Job Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Job tab.

Approval Status Island

Field Description
Approval Status This field shows the current approval status of the selected job, for example, who and when it was submitted and approved. Note that this field only has relevance when jobs are set up to be approved through approval hierarchies.

Current Job State Island

Field Description
Current Job State

This field shows the current state of the job.

This field is relevant only if approval hierarchies are set up to use multiple stage approvals.

Note: This field only appears if the Job State functionality is used.

Customer Island

Field Description
Customer This is the number of the customer associated with the job. The customer number is entered in the window Jobs when the job is created. You cannot change it in this window. This field also shows the customer’s name as entered in the Customer Information Card in the A/R module. The name cannot be changed here, but you can change it in the Job Information window.

Company Island

Field Description
Company This field shows the number of the company responsible for the current job. You cannot change the value here. This field also shows the name of the company responsible for the current job.
Base Currency This field shows the base currency of the company responsible for the current job.

Job Island

Field Description
Job This field shows the job number, which is the unique identification of the job. You can either enter the number yourself or let Maconomy allocate the next available number from the job number series in the window System Numbers in the Set-Up module. If you enter a number manually, the system number series is not affected. The number can consist of both numbers and letters. It is not possible to enter a job number of an existing job.

You can change the job number as long as no registrations have been made on the job. The job number is closed when registrations have been made on the job, for example, in the windows Time Sheets, Expense Sheets, Job Journal, Job Reallocation, Vendor Invoices, Requisitions, General Journal, Sales Orders, and Advertising Orders. When registrations have been made on the job, you cannot change its number. However, you can make references to the job in budgeting windows such as Job Budgets and Detailed Planning. If the job number is subsequently changed, the job number is changed in those windows also.

If you need to be able to change the job number after creating the job, for example, if the job number must be approved by someone else, you should mark the fields “Blocked for Reg.” and “Blocked for Inv.” in this island when creating the job, and remove the marks when the job number has been verified. There are two ways to automate this process: you can use a template job where these fields are preselected for job creation, or you can mark the system parameter “Block new entries for reg. and inv.” to specify that all new jobs are blocked for registration and invoicing when created. The user who changes a job number must have been given access to doing so in the window Actions in the Set-Up module, where the field “Change Job No. on Job” must be marked.

This field also shows the job name, which is entered in the Jobs window. You cannot change the name here, but you can change it in the Jobs window.

Job Group In this field, you assign the job to a job group. All jobs must be assigned to a job group. The pop-up shows the job groups created in the window Job Groups and you can only assign jobs to existing groups. For all jobs in a job group, it applies that expenses are either capitalized or posted to Profit & Loss. You can change the job group as long as you have not made any entries to the job. After having registered entries on a job, it is only possible to change the job group from a job group without capitalization to another group without capitalization.

If the system parameter “Manual completion of job groups” has been selected, it is mandatory to select a job group manually when creating a job.

If a standard budget is assigned to the selected job group, this budget is transferred to the job and is recalculated when the job is created. Similarly, the job phase list is transferred to the job from which the standard budget is copied to the new job. For more information, please see the description of the window Job Groups.

Time Unit Use this field to specify the time unit for the job. This is the unit for quantities for time-related activities in the form of budgeted quantities, registered quantities, open quantities, invoiced quantities, write up/down on the quantity, and estimate-to-complete. The unit prices for time also follow this unit, as prices per hour or per day depending on the time unit.
Department In this field, you choose the department to which the job belongs. Maconomy suggests the value from the customer’s information card in the A/R module, but you can change it.

Departments are defined in the window Posting References in the G/L module.

Project Manager In this field, you can enter the number of an employee created in the window Employees in the Set-Up module. Maconomy suggests the number of the user creating the job if this user has an employee number assigned to him.

The project manager in this field is the one who can approve time and expense sheet lines if the fields in the island Approval indicate that the project leader can or must approve time and expense sheets. If so, this field must be completed. Furthermore, the project manager of a job can initiate the first job phase and end phases if job phases are used on the job.

This field also shows the name of the specified project manager.

Sales Person In this field, you enter the number of the employee who is registered as sales person in the window Employees in the Set-Up module. If you do not specify a sales person number at creation of the job, Maconomy will copy this information from the customer assigned to the current job.

Sales in connection with this job will be included in any commission calculation for the sales person.

This field also displays the name of the specified sales person.

