Invoices Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Invoices sub-tab.

Field Description
Invoice Date This field shows the invoice date.
Due date This field shows the due date.
Invoice No. This field shows the invoice number.
Type This field shows the status for invoices, pre-invoices, and credit memos for a job. It shows one of the following statuses for pre-invoices:
  • Pre-Invoice, Pending Payment – The pre-invoice is printed, but no payment has been reconciled.
  • Pre-Invoice, Cancelled – This pre-invoice is no longer needed and is cancelled.

    Note: Pending payment pre-invoices cannot be credited, like a invoice on account. Instead, they must be cancelled.

  • Pre-Invoice, Payment Received – A full or partial payment has been reconciled against this pre-invoice.

    Note: Once the pre-invoice is in a Payment Received state, it then behaves like an invoice on account.

Payment Status This field shows the payment status for invoices, pre-invoices, and credit memos. It shows one of the following statuses:
  • Due — The invoice or pre-invoice is partially paid, and the current date is past the invoice's or pre-invoice's due date.
  • Not Due — A partial payment has been made for this invoice or pre-invoice, and the due date is not yet passed.
  • N/A — No payments have been made for the pre-invoice, or the pre-invoice is no longer needed and is cancelled. This status is applicable to pre-invoices only.
  • Paid — The amount due for this invoice is fully paid. An invoice that is credited also has a Paid status.
  • Reconciled — The amount due for the pre-invoice, invoice, or credit memo is fully paid.
  • Not Reconciled — The credit memo is not reconciled. This status is applicable to credit memos only. Partially reconciled memos also have a Not Reconciled status.
Payment Terms This field shows the payment terms.
Job Billing Price, Invoice Currency This field shows the amount invoiced on the job selected in the card part, excluding tax. The amount is shown in invoice currency. For credit memos, the amount credited is shown as a positive amount.
Total Billing Price, Invoice Currency This field shows the total amount invoiced on all jobs on the invoice, excluding tax. The amount is shown in invoice currency. For credit memos, the amount credited is shown as a positive amount.
Invoice Total, Invoice Currency This field shows the total amount invoiced in the invoice currency. It includes on account reduction, sales tax and invoice discount.
Invoice Currency This field shows the invoice currency.
Job Billing Price, Job Currency This field shows the amount invoiced on the job selected in the card part, excluding tax. The amount is shown in job currency. For credit memos, the amount credited is shown as a positive amount.
Billing Price Up/Down This field shows the amount written up/down on the invoice in job currency.
Job Currency This field shows the job currency.
Bill to Customer This field shows the payment customer’s customer number.
Bill to Customer This field shows the payment customer’s name.
From Invoice No. If this is a credit memo, this field shows the number of the invoice from which the credit memo was created. This field is blank for manually created credit memos.
Billing Price for Invoicing, Invoice Currency This field shows the billing price of the invoice.
Billing Price, Difference, Invoice Currency This field shows the difference between the approved billing price and the possibly allowed changes during invoice editing .
Archive Number T his field shows the archive number of the attached document.
Description This field shows the document archive description.