
This section shows the actions available in the Purchase Orders single dialog workspace.

Purchase Order Tab

Field Description
Create Self Invoice Click this action to create a self-invoice from the purchase order.

The purchase order must be marked for self-invoicing.

New Purchase Order Use this action to create a purchase order.
Save Purchase Order

Use this action to save your changes on the purchase order.

If the purchase order concerns a job blocked for purchasing, an error displays.

Submit Purchase Order

Use this action to submit the purchase order.

If the purchase order concerns a job blocked for purchasing, an error displays when you use this action.

Delete Purchase Order

Use this action to delete the purchase order.

This action is disabled if the purchase order concerns a job blocked for purchasing.

Approve Purchase Order

Use this action to approve the purchase order.

This action is disabled if the purchase order concerns a job blocked for purchasing.

Reopen Purchase Order

Use this action to reopen the purchase order.

This action is disabled if the purchase order concerns a job blocked for purchasing.