Invoice Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Invoice Lines sub-tab.

Field Description
Standard Text Code Enter a code from the list of standard invoicing texts specified on the job. When you enter a code in this field, the text on the line is replaced by the standard text corresponding to the code. The field will appear as a drop-down list. The code is not stored, as it is only used for choosing a standard text.
Description In this field, you can enter text on the invoice selection line. You can create invoice lines with or without amounts. If the invoice selection is created with the action “Approve Invoice Selection” in the window Invoice Selection, Maconomy suggests a text based on the set-up of the Invoice Island in the window Invoice Layout Rules. If it is created with the action “Approve for Invoicing On Account,” Maconomy does not suggest any invoice lines.

When you enter text in this field, Maconomy automatically wraps the text each time you press “Return.” Maconomy wraps the text according to the value of the field “Width %,” moving the text exceeding the specified text width down to the required number of lines. A line with an amount is wrapped and split so that the amount automatically floats to the bottom line of the text.

Text above a line with an amount is wrapped as one text block. However, you can divide the text into sections by inserting a blank line between the respective text sections, so that Maconomy will wrap the sections individually. Note, however, that the text section just above an amount line will be wrapped together with this line. This means that if you delete the line, the text section just above will also be deleted. Note that you cannot use the Return key to create sections, as this key is used for executing new changes in Maconomy.

If you later need to insert new text or change text on an invoice line, Maconomy will rewrap both this line and the rest of the text block to which it belongs and adjust the entire block to the specified line width, but any other text blocks will not be affected. This means that you can have a number of text blocks with different widths. To wrap and adjust all the text of an invoice, select the action “Wrap Lines.”

Note that sum lines are never wrapped. In addition, Maconomy sees text lines above such lines as one text block, ending with the text line immediately above the sum line. This means that if you have entered text lines both above and below a sum line which is deleted, these texts are merged when the text is rewrapped, as there is no longer any sum line defining the end of a text block.

If the invoice layout rule for the current job specifies that printouts are only to show a total, Maconomy does not suggest any lines in this table.

If the invoice layout rule for the current job specifies that printouts are to show totals, and that time and amount activities are to be shown per registration, the entry text will be shown in the table for every entry. If time and amount activities are to be shown by activity or by summary activity, Maconomy suggests the name of the activity.

If the invoice is to be created from the job quote, Maconomy suggests the texts from the quote lines.

If you have specified for a job invoiced by time and material that the invoice layout is to include a period indication, Maconomy automatically inserts a text line as a header in the invoice when such a job is approved for invoicing. You can see and edit the period indication line as a normal text line in this window. In the window Language Texts in the Set-Up module a language-dependent text can be configured to precede the period indication. Please note that you must maintain changes to the invoicing period manually on this line if you use the action “Restore Editing.”

If you are editing a blanket invoice of a main job, and the invoice layout rule of the main job specifies “Main Job Invoicing,” the main job and its associated subjobs are invoiced together. If the field “Combine Invoice Lines” is marked on the invoice layout rule, Maconomy will summarize the entries of all the jobs in the main job/subjob hierarchy according to the invoice layout specification. If the field “Combine Invoice Lines” is not marked, Maconomy will add a section for each subjob on the invoice. For more information, please see the description of the window Invoice Layout Rules.

Quantity Enter the quantity you wish to invoice. The quantity is used to calculate the total line billing price. The value in the Billing Price field is multiplied by this quantity to provide a value in the Billing Price Total field on the line.

If the invoice line is created with the Approve Invoice Selection action in the Invoice Selection workspace, Maconomy suggests a quantity based on the set-up in the Invoice Layout Rules workspace, but only if printouts are to show amounts on lines and not just a total. If you created the invoice from a job quote, the quantity here will be the same as the quantity on the quote line.

If you have specified in the Job Information workspace that activities are printed by entry, Maconomy suggests the quantity in the Quantity field in the Itemize Invoice Selection workspace. If you are showing time and amount activities by activity or by summary activity, the quantity is the sum of the quantities for the job entries in the Itemize Invoice Selection workspace.

A billing price is not shown on an invoice line for job entries that are not ready for invoicing in this sub-tab.

If the invoice layout is set up to use quantities on on account invoices, the quantity can be transferred from on account selection.

Sales Unit An existing field. Reused by the functionality, but there are no changes to the behavior of the field.
Quantity, Hours In this field, you can enter a number of hours that are included in the quantity for information purposes.
Billing Price Enter the billing price per piece in the job currency. The total line billing price in the Billing Price Total field is found by multiplying the price here by the value in the Quantity field.

