Entries Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Entries sub-tab.

Field Description
Entry Date Here you enter the entry date. The first entry you enter in a journal determines which period the journal will be posted to. The “Period” field is completed automatically based on the date you enter here. Maconomy suggests today’s date. If you have marked the field “Reuse Entry Information,” Maconomy will suggest the previous transaction’s entry date for the next transactions. Otherwise Maconomy suggests today’s date for all transactions.

If you have not selected a prior period in the card part of this window, Maconomy checks that their dates are within the open posting range and within the journal’s period. The open posting range can be changed for the individual company in the window Company Information or generally in the window System Information in the Set-Up module. The field is mandatory.

If a prior-period has been chosen in the card part of this window, Maconomy checks that the entry date corresponds with the prior-period.

Please note that all lines regarding the same transaction number must be assigned the same entry date.

Trans. No. Here you enter the entry’s transaction number. The way this works depends on whether a value is specified in the Number Series field in the General Journal tab.

If Number Series has been specified, the following applies:

In this case, the “Reuse Entry Information” and “Auto. Trans. No.” have no effect on the “Trans. No.” field. It does not matter if they have a value, or are left blank.

The value in the “Trans. No.” field will be set like this:

  • The value specified by the user.
  • If the user did not specify a value, and “Balance, Base” in the General Journal tab is not 0 (zero), Maconomy will suggest the same number as in the previous entry.
  • If the user did not specify a value, and “Balance, Base” in the General Journal tab is 0 (zero), and if the user does not specify a “Trans. Type,” Maconomy will suggest the next number from the number series specified in the card part.
  • If the user did not specify a value, and “Balance, Base” in the General Journal tab is 0 (zero), and if the user specifies the same “Trans. Type” on the line as the “Transaction Type” in the General Journal tab, Maconomy will suggest the next number from the number series specified in the card part.
  • If the user did not specify a value, and “Balance, Base” in the General Journal tab is 0 (zero), and if the user specifies a “Trans. Type” on the line that is different from the “Transaction Type” in the General Journal tab, Maconomy will suggest the next number from the number series corresponding to the “Trans. Type” on the line.

Note that changing the “Trans. Type” on a line that has already been created will not change the “Trans. No.”

If Number Series has not been specified, the following applies:

You must complete the field for the first entry. On the next lines, Maconomy will suggest one of the following transaction numbers:

  • You have marked the field “Reuse Entry Information”:

    If the journal balance in the field “Balance, Base” in the General Journal tab is not 0, Maconomy suggests the same transaction number as for the previous entry. If the balance is zero, and you have marked the field “Auto. Trans. No.,” Maconomy gives it the next transaction number. If the balance is 0 and the field “Auto. Trans. No.” is not marked, you must enter a number manually.

  • There is no mark in the field “Reuse Entry Information”:

    The number must be entered manually, regardless of the journal balance.

If you have not checked the box “Reuse Trans. No.” in the window System Information in the Set-Up module, Maconomy checks that the transaction number has not already been used for a journal entry in an unposted general or vendor invoice journal belonging to the company applying to the current line or for an already posted G/L entry belonging to the company applying to the current line.

If the system parameter “Company specific transaction number check” has been marked, Maconomy checks that the transaction number has not already been used for a journal entry in an unposted general, asset, customer payment or vendor invoice journal belonging to the company applying to the current line or for an already posted G/L entry belonging to the company applying to the current line. If the parameter has not been marked, Maconomy checks that the number has not been used on any other manual transaction in the system, regardless of company number.

Please note that all lines regarding the same transaction number must be assigned the same entry date. Furthermore, the journal can only be posted if the amounts in base and enterprise currencies balance on lines with identical transaction numbers.

Trans. Type Here you can enter the transaction type. The field will show the transaction type specified in the General Journal tab as a default. It is mandatory to enter a transaction type. You can select from the transaction types available for the general journal and the company of the general journal line.
Description Here you enter the entry text. If you use a number of standard texts, it will be quicker for you to select a text from the field “Std. Description” pop-up. If you have entered both a manual and a standard text, Maconomy uses the manually entered text. If the journal’s balance in the field “Balance, Base” in the General Journal tab is not 0, and you have marked the field “Reuse Entry Information”, Maconomy suggests the text from the previous line.

