Request for Quote Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Request for Quote Lines sub-tab.

Field Description
Job No. In this field, you can enter the number of a job in the Job Cost module if the current line concerns a job. Maconomy checks that the job exists, that it is on order, and that it is neither blocked nor closed. If you complete this field, you must complete the field “Activity No.” and leave the field “Account No.” blank.

If the system parameter “Allow purchase order for multiple jobs” has not been marked, the lines in the table part can only be assigned to the job specified in the card part, and if no job has been specified in the card part, you cannot assign lines to a job number. If the parameter has been marked, you can enter different job numbers on the lines.

Activity No. In this field, you enter the number of the activity in the Job Cost module representing the item or service that you wish to order.

Maconomy checks that the activity number exists, that it is an amount activity and that it is not blocked.

If you have completed the field “Job No.” in the card part of the window, you must enter an activity here and leave the field “Account No.” blank.

Empl. No. In this field, you can enter the number of the employee assigned to the request for quote line.

If employee control has been selected for the job specified on the line, you can only enter registrations for employees who appear in the latest revision of the planning budget of the current job. For more information about controlling employee registrations, please see the description of the field “Employee Control” in the window Jobs.

Account No. In this field, you can enter an account number if the current line is for items or services which you are posting directly to profit and loss, and which do not pertain to a job in the Job Cost module. Maconomy checks that the account is an existing manual account and that it is not blocked.

The field has no effect on the request for quote, but if a purchase order is created from the request for quote, the purchase is debited to the account when you enter the vendor invoice. For further information on the effects of account numbers on purchase orders, see the field “Account No.”

If you enter an account here, you cannot enter a job number in the field “Job No.” in the card part or an activity in the field “Activity No.” on the same line in the table.

Acct./Account Name This field shows either the account text of the G/L account specified in the field “Account No.,” or the text assigned to the activity entered in the field “Act. No.” The text cannot be changed here.
Line Remarks In this field, you assign a text to the request for quote line. It is printed on the request for quote. Maconomy suggests the text from the field “Acct./Activity Name,” but you can change it.
Text Line If you check this field, the line will be perceived as a text line, and you cannot enter any information in the fields “Job No.,” “Activity No.,” or “Account No.” on the current line. Any text in the field “Line Remarks” will then be used as text. The field can only be marked when creating a line.
Fixed Asset Line Use this field to indicate if the line is a fixed asset line.
Quantity In this field, you enter the quantity that you wish to order.
Unit Price, Currency When you receive a quote from the vendor, you can specify the quoted price for the items or services on the current line in this field. The total quoted price for the line is then calculated as quantity times unit price less any discount. If you manually enter an amount in the field “Price, Currency,” Maconomy will recalculate the unit price based on the total amount in that field.

The amount should be specified in the currency specified in the card part of the request for quote.

Discount, Currency When you receive a quote from the vendor, you can specify any quoted discount for the items or services on the current line in this field. The amount should be specified in the currency specified in the card part of the request for quote.
Price, Currency In this field, you can specify the total quoted price less tax of the current line in the currency of the request for quote. If you specify a quantity and a unit price, the amount is calculated as quantity times unit price less any discount. If you manually enter an amount in this field, Maconomy will recalculate the unit price based on the total amount in this field.

The amount should be specified in the currency specified in the card part of the request for quote.

Tax Code In this field, you specify a G/L tax code for tax receivable to be used for calculation of tax on the current line. You can select another code or leave the field blank, if the invoice is not subject to tax.

Maconomy suggests a tax code on the basis of the following procedure:

If a G/L tax table has been specified in the window Company Information, a G/L tax code will be transferred from the G/L tax table on the basis of the information registered on the current invoice. When searching for a line in the G/L tax table, Maconomy searches for a match between the value of the tax table line in the field “Account No.” and a reference account which depends on whether an account or an activity has been specified on the current line. If no line is found in the G/L tax table corresponding to the current line’s registrations and the reference account, or if no G/L tax table has been specified for the current company, Maconomy will suggest the G/L tax code specified for the reference account in question in the window Account Information Card.

As mentioned, the reference account depends on whether the current line contains an account number or an activity number. If the line contains an account number, the reference account is the account in question. If the line contains an activity, the reference account is the account specified as the P&L account in the information card of the activity in question.

You can add up to three different tax codes if necessary. To enable multiple tax codes, the system parameters “Show Three Tax Levels” and/or “Show Two Tax Levels” must be marked in the System Parameters window. When multiple tax codes are enabled, the “Tax Code” field will be replaced by the following fields: “Tax Code 1,” “Tax Code 2” and, if enabled, “Tax Code 3.” For further information on multiple tax codes, please see the description in “Tax Codes.”

