Purchase Order Line Overview Workspace

Use this workspace to review the committed expenses that are associated with purchase order lines.

You can display commitment entries for specified periods and allocation combinations. An allocation combination is a range of account numbers, locations, entities, and so on.

Maconomy sorts the commitment entries by company number. Within each company, they are sorted by purchase order number and purchase order line number.

This workspace provides you with an overview of all commitment entries within a specified period and with an allocation combination within the allocation ranges specified for the total balance of the period in question.

The commitment entries correspond to the lines of purchase orders created in the A/P module. These are the basis for the commitment accounts.

You enter allocation combinations as ranges of the 12 dimensions in the Entry Selection island. Each commitment entry, including the balance of the entries, is displayed in the sub-tab when you press Return.

The commitment entries are sorted by company number. Within each company they are sorted by purchase order number and purchase order line number. You cannot change the values of the fields in the sub-tab.

The Show Purchase Order Lines workspace also displays commitment entries, but only one at a time (see the description of the Show Purchase Order Lines workspace). A purchase order line cannot be displayed in the Show Purchase Order Lines workspace without being displayed in this workspace. This may, for example, be true for zero amounts on a purchase order line, if the amount is released from commitment when a vendor invoice is posted, or if you close the purchase order line manually.