If the invoice line is created with the Approve Invoice Selection action in the Invoice Selection workspace, Maconomy suggests a quantity based on the set-up in the Invoice Layout Rules workspace, but only if printouts are to show amounts on lines and not just a total. If you created the invoice from a job quote, the quantity here will be the same as the quantity on the quote line.

If you have specified in the Job Information workspace that activities are printed by entry, Maconomy suggests the quantity in the Billing Price, Unit field in the Itemize Invoice Selection workspace. If you are showing time and amount activities by activity or by summary activity, the quantity is the average of the prices per piece of the job entries. Job entries without prices are not included in the average price per piece.

Note: The average price per piece may be rounded off, so the quantity multiplied by the price per piece will not be the same as the line’s total billing price in the Billing Price Total field.

If the invoice layout is set up to use quantities on on account invoices, the billing price can be transferred from on account selection.

Billing Price Total This shows the total billing price of the invoice line in the job’s currency. You can only change the amount here if the field “Total Price Only” has been marked.

Maconomy calculates the price by multiplying the quantity in the “Quantity” field by the price per piece in the “Billing Price” field.

Note that the amount here can be different from the amount found by multiplying the quantity in “Quantity” by the average price per piece in the “Billing Price” field, if the latter is rounded off.

Tax Code In this field, you select the tax code for the invoice line. Maconomy calculates tax from the line’s total billing price, less invoice discount. Maconomy shows the difference between the sum of the tax amounts and the amount in the tax field in the Balance island in the card part of this window.

If you have selected not to use differentiated taxes (in the System Information window in the Set-Up module), Maconomy will use the standard tax code. If you are applying differentiated tax, Maconomy uses the tax code you selected on the line.

Note that if you have specified in the Invoice Layout Rules window that activities are to be printed by summary activity, Maconomy will suggest the tax code of the summary activity, entered in the Activities window. You should therefore give the same tax code to activities for the same summary activity.

You can add up to three different tax codes if necessary. To enable multiple tax codes, the system parameters “Show Three Tax Levels” and/or “Show Two Tax Levels” must be marked in the System Parameters window. When multiple tax codes are enabled, the “Tax Code” field will be replaced by the following fields: “Tax Code 1,” “Tax Code 2,” and, if enabled, “Tax Code 3.” For further information on multiple tax codes, please see the description in “Tax Codes.”

Total Price Only If you mark this field, the fields “Quantity” and “Billing Price” are not included in the invoice journal and on the invoice itself. Only the total billing price will be shown. The fields “Quantity” and “Billing Price” are reset to zero and cannot be changed on the line if you mark this field. The field is marked by default if the window is showing an invoice or credit memo on account.
Subtotal If you mark this field, a subtotal is printed on the draft invoice and on the invoice itself. Subtotal lines are also shown in the window Show Job Invoice. The subtotal is the sum of the invoice lines above the subtotal line which are not themselves a subtotal or already summed on a subtotal line with the same sum level or higher. Once a line has been marked as a subtotal line, the field “Sum Level” must also be completed with a value greater than 0. The only other field on the current subtotal line open for editing is “Description.” The subtotal is not shown until the editing has been closed using the action “Close Editing.”
Sum Level In this field, you specify a sum level on all subtotal lines. The subtotal on the line includes subtotals above with a lower sum level.
Indentation Level This field allows you to specify an indentation level for each invoice line. The indentation level increases incrementally from a value of 0. For instance, if you select a value of 0 for the first invoice line and 1 for the second line in this field, the first line will not be indented, while the second line will be indented to the first indentation level You can make deeper indentations by entering higher values in this field.
Header Selecting this field will force the line to be formatted as a sum-level header on the print layout.
Level 1-4 These fields show the values by which information on the current line is grouped at level 1-4. If, for instance, the invoice layout rule selected for the job specifies that the invoice should be grouped by task at level 1, the “Level 1” field shows the task name of the entries summarized on the current line.
Base Salary Markup % If the system parameter “Use markup % for time activities” is selected, markup percentages in price lists are also applied to time registrations. This field shows a markup percentage relative to the base salary rate.
Text 1-2

Enter information related to the quote in these fields.

If you have enabled transferring of dimensions from budget lines, these fields automatically display the values of the specified dimensions.

These fields are editable even after the quote is submitted or approved.

Text 3-5 Use these fields to include text in the invoice print layout. For on account invoices, the values are transferred from the text fields in on account selection.