Account Manager This is the name and number of the account manager of the job.
Responsible This is the name of the person responsible for the job. Maconomy suggests the name of the user. The name appears in various other windows and on printouts from the Job Cost module.
Template Job If you mark this field, the job currently displayed in the window will get the status of being a template job. You cannot mark this field on jobs on which registrations have already been made. When a job is marked as being a template job, it is neither possible to register entries nor to perform invoicing from it. However, you can assign job parameters, job budgets, job descriptions, task lists, and so on, to a template job. Note that on a template job you can blank some of the fields, which are mandatory on normal jobs. This allows you to enter only those values on a template job that you want to be transferred to new jobs created on the basis of the template job in question. See the description of the island Creation for further information about the use of template jobs.
Reference Job No. In this field, you can enter a reference job number. If the current job has been copied from another job by means of the action “Copy Job,” this field shows the number of the job from which the new job was copied. If the job has been created on the basis of a template job, this field shows the job number of the relevant template job. However, you can change the value in this field at any time.
Include in Forecast In this field, you can specify whether the current forecast should be included in forecast reports created using the Periodic Forecasting component in the Portal.
Task Group Status This field indicates whether the job entries associated with the present job are assigned to the correct task groups. This functionality is relevant if the invoice layout rule of the job specifies that invoice selections or invoices should be grouped by task groups.

For more information on task group status, see the description of the “Task Group Status” fiend in the Invoice Selection window.

For further information on work breakdown structure and task groups, see the descriptions under “Job Tasks” and under “Job Budgets.”

Transfer to People Planner If this field is marked, the job will be included in the scheduled import to People Planner. If this field is set on a template job, jobs created from this template will also be included. Setting the Transfer To People Planner filed will only have an effect if the field is included in the relevant queries in the .l files on the web server.

Invoicing Island

Field Description
Invoice Layout In this field, you can select the invoice layout rule to be used when creating quotes, invoice selections, job invoices, invoicing methods, and a number of set-up parameters to apply to a job. The field must be completed. If you change invoice layout rules at a later point in time, any invoice selections are recalculated. If the invoice selection was approved, it must be reapproved. However, you can only change the rule in this field if the selected rule has the same selections regarding invoicing subjobs as part of main jobs. That is, the field “Main Job Invoicing” must have the same value as the initially used invoice layout rule. For more information, please see the description of the window Invoice Layout Rules.
Detailed Invoice Specification Use this field to select a detailed invoice specification.
Invoiceable In this field, you define the job as invoiceable or non-invoiceable. If you mark the field, the job is non-invoiceable. If job entries are posted to the job, these will be closed, regardless of whether they originate from invoiceable or non-invoiceable activities.

Non-invoiceable jobs are used partly to register customer-related but not job-related hours (you create one non-invoiceable job per customer), and partly to register internal time (you create one or more non-invoiceable jobs for a particular ‘internal’ customer).

An invoiceable job cannot be changed to non-invoiceable if there are open entries on the job in question. If a quote price exists for the job, this quote price can only be changed to 0 if the job is made non-invoiceable. A non-invoiceable job can be changed to invoiceable, if it is not an internal job. Any existing entries will continue to be treated as non-invoiceable, that is, they will continue to be closed after this field is changed.

Allow PM Invoice Proposals This field enables the user to select whether project managers are allowed to propose changes to invoiceable hours and amounts from employees’ time sheet and expense sheet registrations. If the field is marked, the project manager can propose a number of invoiceable hours as well as invoiceable amounts in the window Approve Time Sheet Lines and propose invoiceable amounts in the window Approve Expense Sheet Lines. Project managers can thus provide input on invoiceable hours and amounts to the invoicing department at an early stage. The field can only be marked if the job parameter Allow Write-Up/Down at Transfer of Billing Price Only Method is set to No and the job parameter Invoicing Method is set to Time and Material for the current job.
Allow Employee Invoice Proposals This field enables the user to select whether employees are allowed to propose changes to invoiceable hours on their time sheet registrations. If the field is marked, employees can propose a number of invoiceable hours when filling in time sheet lines in the windows Time Sheets, Daily Time Sheet and Speed-Sheet. This allows employees to provide input on invoiceable hours to the project manager and the invoicing department while entering their time sheets. The field can only be marked if the job parameter Allow Write-Up/Down at Transfer of Billing Price Only Method is set to No and the job parameter Invoicing Method is set to Time and Material for the current job.
Close at End Inv. In this field, you can specify whether the job is to be closed at end invoicing. If you mark this field, and the field “End Invoice” has been marked in the window Invoice Selection, the job is automatically closed when the invoice is printed. However, the job is only closed if the job has no open entries, no open purchase orders, no open requisitions, no open invoices on account, and no unapproved time sheets.

