Approve Reminder Criteria Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Approve Reminder Criteria tab.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Customer No. Here you specify a range of customer numbers. Only company-specific customers within this range are included in the reminder selection.
Company No. In these fields, you can specify a range of company numbers. Only customer entries with a settling company within this range are included in the reminder selection.
Customer Group Here you select a customer group. Only customers in this group are included in the reminder selection.
Next Reminder Level In this field you can enter a reminder level range. The reminder selection and the reminder letter will include only the open entries which will have the reminder level in the new reminder level in this range. Example: if you specify range from 1 to 2, the reminder selection and reminder letter will include all open entries currently having reminder level 0 or 1. When this reminder selection will be approved, all selected open entries will have reminder level 1 or 2. Choosing 0 (default) disables any filters.

Run Mode Island

Field Description
Reminder Date Here you can specify the reminder date printed in the reminder letter and on the reminder charge. Thus it is possible to specify an earlier date than the date on which the reminder selection has been created or possible changed. This is useful if the reminder selection is created some days before it is approved and printed. If you do not specify a date in this field, Maconomy uses the original creation date of the reminder selection.
Include Entries Blocked for Reminder Calculation If the field is marked, all entries blocked for reminder calculation (for example, under dispute and sent to debt collection), will be included in the reminder letter.

Reprint Island

Field Description
Reminder No. In these fields, you can enter a range of reminder numbers. The fields are only used when reprinting reminders and the printout will only include reminders within the specified range. The possibility of being able to reprint reminders can be especially useful if specific reminder texts have been assigned to reminders. As all specific reminder texts are stored in the Maconomy database, these can always be reprinted from this window.
Reminder Date In these fields, you can enter a range of reminder dates. The fields are only used when reprinting reminders and the printout will only include reminders within the specified range. The possibility of being able to reprint reminders can be especially useful if specific reminder texts have been assigned to reminders. As all specific reminder texts are stored in the Maconomy database, these can always be reprinted from this window.

Print Control Island

Field Description
Layout Here you select the layout to be used on the printout. If you select the print layout “Standard,” the printout shows the current debit entries and non-reconciled credit entries. If you select the print layout “Detailed,” the printout shows entries that are relevant to the reminder calculation, that is, entries that have been fully or partially reconciled with the original entry, or credit entries which are not yet due and have not yet been reconciled against other entries.