If the current entry is an entry from the Job Cost module, and no account text is entered, the text from the activity will be transferred to this and the “Name” fields.

Std. Description Here you can select a standard text. Descriptions like “Payment,” “Purchase,” “Purchase Order,” and so on are typical frequently used entry texts. Standard texts are entered and changed in the pop-up field “Standard Descriptions” in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module. See also the description of the field “Description.”
GRP Here you can select “G,” “R,” or “P,”,= which is shorthand for General Ledger, Accounts Receivable, and Accounts Payable respectively.
  • G — The entry is a G/L entry without relevance to a customer or vendor.
  • R — The entry is a customer entry, which means it is entered to the customer’s control account in the G/L module and to the customer’s account in the Accounts Receivable module. The reference to the control account is retrieved from the field “Control Account” in the window Payment Information in the Accounts Receivable module.
  • If you choose “R” and enter an invoice number in the field “Invoice No.,” Maconomy automatically enters the customer number of the relevant customer in the field “Account No.”
  • P — The entry is an vendor entry, which means it is entered to the vendor’s control account in the G/L module and to the vendor’s account in the Accounts Payable module. The reference to the control account is retrieved from the field “Control Account” in the window Payment Control in the Accounts Payable module.

This field is ignored if you leave the field “Account No.” blank and specify a job in the field “Job No.”

Account No. Here you can enter the account number to which the entry will be posted. If you wish to create a job entry, leave this field blank and enter a job number in the field “Job No.” If you specify both an account number and a job number, the dimension derivation process will include derivation of dimensions from the specified job, but the entry will be considered a G/L, customer, or vendor entry, meaning that although the entries created will be stamped with the job number, no entries will be created in the Job Cost module. Even if both a job and an account have been specified, the tax code is derived from the account.

If the field “GRP” shows:

  • G — Enter a G/L account number.
  • R — You must enter an A/R (Customer) account number. If the field shows “R” and you enter an invoice number in the field “Invoice No.,” Maconomy automatically enters the customer number in this field. However, when creating lines regarding invoice reconciliation, you can also specify a customer number here. If you do so, the Find Invoice window in the field “Reconc. Invoice No.” will only show invoices relating to the customer in question.
  • P — Enter an A/P (Vendor) account number.

Maconomy checks that the specified account exists in the module in question. Maconomy checks that the combination of dimensions indicated on the general journal line is a valid allocation combination. Valid allocation combinations are defined in the windows G/L Allocation Combinations and Company Allocation Combinations.

If the current account is a G/L account, and if an allocation code has been entered on the account information card of the current account, this code will automatically be used on the general journal line unless an allocation code has already been specified.

If the current account is a customer, and if the system parameter “Aut. company specific customer creation” is not selected, Maconomy will check if the customer in question has been created as a company specific customer for the company specified on the line. If this is not the case, the customer must be created as a company specific customer in the window Company Specific Customer Information Card before any posting on the current combination of customer and company number can be performed.

Account Name This field shows the account text of the account shown in the field “Account No.” It cannot be changed here.

If the entry is from the Job Cost module, and no account text is entered, the text from the activity will be transferred to this and the “Description” fields.

Debit In this field, you enter an amount if the entry is a debit entry.

Enter the amount in the base currency of the company responsible for the current journal, that is, the currency displayed in the field “Base Currency” in the island Company in the card part. You must complete this field if you leave the fields “Credit,” “Currency Amount,” “Amount, Enterprise,” “Quantity,” and “Quantity 2” blank. However, if the balance in the field “Balance, Base” in the card part is less than zero in the current journal (that is, a credit balance), and you enter an amount neither in the field “Currency Amount” nor in the field “Amount, Enterprise,” you can leave this field blank to let Maconomy automatically enter the corresponding debit amount in this field when you press Return.