The default value of this field is set up in the system parameter “Close at End Invoicing.”

End Invoiced You can mark this field if the job has been end invoiced.
Standard Invoice Text List Enter the name of a standard invoicing text list to make these standard texts available in Invoice Editing. The name of the list can be derived from the template job.

Status Island

Field Description
Status This is the current job status. When the job is created, it has “Quote” status, unless you have marked the “Created as Order” field in the window System Information. It is then only possible to make quotes from it, not invoices. This is done in the window Quote Editing.

The job status can be changed to “Order” by selecting “Convert to Order” in the Action menu. The field can only have one of the two values mentioned.

If the field “Created as Order” in the window System Information is marked, new jobs are created with “Order” status but only if the current user has been given access to convert jobs to orders in the window Actions in the Set-Up module.

Converted by This field shows the name of the employee who converted the job from “Quote” to “Order.” If you have marked “Created as Order” in the window System Information, the name of the employee who created the order will be shown in this field.
Date of Conversion This field shows the date the job was converted from “Quote” to “Order.” If you have marked “Created as Order” in the window System Information, the creation date will be shown in this field.
Blocked for These fields show whether the job is blocked.
  • Time Registrations — This field shows whether the job is blocked for registration. If you mark the field, it is no longer possible to register information on the job in, for example, the windows Time Sheets, Expense Sheets, Job Reallocation, and Job Journal. However, you can still create invoices for the job.
  • Amount Registrations — This field shows whether the job is blocked for amount registration. If this field is marked, it is not possible to register amount information on the job in, for example, the windows Time Sheets, Expense Sheets, Job Reallocation, and Job Journal. However, you can still create job budget lines and invoices for the job.
  • Invoicing — This field shows whether the job is blocked for invoicing. If you mark the field, it is no longer possible to create invoices and credit memos regarding the current job in, for example, the windows Invoice Selection and Job Invoicing, and these windows will not show jobs which are blocked for invoicing. However, you can still register time and expenses as well as other information on the job.
  • Budgeting — This field shows whether the job is blocked for budgeting. If this field has been marked, you cannot register information on the budgets of the job in, for example, the windows Job Budgets and Periodic Job Budgets. However, you can still make various kinds of other registrations on the job.
Work Completed On In this field you can enter a date after which it will not be possible to enter time and expense entries on a given job unless you are assigned project manager of the job in question. Specifying a date in this field is useful in situations where all work on a job has been completed, but where all vendor invoices for the job have not yet been registered in the system. By specifying a date in this field, users with access to the job in question can thus not enter time and expense entries after the date specified whereas the project manager can make final registrations before actually closing the job.

If you enter a date in the field, Maconomy will issue an error message if users attempt to register time and expense entries after the date specified on the job in question in the windows Time Sheets, Daily Time Sheets and Expense Sheets. Any other registrations are still possible until the job is closed.

Closed If this field is marked, the job has been closed. The fields “Changed By” and “Date” in the island User shows the name of the person who closed the job and the date on which the job was closed. To close a job, select the action “Close Job.” As long as a job is closed, you cannot post entries to it, and you cannot enter or change information on its budget in the window Job Budgets. However, you can always reopen a closed job by selecting the action “Reopen Job.”
Date This is the date the job was closed, using the action “Close Job.” If the job is later reopened, using the action “Reopen Job,” the closing date is removed and deleted from the system.

User Island

See the chapter “Getting Started” for a description of the fields in the island User. Note, however, that until a quote, an order confirmation, an invoice, or a credit note has been printed for the current job, the field “Version No.” will always show the value 1.

Dimension Combination Island

Field Description
Dimension Combination In this field, you can enter the number of a dimension combination of the type “Dimension Derivation,” created in the window Dimension Combinations. If a description has been assigned to the dimension combination, the text is displayed in the field “Description.”

If you specify a dimension combination, Maconomy will use the values in this dimension combination when deriving dimensions from the current job.

However, any dimension derivation values specified in this island will be used instead of those specified for the same dimensions in the dimension combination. This means that the dimension combination only applies to the dimensions for which no value has been entered on the job.

The functionality on period specific sets of derived dimension values in the window Derived Dimensions, which is described in the field “Location” below, also applies to this field.

See the section on dimension derivation in the chapter “Introduction to the G/L module” as well as the description of the windows Dimension Derivation and Dimension Combinations in the G/L module for further information about dimension derivation.

