Job Registers Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Job Registers tab.

Job Budget island

Field Description
Job No. Copy to come.
Risk Profile Select the level of the overall job risk profile.
Approved Copy to come.
Current Copy to come.
Approved Budgeted Risk Fund This field displays the sum of cost in base currency from budget lines on risk related tasks. This is from the latest approved job budget revision.
Approved Budgeted Risk Fund, Enterprise This field displays the approved budgeted risk fund in enterprise currency.
Current Revision Budgeted Risk Fund This field displays the sum of cost in base currency from budget lines on risk related tasks. This is from the current revision (not approved or approved).
Current Revision Budgeted Risk Fund, Enterprise This field displays the current budgeted risk fund in enterprise currency.

Risks Summary island

Field Description
Assigned Risk Fund, Base Copy to come.
Assigned Risk Fund This field displays the sum of the Assigned Risk Fund table column regardless of Risk selection criteria.
Weighted Risk Cost This field displays the sum of the Weighted Risk Cost table column regardless of Risk selection criteria.
Weighted Mitigated Risk Cost This field displays the sum of the Weighted Mitigated Risk Cost table column regardless of Risk selection criteria.
Weighted Assigned Risk Fund, Base Copy to come.
Cost Price, Base Copy to come.
Weighted Cost Price, Base Copy to come.
Time This field displays the sum of the Time table column regardless of Risk selection criteria.
Mitigated Cost Price, Base Copy to come.
Weighted Mitigated Cost Price, Base Copy to come.
Mitigated Time This field displays the sum of the Mitigated Time regardless of Risk selection criteria.

Selection Criteria island

The sum amount values in the job register are not influenced by the selection criteria.

Field Description
Type Select an option from the drop-down list to show only lines of the selected Type in the risk table.
Status Select an option from the drop-down list to show only lines of the selected Status in the risk table.
Category Select an option from the drop-down list to show only lines of the selected Category in the risk table.
Probability Enter a value in these two fields to limit the lines in the risk table to show only those with probability in between from and to. The user will get an error message if he adds a number less than zero or more than 100.
Show Open Only Select this check box to hide all closed risks.

Changes Summary island

Field Description
Cost Price, Time, Base Copy to come.
Cost Price, Amount, Base Copy to come.
Billing Price, Currency Copy to come.
Time Copy to come.

Selection Criteria island

Field Description
Show Approved Only Select this check box to hide all unapproved changes.
Status Select an option from the drop-down list to show only lines of the selected Status in the change table.
Reason Select an option from the drop-down list to onlyshow lines of the selected Reason for Change in the change table.
Initiated By Select an option from the drop-down list to only show lines of the selected Initiated By in the change table.
Impact on Scope Select this check box to only show lines with a non-empty description of this kind of impact.
Impact on Plan Select this check box to only show lines with a non-empty description of this kind of impact.
Impact on Resources Select this check box to only show lines with a non-empty description of this kind of impact.
Impact on Job Pipeline Select this check box to only show lines with a non-empty description of this kind of impact.
Impact on Other Select this check box to only show lines with a non-empty description of this kind of impact.
Cost Price, Time, Base Copy to come.
Cost Price, Amount, Base Copy to come.
Billing Price, Currency Copy to come.
Cost, Time Enter a value in these fields to only show lines where time related cost is between from and to.
Cost, Amount To Enter a value in these fields to only show lines where amount related cost is between from and to.
Billing Price Enter a value in these fields to only show lines where impact on billing price is between from and to.