You can enter amounts in more than one of these fields on the same line. If you specify amounts in more than one field, Maconomy uses a fixed order of priority to decide which amount should be copied to the other amount fields. The following description is based on the presumption that all amounts in the fields “Currency Amount” and “Amount, Enterprise” are positive (or zero), as negative amounts in these fields represent credit amounts. It is also presumed that the field “Exchange Rate Variance” has not been marked, as Maconomy will otherwise not calculate currency conversion amounts.

When entering amounts, Maconomy uses the following order of priority:

  1. The field “Debit” or “Credit.”
  2. The field “Currency Amount.”
  3. The field “Amount, Enterprise.”

If amounts in more than one field on the line are in the same currency (for example, if the base currency corresponds to the enterprise currency), Maconomy automatically equalizes the amounts to the same size. If you specify non-matching amounts in two fields that represent the same currency, the amount entered in the field which is located highest in the priority list and contains an amount greater than zero is therefore the one that is copied to the other fields representing the same currency. When amounts are copied, manually entered amounts in the relevant fields are overwritten.

If the amounts specified in the fields on one line represent more than one currency, Maconomy first points out the currency whose amount should form the basis for the calculation of amounts in other currencies. This currency is called the primary currency. The primary currency is pointed out as the first field in the priority list that contains an amount that is greater than zero. Based on the amount in this field, Maconomy calculates the amounts in the other currencies represented on the current line. If, however, an amount has been entered manually in a field not representing the primary currency, Maconomy keeps the manually entered amount.

Furthermore, if the amount specified in the field “Debit” is changed to zero on an existing line, the amount in this field will always be calculated on the basis of the value in the field “Currency Amount.”

When performing currency conversion on general journal lines, Maconomy uses the exchange rate valid on the posting date. Depending on whether the journal line entry is a customer or vendor entry, Maconomy uses either the exchange rate table for sales or the exchange rate table for purchase. If the entry is a G/L entry, Maconomy uses the exchange rate table for purchase if the balance on the specified account is zero or in debit, whereas the exchange rate table for sales is used if the balance on the account is in credit. If the current entry is a job entry, and the job specified in the field “Job No.” uses fixed exchange rate information on all transactions, the currency is converted according to the information specified in the window Job Price Information for the job in question. For more information about currency conversion in the Job Cost module, please see “Appendix A: Price Calculation in the Job Cost Module.”

When converting between currencies on the individual lines it sometimes happens that when amounts are rounded off, the balance in, for example, enterprise currency does not amount to zero, even though the debit and credit amounts on the lines are the same. When you press Return in the table part, Maconomy will check if the journal contains other lines with the same transaction number as the current line, and if the current line brings the balance of the fields “Debit” and “Credit” to zero for all lines with the same transaction number. If this is the case, Maconomy will make sure that the balance in enterprise currency for the transaction in question will total zero as well. This is done by setting the amount in enterprise currency to the difference between zero and the balance in enterprise currency for all other lines with the same transaction number. If you have specified the same currency in the field “Currency” for all lines with the same transaction number, a similar adjustment of the currency amount of the new line takes place. This also applies to job entries where the job in question uses fixed exchange rate information on all transactions. If different currencies are specified on the lines in question, this automatic rounding of the currency amount does not take place.

Credit Here you enter an amount if the entry is a credit entry. Enter the amount in the base currency of the company responsible for the current journal, that is, the currency displayed in the field “Base Currency” in the island Company in the card part. You must complete this field if you leave the fields “Debit,” “Currency Amount,” “Amount, Enterprise,” “Quantity,” and “Quantity 2” blank. However, if the balance in the field “Balance, Base” in the card part has a positive amount in the current journal (that is, a debit balance), and you enter an amount neither in the field “Currency Amount” nor in the field “Amount, Enterprise,” you can leave this field blank to let Maconomy automatically enter the corresponding credit amount in this field when you press Return.

You can enter amounts in more than one of these fields on the same line. If you specify amounts in more than one field, Maconomy uses a fixed order of priority to decide which amount should be copied to the other amount fields. This order of priority is described in further detail in the description of the field “Debit.”

Offset Here you select the offsetting entry. If none of the pre-defined offset codes apply, leave the field blank. You can then enter the offsetting code on the next line. Offset codes are maintained in the popup field “Offset Accounts” in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module. Dimensions specified on the line are also registered to the offsetting entry.