Tax Amount, Currency This field displays the tax amount for the current request for quote line.

If multiple tax codes are enabled, the “Tax Amount, Currency” field will be replaced by the following fields: “Tax Amount Total, Currency,” “Tax Amount 1, Currency,” “Tax Amount 2, Currency” and, if enabled, “Tax Amount 3, Currency.” The “Tax Amount Total, Currency” field calculates the sum of the other individual tax fields. For further information on multiple tax codes, please see the description in “Tax Codes.”

Item Tax Code In this field, you must specify an item tax code created in the window Popup Fields. If the request for quote is converted to a purchase order, the value in this field is transferred to the corresponding field on the resulting purchase order line. On the purchase order, the company tax code is used by Maconomy for determining the tax code to be used in the calculation of tax for the services on the purchase order. For further information on this, see the description of the field “Item Tax Code.” If the request for quote is not converted to a purchase order, this field has no effect.

Maconomy suggests the reporting code from the account or activity, but you can select another reporting code for the current line.

Delivery Date In this field, you enter the delivery date on which you want the services to be delivered. Maconomy suggests today’s date.
Registration Code In this field you can enter a registration code from the window Registration Codes in the G/L module. The registration code is used instead of manually entering a number of dimension values on the current line. See the description of the window Registration Codes for more information about registration codes.
Company No. When creating a line, Maconomy suggests the company from the Dimension island in the card part of the window. If the current line is entered for another company than the one suggested, you can enter its number here.
Location In this field, you can enter a value for the dimension Location. If you do not manually enter a value, Maconomy will attempt to derive a value, using the order of priority set up in the window Dimension Derivation in the G/L module. However, any manually entered value will be overwritten if Maconomy can derive a value for which overwriting has been selected. If no value can be derived, Maconomy transfers the value from the field “Location” in the card part of the window.

See the section on dimension derivation in the chapter “Introduction to the G/L module” as well as the description of the window Dimension Derivation for further information about dimension derivation.

Entity The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Project The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Purpose The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Local Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Task For lines with a job number, it is here possible to enter the task to which the request for quote pertains. If you enter a value in the field, Maconomy checks that a task list has been assigned to the job and that the list contains the specified task.
Price, Base This field shows the price in the field “Unit Price,” converted into the base currency of the company responsible for the current request for quote. The amount cannot be changed here.
Tax, Base The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Price, Base” above.
Discount, Base The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Price, Base” above.
Closed You can mark this field to show that the current line is closed. The field cannot be changed on a closed request for quote. When you select the action “Close Request for Quote,” this field will be marked on all lines on the request for quote. If the action “Reopen Request for Quote” is selected, this field will remain marked, regardless of its status before the request was closed. You can then unmark the field individually as needed.
Base Currency, Company This field shows the currency used as base currency in the company specified in the field “Company No.” on the line.
Job Name This field displays the name of the job specified in the field “Job No.” on the line. The information is retrieved from the window Jobs and cannot be changed here.
Task Description This field displays the description of the task entered in the field “Task” on the current request for quote line.
Job Budget Line No. If the current line was created from a job budget line, this field shows the number of the budget line in question.
Job Budget Line WBS Description This field summarizes the placement of the job budget lines in the job budget WBS (work breakdown structure).
Employee Name This field displays the name of the employee specified in the field “Empl. No.”
Note No. If a standard note has been specified for either the task or the activity entered on the line, a copy of the standard note from the task or activity in question is automatically created when creating a line, and the copy is assigned to the new line by means of this field. If a standard note has been specified for both the activity and the task, the setting of the system parameter “Standard note is derived from Activity before Task” determines which of the notes is to be used.

In some cases, the information on a given task or activity is not specific enough, as certain details may change from order to order. For instance, if the activity is for a print job, the basic information about the activity is static, but each time a printing job is ordered, you may wish to also register such information as the paper quality, binding, and so on. It is therefore useful to add a number of fields so that a user ordering a print job is allowed to enter this information. Once the line has been created and this field has automatically been completed, you can enter the additional information by opening the window Notes in the Set-Up module, selecting the note in this field, and specifying the relevant data in the table part.

For further information on the use and set-up of additional fields through notes, see the description of the system parameter “Standard note for purchase lines” in the Set-Up module.

The information entered in the note is also printed on external order documents.

Note Description This field shows a description of the note specified in the field “Note No.” above.