
This section shows the Actions available in the Blanket Invoicing Overview workspace.

Top Tab

Field Description
Invoice to Credit Memo If, for example, you print a blanket invoice and then regret it, you can use this action to credit the entire blanket invoice. When you select this action, Maconomy creates a credit memo selection based on the job invoice number in the field “Based on Invoice No.” in the card part of the window. A credit memo selection is created for each job that is part of the blanket invoice. This action also approves each credit memo selection for the job part of the blanket invoice.

A warning will tell you if one of the jobs on the blanket invoice no longer meets the blanket invoice criteria set up in the card part.

Note that a main job invoice cannot be credited.

Create Blanket Drafts Use this action to create blanket drafts for all jobs whose Include fields are marked in the table part. This action might create more than one draft, due to restrictions on which kinds of invoice selections you can blanket invoice together. It will combine T&M drafts with On Account drafts onto the same blanket draft for jobs set up to allow combined invoicing.
Print Drafts Use this action to print drafts for all jobs whose Include fields are marked in the table part. You can print jobs that do not have existing drafts.
Print Invoices Use this action to print invoices for all jobs whose Include fields are marked in the table part. You can print jobs that do not have existing blanket drafts. When you print an invoice that contains jobs that were set up with detailed invoice specifications, all of the detailed invoice specifications appear at the end.