In the General Journal tab you can select one of the five possible offset codes for which Maconomy shows a continuous update of entry total and resulting balance.

Tax Code In this field, you can specify a tax code for the entry on the current line if the line represents a G/L entry. If a value has been entered in the field “Account No.” on the same line, Maconomy suggests the G/L tax code of the account in question, provided that the tax code is for ingoing tax. If a G/L tax table has been specified on the information card of the compveany, the G/L tax code is retrieved from this G/L tax table using the information on the line to determine which tax table line to use. If no G/L tax table has been specified, or if the G/L tax table does not contain any lines matching the information on the current journal line, Maconomy suggests the G/L tax code specified for the account in the window Account Information Card.

If a value has been entered in the field “Activity No.” on the same line, and this activity is assigned to a P&L account, Maconomy suggests the tax code of the P&L account in question.

Maconomy calculates tax automatically using the tax code. The tax is entered to the account for ingoing/outgoing tax. The references to these accounts can be changed by specifying dimension combinations in the window G/L Tax Codes.

When tax is calculated automatically, the tax amount and account are registered to the individual entries when these are posted.

You can add up to three different tax codes if necessary. To enable multiple tax codes, the system parameters “Show Three Tax Levels” and/or “Show Two Tax Levels” must be marked in the System Parameters window. When multiple tax codes are enabled, the “Tax Code” field will be replaced by the following fields: “Tax Code 1,” “Tax Code 2,” and, if enabled, “Tax Code 3.” For further information on multiple tax codes, please see the description in “Tax Codes.”

The field only applies to G/L and job entries.

Registration Code In this field you can enter a registration code if you want to use a shortcut to manual entry of dimensions. You can only enter a registration code if it has been created in the window Registration Codes. Please note that if you use a registration code with a company number when creating a new line, the company number suggested by Maconomy or entered by the user is overwritten by the one in the registration code while the suggested or manually entered values in other dimensions are not overwritten by values from the registration code.
Company No. In this field you can enter the number of the company responsible for the general journal. If you do not enter a value manually, Maconomy will attempt to derive a value, using the order of priority set up in the Dimension Derivations workspace in the G/L module. If no value can be derived, the standard value is transferred from the System Information workspace in the Set-Up module.

If you create lines in the general journal in which you specify a company different from the value in this field, Maconomy will automatically create intercompany balances between the companies at the posting of the general journal. In the intercompany balance, the company in this field will be the responsible company. However, if the system parameter “Crate intercompany entries for companies with the same parent company” is not marked, intercompany entries are only created if the two companies involved are not both assigned to the same parent company.

See the section about dimension derivation in “Introduction to the G/L Module” and the Dimension Derivations workspace for a description of dimension derivation. Intercompany balances are described in the Intercompany Accounts workspace.

Location In this field, you can enter a value for the dimension Location. If you do not enter a value manually or through a registration code, Maconomy will attempt to derive a value, using the order of priority set up in the window Dimension Derivations. Any manually entered value will however be overwritten, if a value is derived for which “Overwrite” is selected. If no value can be derived, the standard value is transferred from the window System Parameters in the Set-Up module. See the chapter “Introduction to the G/L Module” and the window Dimension Derivations for a further description of dimension derivation.

If an offset code is entered on the line, the location will also be stored in the automatically created offset entry. The location is furthermore stored in any automatically created tax entry.

  • For a G/L entry, the location will be registered to the entry itself. You can only complete this field if the “Location” box in the “Allowed” column in the account information card is marked. It must be completed if the “Required” column is marked.
  • For a Customer entry, the location will be registered to the customer’s control account in the G/L module. It will not be registered to the customer entry in the Accounts Receivable module.
  • For a Vendor entry, the location will be registered to the vendor’s control account in the G/L module. It will not be registered to the vendor entry in the Accounts Payable module.

