General Journals Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the General Journals sub-tab.

Field Description
Entry Date This field shows the date on which the journal was entered.
Trans. No. This field shows the transaction number.
Trans. Type This field shows the transaction type.
Description This field shows the entry text.
Std. Description This field shows the standard text.
GRP This field specifies whether the entry was made to the General Ledger (G), Accounts Receivable (R), or Accounts Payable (P).
Account No. This field shows the account number to which the entry will be posted.
Account Name This field shows the account text for the account shown in the Account No. field.
Debit This field shows an amount if the entry is a debit entry.
Credit This field shows an amount if the entry is a credit entry.
Offset This field shows the entry’s offset code.
Tax Code This field shows a tax code for the entry on the current line if the line represents a G/L entry.
Registration Code This field shows a registration code for a shortcut to manual entry of dimensions.
Company No. This field shows the number of the currently selected company.
Location This field shows the location dimension value of the company specified in the Company No. field.
Entity This field shows the entity dimension value of the company specified in the Company No. field.
Project This field shows the project dimension value of the company specified in the Company No. field.
Purpose This field shows the purpose dimension value of the company specified in the Company No. field.
Spec. 1 – 3 These fields show the values in the dimensions Specification 1-3 assigned to the current entry.
Local Spec. 1 – 3 These fields show the values in the dimensions Local Specification 1-3 assigned to the current entry.
Currency This field shows the currency of the account.
Currency Amount This field shows the entry amount in the currency, if the entry is a currency entry.
Currency Direction This field shows a currency direction if another currency other than the base currency has been entered.
Exchange Rate Variance If this field is marked, it specifies that the current line concerns an exchange rate variance.
Amount, Enterprise This field shows the entry amount in enterprise currency.
Quantity This field shows the quantity registered to the entry.
Quantity 2 This field shows the quantity 2 registered to the entry.
Allocation Code This field shows the allocation code.
Summary Posting This field specifies whether the entries will be gathered to the same account number during posting.
Job No. This field shows the job number.
Job Name This field shows the name of the current job.
Activity This field shows the activity number.
Activity Name This field shows the name of the activity.
Employee No. This field shows the employee number for the current entry.
Task This field shows the job dimension task.
Task Description This field shows the description of the task entered in the Task field on the current line.
Customer No., Ref. This field shows a reference to the customer.
Customer Name, Ref. If a customer has been specified in the Customer No., Ref. field, this field shows the name of the customer in question.
Vendor No., Ref. This field shows a reference to a vendor.
Vendor Name, Ref. If a customer has been specified in the Vendor No., Ref. field, this field shows the name of the vendor in question.
Asset No., Reference This field shows a reference to an asset.
Asset Description This field displays a description of the referenced asset.
Tax Direction This field specifies whether the tax direction is for a purchase or a sale.
Company Tax Code This field shows the company tax code.
Item Tax Code This field shows the item tax code.
Vendor Invoice No. This field shows the vendor invoice number.
Reconc. Vendor Invoice No. This field shows a vendor invoice number if the current payment should be reconciled fully or partly against an invoice.

If the reconciliation can be made, the payment is automatically reconciled against the invoice when the journal is posted.

Reconc. Invoice No. This field shows the invoice number for a posted invoice.
Due Date This field shows the due date of the customer or vendor entry.
Reference Date This field shows the reference date for the current entry. The reference date can manually be specified on G/L journals and vendor invoices. The reference date is automatically set to the job/cost entry date for job-related entries in the cases where the job/cost entry date can be different from the G/L entry date.
Check No. This field shows the number of the check used for payment of the current vendor entry.
Payment Mode This field shows the payment mode, for example, check.
Prior-Period If the journal is a prior-period journal, the prior period is displayed in this field. If the journal is not a prior-period journal, a prior period from another fiscal period may be shown in this field.
Accrual Type If there is a value in this field, the entry will be accrued.
Period From, Accrual This field, together with the Period To, Accrual field shows a range of dates.
Period To, Accrual This field, together with the Period From, Accrual field shows a range of dates.
External Trans. No. This field shows the number of an external transaction, for example, a transaction which originates in a legacy financial system.
Payer Id. This field shows a payer ID on vendor entries, corresponding to the payer ID entered on vendor invoices in the Vendor Invoices window.