Quote Revisions Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Quote Revisions tab.

Job Island

Field Description
Job This field shows the name number of the job to which the quote applies.
Job Group This field shows the job group to which the job was assigned at the time when the revision was created.
Status This field shows the status of the current job at the time when the revision was created. A job can either be “Quote” or “Order.”

Budget Island

Field Description
Currency This field shows the currency the job is handled in. The currency is selected in the window Job Information.
Billing Price, Budget This field shows any budgeted billing price for the whole job in the job’s currency, at the time when the revision was created. The amount here is the sum of all the amounts on the budget lines of the latest revision of the current budget.
Max. Billing Price This field shows the expected or agreed-on billing price for the whole job in the job’s currency, at the time when the revision was created.
Revision No. This field shows the revision number of the current job budget, at the time when the quote revision was created.
Budget Type This field shows the budget type of the current job budget, at the time when the revision was created.
Deviation This field shows any difference between the total budgeted billing price, as displayed in the field “Billing Price, Budget” above, and the quote price according to this window, at the time when the revision was created.

Revision Island

Field Description
Revision No. This field displays the number of the current revision of the quote.
Remarks In these fields, you can enter information about the current revision of the quote.

Company Island

Field Description
Company No. This field shows the number of the company responsible for the current job.
Name This field shows the name of the company shown in the field “Company No.” above.

Customer Island

Field Description
Ship to Customer This field shows the number and name of the customer associated with the job (the ship-to customer) at the time when the revision was created.
Bill to Customer This field shows the number and name of the bill-to customer associated with the job, that is, the customer who pays for the job.

Quote Island

Field Description
New Quote Price This is the total price of the quote or order confirmation, at the time when the revision was created. The amount is converted into the job’s currency.
Invoice Disc. This is the invoice discount given for the job, at the time when the revision was created. Invoice discount is shown both as a percentage and an amount in the job’s currency.
Tax This is the total tax amount for the quote or order confirmation at the time when the revision was created. The amount is the sum of the tax amounts on the lines in the table part.

If multiple tax codes are enabled, the “Tax” field will be replaced by the following fields: “Tax 1,” “Tax 2,” and, if three tax levels are enabled, “Tax 3.” For further information on multiple tax codes, please see the description in “Tax Codes.”

Balance Due This field shows the total quote or order confirmation price in the job’s currency, at the time when the revision was created. It is the total of the three fields above it: “New Quote Price,” “Invoice Disc.,” and “Tax.”
Effective Quote Price This field shows the current, effective quote price of the job. You can use this field to see how the revision you are viewing compares to the latest quote in the window Quote Editing.

Status Island

Field Description
Submitted This field displays whether the quote was submitted at the time when the following revision was created.
Submitted by If the quote was submitted, this field displays the name of the user who submitted the quote.
Date This field displays the date on which the quote was submitted.
Approved This field displays whether the quote was approved at the time when the following revision was created.
Approved by If the quote was approved, this field displays the name of the user who approved the quote.
Date This field displays the date on which the quote was approved.
Reopened This field displays whether the quote was reopened at the time when the following revision was created.
Reopened by If the quote was reopened, this field displays the name of the user who reopened the quote.
Date This field displays the date on which the quote was reopened.
Latest Revision This field is marked by Maconomy if the current revision is the latest revision created for the current quote.

Settling Company Island

Field Description
Company No. This field shows the number of the settling company that applies to the customer of the current job.
Name This field shows the name of the company shown in the field “Company No.” above.