If you are entering a new customer payment and you have set up the table part of the window Dimension Derivations in the G/L module to derive dimensions from invoices when creating a customer payment, specifying an invoice in the field “Reconc. Invoice No.” will cause the location on the specified invoice to be copied to this field on the current line. However, if you have manually specified a location before pressing Enter, this value is not overwritten by the dimension value from the invoice. For further information, see the field “Action” in the table part of the window Dimension Derivations.

Entity The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Project The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Purpose The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Local Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Currency Here you select the original currency of the entry, if it involves a currency transaction (such as payments from foreign customers). The transaction normally shows the amount in both the foreign currency and the base currency of the company responsible for the current journal.

The entry is then registered in both the company base currency, in the foreign currency, and in the enterprise currency. If the entry is a customer or vendor entry, the base amount is converted to the customer or vendor’s standard currency when it is posted to the accounts receivable or accounts payable modules.

If the balance is not zero in the field “Balance, Base” in the General Journal tab, Maconomy suggests the same currency as for the previous entry if you have marked the field “Reuse Entry Information.”

If you have entered a G/L account in the field “Account No.” and the field “Currency Account” is marked for this account, you can only specify the currency assigned to the account in question.

Currency Amount Here you enter the entry amount in the currency, if the entry is a currency entry. A credit amount is entered as a negative figure.

You can enter amounts in more than one of these fields on the same line. If you specify amounts in more than one field, Maconomy uses a fixed order of priority to decide which amount should be copied to the other amount fields. This order of priority is described in more detail in the description of the field “Debit.” The description of the field “Debit” also accounts for how the amounts in all currencies within the same transaction number are balanced.

Please note that the value in this field cannot be changed to zero on an existing line unless the field “Exchange Rate Variance” has been marked. For further information, see the field “Exchange Rate Variance.”

Currency Direction If another currency than the base currency has been entered, a currency direction must be chosen here. The currency direction specifies which currency table applies to the entry. The currency table, sales, applies to sales and the table, purchase, to purchases.
Exchange Rate Variance By marking this field, you can specify that the current line concerns an exchange rate variance. If the field is marked, the amount in the field “Currency Amount” must therefore be zero, and the currency on the line must be different from the base currency of the company responsible for the journal. If you mark the field, Maconomy will not perform any currency conversions of the amounts entered on the line. This means that if you, for example, enter an amount in the field “Debit,” Maconomy will not calculate amounts for the fields “Currency Amount” and “Amount, Enterprise Currency.” However, if amounts in more than one field on the line are in the same currency (for example, if the base currency corresponds to the enterprise currency), Maconomy automatically equalizes the amounts to the same size, using the order of priorities specified in the description of the field “Debit.” If the base currency of the company responsible for the journal is different from the Enterprise currency, it is possible to enter both a debit/credit amount and an enterprise currency, and none of the amounts will result in currency recalculations.

If you do not mark this field, the amount in the field “Amount, Currency” must be different from zero.

Amount, Enterprise In this field, you can enter the entry amount in enterprise currency. A credit amount should be entered as a negative figure.

You can enter amounts in more than one of these fields on the same line. If you specify amounts in more than one field, Maconomy uses a fixed order of priority to decide which amount should be copied to the other amount fields. This order of priority is described in further detail in the description of the field “Debit.” The description of the field “Debit” also accounts for how the amounts in all currencies within the same transaction number are balanced.

Please note that you cannot change the enterprise amount to zero if a job has been specified on the line.

Quantity Here you can enter a quantity.

If the chart of accounts, for example, has an account for “Oil Purchases,” you can enter oil quantities here when entering the oil bill. This enables you partly to read total oil usage, partly to compare prices of different oil deliveries.

Quantity 2 The functionality of this field is similar to that of “Quantity” above.
Allocation Code Here you enter an allocation code. You can enter one of the codes created in the window Allocation Codes. Note that the field cannot be changed later.

When you enter an allocation code, Maconomy will automatically replace the original entry with the entries specified by the allocation code. Allocation codes are used for relieving manual work with standardized entries. If an allocation code has been entered on the account information card of the current account, this code will automatically be used on the general journal line unless an allocation code has already been specified.

