
This section shows the actions available in the Show All Invoices single dialog.

Invoice Tab

Field Description
Create Credit Control Event Flow

Use this action to create an event flow of the type you specified in the Standard Credit Control Event Flow Type field in the Credit Control Setup workspace. The event flow is linked to the invoice.

Note: The Credit Control Setup workspace is available only if the Enable Standard Extensions system parameter is enabled.

Print Original When you select this action, a copy of the original invoice displayed in this window is printed. If the invoice layout makes use of the "Reprinted" text functionality, a language-dependent text will be printed on the invoice to signify that the printed invoice is a reprint of the original. For more information, please see the description of the field "Printed" in the window Show Job Invoice.

If e-invoicing is enabled on your Maconomy system, the background tasks created as part of that workflow run the actions listed below. That is, you do not typically run these actions manually.

Field Description
Attach Original to Document Archive When the "Attach Original To Archive" background task runs this action, Maconomy reprints the invoice and stores that PDF in the document archive. If the invoice does not have a document archive yet, Maconomy creates the archive and stores the PDF there. Maconomy then indicates the invoice PDF file name on the invoice.
Send to Pagero When the "Send to Pagero" background task runs this action, Maconomy sends the generated Peppol xml file to Pagero. Maconomy then indicates the date and time of sending on the invoice.

This action is only available if:

  • The Pagero integration is enabled on the company customer for the payment customer.
  • There is already a generated Peppol xml file for the current invoice.
  • The Peppol xml file has not yet been sent to Pagero.
Create Peppol File When the "Create Peppol File" background task runs this action, Maconomy creates an xml file of the current invoice in the PEPPOL BIS 3.0 format, filling in the Peppol format with the values of the invoice fields mapped to it.

To determine which mapping to use, Maconomy checks for level-specific mapping in the following sequence:

  1. Company customer-specific mapping for the payment customer
  2. Company-specific mapping
  3. Default mapping for the type of invoice

Maconomy uses mapping specified on the lowest level.

Maconomy includes all documents in the document archive of the invoice in the Peppol xml file it generates.

Maconomy then stores a copy of the generated Peppol xml file in the document archive of the invoice, and indicates the Peppol xml file name on the invoice.