited from the customer or company-specific customer, but you can overwrite it in this window and the Invoice Selection and On Account Invoice Selection windows.
Include Detailed Specification Select this check box to include a detailed specification in the invoice. You can only select this box if the job is set up to create a detailed invoice specification.

Selection of Jobs Island

Field Description
Only Show Included Jobs If this check box is selected, the table part shows only the jobs where the “Include” field is selected.
Job If you change this field, only this single job is included in the table part.
Account Manager If you change this field, only jobs that have this account manager are included in the table part.
Project Manager If you change this field, only jobs that have this project manager are included in the table part.
Only Open Activities When this check box is marked only jobs with open entries are shown in the table.

Overview Island

Field Description
Budgeted Billing Price This field shows the total budgeted billing price for the included jobs in the table part, from the budget type selected as the current budget in the Job Budgets window.
Write Up/Down to Date This field shows the total write up/down for all invoices on the jobs that are included in the table part.
Realization Rate to Date This field shows the realization rate to date. This is the revenue recognized as a percentage of the invoiced work in progress (WIP). This is based on the Billing Price and the WIP for Invoicing fields for time.
Invoiced to Date These fields show the total billing price of the time-and-material invoices that have previously been made for the jobs that are included in the table part.
Net on Account This field shows the amount net on account for the jobs that are included in the table part. This is the amount that has been invoiced on account, excluding subsequent on-account reconciliation.
Total Invoiced to Date This field shows the sum of the invoiced billing price (time-and-material invoices) and the amount net on account.
For Invoicing on Account This field shows the sum of amounts selected for on account invoicing in the table part on lines marked to be included in the current blanket invoicing.
On Account Reduction This field shows the amount which will be reconciled at the next regular invoicing of the job. The amount is the total of the “Reconciliation Amount” fields in the table part for the invoices and credit memos on account that will be reconciled. The amount in this field is also shown in the “On Account Reduction” field in the Invoice Selection window. If the amount is changed in the Invoice Selection window, any changes in this window are canceled, and the oldest invoices on account (for positive amounts) and credit memos on account (for negative amounts) are reconciled first.

Print Specification Island

Field Description
Invoice Layout When this field is updated it will update the corresponding field on all lines in the table. Table line may have different values in that case the value in the card field is blank. If the job selection criteria are changed and lines are added to the table these lines will not be updated instead the card field will be blanked if the new jobs use different invoice layout'.
Detailed Invoice Specification This field is similar to Invoice Layout but updates the field Detailed Invoice Specification in the table.