Summary Posting You can mark this field if you want gather entries to the same account number during posting. In the window System Information, you can choose between two ways of joining entries.
Job No. In this field, you can enter the number of a job from the Job Cost module. If the job is a job entry, enter a number in this field and leave the field “Account No.” blank. If you specify both a value in the field “Account No.” and a job number, the dimension derivation process will include derivation of dimensions from the specified job, but the entry will be considered a G/L, customer or vendor entry, meaning that although the entries created will be stamped with the job number, no entries will be created in the Job Cost module. Even if both a job and an account have been specified, the tax code is derived from the account.

If you receive an invoice from a vendor in connection with a job, and if you wish to assign the invoice to a job, you can enter the job entry in this window or in the window Vendor Invoices in the Accounts Payable module (after which the invoice is allocated in the window Invoice Allocation or Reallocate Invoices in the Accounts Payable module).

If you enter a job here, and leave the field “Account No.” blank, you must enter an amount activity (from the window Activities in the Job Cost module) in the field “Activity” on the same line.

Amounts for non-capitalized jobs are posted on the activity’s P & L account.

The capitalization principle determines how capitalized jobs are posted. “At Cost” means the entry is posted to the job’s posting reference for work in progress (WIP) for amount activities. “At Billing Price” means the calculated billing price is posted to the job’s WIP account and set off against the open billing price account. The amount is posted to the open billing price account. The posting references for these accounts are specified by means of dimension combinations in the window Job Groups and in the window Activities in the Job Cost module if “Post by Activity” is marked in the window System Information in the SetUp module, or the window Posting References if “Post by Activity” is not marked.

Job Name This field displays the name of the current job.
Activity Here you can enter a number of an activity from the Job Cost module, if the entry pertains to a job. Maconomy checks that the number is that of an existing amount activity. Activities are created in the window Activities in the Job Cost module.
Activity Name This field shows the name of the activity if you have entered an activity on the current line. The name is retrieved from the window Activities in the Job Cost module.
Employee No. If the current entry concerns a certain employee, you can enter the employee number in question in this field. Employees are created in the window Employees in the Set-Up module.
Task Here you can enter the job dimension “Task.” If a task is entered, Maconomy checks that the selected task has been assigned to the task list for the job in question. If a task list has been selected for a job, it is necessary to enter a task in connection with job entries to the job (that is, entries where the field “Account No.” is left blank and a job is specified in the field “Job No.” Task lists are created in the window Task Lists in the Job Cost module.
Task Description This field shows the description of the task if you have entered a task on the current line. The description is retrieved from the window Task Lists in the Job Cost module.
Customer No., Ref. In this field, you can enter a reference to a customer. You can only specify a customer number here if the current line pertains to a finance entry (for example, the field “GRP” contains the value “G”). If the line also contains a value in the field “Job No.,” you can only specify the customer of the job in question. When deriving dimension values for the current line, dimension values may be derived from the specified customer. For further information on this process, see the description of the field “Location No.”
Customer Name, Ref. If a customer has been specified in the field “Customer No., Ref.” above, this field shows the name of the customer in question.
Vendor No., Ref. In this field, you can enter a reference to a vendor. You can only specify a vendor number here if the current line pertains to a finance entry (for example, the field “GRP” contains the value “G”). When deriving dimension values for the current line, dimension values may be derived from the specified vendor. For further information on this process, see the description of the field “Location No.”
Vendor Name, Ref. If a customer has been specified in the field “Vendor No., Ref.” above, this field shows the name of the vendor in question.
Asset No., Reference Use this field to enter a reference to an asset. You can only specify an asset number here if the current line pertains to a finance entry and GRP=G.
Asset Description This field displays a description of the referenced asset.
Tax Direction Here you can specify whether the entry is for a purchase or a sale. It only needs to be completed if you have selected “Extended Tax Reporting” in the window System Information.

If you enter a customer entry, Maconomy will choose “Sale” for the subsequent G/L entry lines if they have the same transaction number as the customer entry and if you have chosen a “Company Tax Code.”

If you enter a vendor entry, Maconomy will choose “Purchase” for the subsequent G/L entry lines if they have the same transaction number as the vendor entry and if you have chosen a “Company Tax Code.”

