Requests for Quote Workspace

Use this workspace to record the responses that you receive from suppliers so that you can compare quotes, then generate a purchase order directly from this workspace.

Use this workspace to work with requests for quote, created in the Requisitions workspace as a result of using the Create Request for Quote action.

You use a request for quote for setting up a document to send to a supplier, asking for a quote for certain services. When you receive a quote, you can enter information about the price quoted as well as general information and remarks about the quote.

You can create several requests on the basis of the same requisition, for instance if you want several suppliers to quote a price for the same services. The option of entering several quote prices provides documentation on the choice of supplier and can also be used for comparing quotes. You can make the comparison in the Request for Quote Overview workspace, where you can select a requisition, and each line in the sub-tab displays information (including quote price) about a request for quote assigned to that requisition.

The tab shows one request for quote. Here you can enter information about the supplier, delivery time, delivery mode, payment, and so on. The sub-tab shows requested items or services. Here you can specify the services for which you want the supplier to provide a quote. Most of the information in this workspace is inherited from the requisition from which the request for quote was created, but you can change it here.

After you enter the correct information in the request, you can use the Approve Request for Quote action to indicate that the request is ready to be printed and sent to the supplier.

Each time that you receive a quote, you enter the quoted prices in the individual price fields on the request that matches the quote in question. When you decide on a quote, you accept the relevant request for quote using the Create Purchase Order action, which causes Maconomy to create a purchase order in the Purchase Orders workspace. When you accept a request for quote, Maconomy rejects all of the other requests that pertain to the same requisition. However, you can reopen requests for quote individually, for instance, if only part of the services are to be provided by one vendor, while the rest should be provided by another.