Company Tax Code Here you can select a company tax code. It is only necessary to complete the field if you complete the field “Tax Direction.”

If you enter a customer entry, Maconomy will choose the customer’s reporting code for the subsequent G/L entry lines if they have the same transaction number as the customer entry and if you have chosen an Item Tax Code.”

If you enter a vendor entry, Maconomy will choose the vendor’s reporting code for the subsequent G/L entry lines if they have the same transaction number as the vendor entry and if you have chosen an “Item Tax Code.”

Item Tax Code Here you can choose an item tax code. It is only necessary to complete the field if you complete the field “Tax Direction.”

If you enter an account in the field “Account No.” on the same entry line, Maconomy suggests the reporting code assigned to the account.

Vendor Invoice No. This field can only be used when you post entries related to a vendor in the general journal. You can specify a vendor invoice number in the field. The field “Settle non-appr. Cred. Entries” in the system information must be marked if you wish to settle a non-approved vendor entry in this window.
Reconc. Invoice No. Here you enter an invoice number, if you have entered “R” in the field “GRP.” You can only specify invoices that have been posted.

If the field “GRP” is marked “R,” and you enter the number of an invoice or credit memo here, Maconomy automatically enters the customer number in the field “Account No.” However, if you have manually entered a customer number in the field “Account No.,” the Find Invoice window activated from this will only show invoices relating to the customer in question.

If the entry is a customer payment that is supposed to automatically reconcile an invoice, enter the invoice number. If the amount paid is not the same as the invoice amount, the invoice will be partly reconciled. Note that if you do not enter an invoice number, and the customer is marked in the field “Automatic Reconciliation” in the window Payment Information in the A/R module, Maconomy will reconcile the oldest due invoice.

If the entry is a payment that is supposed to automatically reconcile a credit memo, enter the credit memo number. If the amount on the payment (which is entered in debit) is not the same as the credit memo amount, the credit memo will be partly reconciled.

If you have set up the table part of the window Dimension Derivations in the G/L module to derive dimensions from invoices when creating a customer payment, specifying an invoice or credit memo in this field while creating a new customer payment will cause the dimension values on the specified invoice or credit memo to be copied to the dimension fields on the current line. However, fields in which a value has manually been specified are not overwritten by the dimension values from the invoice. For further information, see the field “Action” in the table part of the window Dimension Derivations.

If an invoice is reconciled in a foreign currency, any exchange rate difference will be posted at the same time as the journal.

Due Date Here you enter the due date of the customer or vendor entry.

You can use the date when entering cost vendor entries, in which case the entry is registered in the Accounts Payable module with the date. This makes it possible to include cost transactions in your regular payment control.

You can also manually enter debit entries to a customer account—for example, invoices —and also enter a due date in this field.

If you do not enter a date here, Maconomy will calculate the due date from the entry date and the terms of payment. This only applies to a customer entry to a customer or a vendor entry to a vendor, that is, a sales or purchase invoice.

Reference Date In this field you can enter a reference date for the current entry. This might, for example, be the date of a telephone call which gave rise to the current entry. If you do not enter a date, Maconomy suggests the entry date of the line. The date is transferred to the G/L entries resulting from the current journal line.

If you enter a job number on the current line, Maconomy checks that the date specified in this field is within the open posting period of the job in question. Furthermore, if a job is specified, the date in this field is used as the job cost posting date on the job entries resulting from the current journal line.

Check No. If the current line is a debit entry for a vendor, the line represents payment to the vendor. If you pay the vendor by check, you can enter the number of the handwritten check in this field. A payment mode must also be specified in the field “Payment Mode” described below. The payment mode must be assigned to a check book, and the number will be checked against the number series created for the check book that is assigned to the payment mode. If the system parameter “Consecutive Check Numbers Required” has been marked, you can only specify enter a check number corresponding to the next check number according to the check book setup in the window Popup Fields.
Payment Mode This field can only be completed on lines concerning payment of vendors by check or registration of vendor invoices or credit memos. The field is used for specifying the payment mode to be used when paying the vendor, either immediately by handwritten check or later if the registration concerns the registration of a vendor invoice. The functionality of the field depends on whether a check number has been specified in the field “Check No.” above.
  • If a check number has been specified (manual payment to vendor by check): If you have specified a check number, the line represents payment to the vendor by check. In this field, you must therefore specify the payment mode assigned to the relevant check book covering the specified check number.

    If the field “Omit Payment Reporting” has not been marked on the payment mode, the G/L entry resulting from the current line is posted to the account “Being Paid” specified on the vendor control account in the window Popup Fields, while the offset entry is posted to the account specified for the payment mode in the field “Posting Ref., Being Paid” in the table part of the window External Accounts. If the payment mode specifies to omit payment reporting, the G/L entry is posted to the account “Control Account” specified on the vendor control account in the window Popup Fields, while offset entry is posted to the account specified in the field “Account No.” in the card part of the window External Accounts.

  • If no check number has been specified (registration of vendor invoice or credit memo): If no check number has been specified, the line represents the registration of a vendor invoice or credit memo, depending on whether the amount is in credit or debit. In this field, you can therefore specify the payment mode to be used when the vendor entry is paid. This payment mode will be suggested when the entry is selected for payment, rather than the standard payment mode of the vendor, specified in the window Payment Control. If you do not enter a payment mode, Maconomy will suggest the vendor’s standard payment mode when the vendor invoice is selected for payment.

If you have specified a payment mode, it is not possible to enter an offset code on the line.

Prior-Period If the journal is a prior-period journal, the prior period is displayed in this field. If the journal is not a prior-period journal, you can specify a prior period from another fiscal period in this field. If this is the case when you post the entry, postings will be made on a sub-total account for the selected prior period. The posting date will be the last day in the period, if the prior period is before the current period, and on the first day in the period if the prior period is after the current period.

Prior-periods are created in the popup field “Prior Periods” in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module and can contain information about which sub-total account the prior period should be posted on, which period and fiscal year is to be used and whether the prior period is open for registration or import.

Accrual Type If you select a value in this field, the entry will be accrued. You can only accrue an entry if a G/L account or job has been selected. If you select accrual, Maconomy will create a G/L entry on the specified G/L account or job for each G/L period specified in the fields “Period From, Accrual” and “Period To, Accrual.” If the current entry is a G/L entry, the accrual entries are posted to the account specified in the field “Account No.” If the current entry is a job entry, the accrual entries are posted to the relevant, accrual related posting references on the activity in question or in the window Posting References, depending on whether the field “Post by Activity” is marked in the window System Information.

The offset entries are posted to the accounts referenced for the selected accrual type in the window Popup Fields. The amount is distributed evenly on the selected periods. For accruals made on job entries, both cost and billing prices are accrued.

Period From, Accrual In this field and the field “Period To” you can enter a range of dates. If you select an accrual type in the field “Accrual Type” above, Maconomy will create a G/L entry on the specified G/L account for each G/L period specified in the fields “Period From, Accrual” and “Period To, Accrual.” The amount is distributed evenly on the selected periods.

Please note that the last period must be no later than the accrual ending period set up in the field “Accrual Period, Ending” in the information card of the company specified on the entry. If no ending period has been specified there, the ending period set up in the corresponding field in the window System Information applies instead. If an ending period has been set up neither in the company information card nor in the system information window, you can specify any period in the field “Period To”.

Period To, Accrual See the field “Period From, Accrual” above.
External Trans. No. In this field you can enter the number of an external transaction, for example, a transaction which originates in a legacy financial system. After posting, this number can be viewed in the window Show G/L Entries.
Payer ID In this field you can specify a payer ID on vendor entries, corresponding to the payer ID entered on vendor invoices in the window Vendor Invoices. For further information on the functionality of the payer ID, see the field “Payer Identification” in the A/P module’s description of the window Vendor Invoices.
Line Can Be Rejected By Current User

This field shows whether the current user can reject the line. The field does not display by default. Use the Customize Columns wizard to add this field to the sub-tab.

Line Can Be Undone By Current User

This field shows whether the current user can reject the line. The field does not display by default. Use the Customize Columns wizard to add this field to the sub-tab.