Derived Company Island

Field Description
Company This field shows the number of the responsible company as specified in the island Company. The name of the company is displayed in the field “Description.” The company number cannot be changed, but the field “Overwrite” can be changed.

The information in the field will only be used in the cases when a company number in the table part of a window can be derived from the job specified. In these cases, the current company will only overwrite any manually specified value for the dimension if you have marked the field “Overwrite” on the current job. If you do not select to overwrite, the dimension value will only be transferred to a table line at creation if the dimension field “Company No.” is not manually completed.

Even if you have specified a dimension combination in the field “Dimension Combination” above, a value entered in this field will be used rather than the value (if any) found for this dimension in the dimension combination in question.

As date-dependent dimension derivation is not possible for company numbers, the functionality on period specific sets of derived dimension values in the window Derived Dimensions, which is described in the field “Location” below, does not apply to this field.

See the section on dimension derivation in “Introduction to the G/L Module” as well as the description of the windows Dimension Derivation and Dimension Combinations in the G/L module for further information about dimension derivation.

Derived Dimensions Island

Field Description
Location In this field, you can enter a value for the dimension Location if you want a value to be derived from the current job. If a description has been assigned to the location, the text is displayed in the field “Description.” For further information, please refer to the field “Location” in the window Activities. The information is suggested when posting all job entries concerning the job in question, if the relevant G/L accounts allow splitting up in dimensions. In this way, the specified location is assigned to these job entries.

Even if you have specified a dimension combination in the field “Dim. Comb. No.” above, a value entered in this field will be used rather than the value (if any) found for this dimension in the dimension combination in question. This means that the dimension combination only applies to this dimension if you have not entered a value in this field.

Please note that if a dimension combination has been specified in the field “Dim. Comb. No.,” a mark in the field “Overwrite” will only have effect if you have also entered a dimension value. If you mark the field “Overwrite” but you do not enter a dimension value in this field, the “Overwrite” field is ignored, as dimension values and overwriting specification are always retrieved together from the same dimension derivation island, dimension combination or dimension combination line.

In the window Derived Dimensions, you can create period specific sets of derived dimensions if the dimension values to be derived from the current job should vary, depending on the entry date of the registrations to which dimension values are derived from the current job. In this context, the value in this field is always reflected in the corresponding field on the dimension derivation line that has a blank ending date, and changing the dimension values in this field will cause the corresponding information on that dimension derivation line to be updated accordingly, and vice versa.

When you create a job, Maconomy automatically creates a line in the window Derived Dimensions with the information specified in this island, and a blank starting and ending date, indicating that this line applies on all registrations regardless of entry date. In effect, as long as you do not need the dimension values derived from the job to change on a given date, you only need to enter dimension derivation information in this island and not in the window Derived Dimensions.

Please note, however, that if you have added period specific set of derived dimensions in the window Derived Dimensions, the dimension derivation line that has a blank ending date is not necessarily the dimension derivation line valid on today’s date. You should therefore be aware that if period specific sets of derived dimensions have been created for the job, the dimension values derived from the current job are not necessarily those appearing in this island.

See the section on dimension derivation in the chapter “Introduction to the G/L module” as well as the description of the windows Dimension Derivation and Dimension Combinations in the G/L module for further information about dimension derivation. For information on period specific sets of derived dimensions, see the window Derived Dimensions in the G/L module.

Entity The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Project The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Purpose The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Local Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.

Employees Island

Field Description
Employee 1-10 In these fields, you can assign up to ten employees to the current cob. When you enter an employee number in the “Employee No.” field, the name of the employee is displayed. These fields are for information only, but may be used in the automatic creation of teams using the action “Create Teams” in the Timing Plans window. Using Maconomy’s layout editing tools, the fields can be placed on various printouts.

Extra Fields Island

Field Description
Text 1-25 In these fields, you can enter various information about the job.

If you want to put restrictions to some or all the texts entered in these fields, the contents can be delimited by applying an option list to each of the 20 text fields. Option lists are created in the window Option Lists in the Set-Up module and are subsequently specified in the relevant attributes in the job parameter type “Job Text Option Lists” for the job in question. If you have, for example, specified an option list in the attribute “Text 1 Option List,” only values belonging to that option list can be entered in the first text field in this island.

If no values have been defined in the attributes of the job parameter type “Job Text Option Lists,” you can enter any text you like in the fields in this island.

Using Maconomy’s layout editing tools, it is possible to change the position of the fields and to include them in various printouts connected to the job. The information is primarily used for internal use, for example, the work description. It can also be shown on printouts of job budget, job report, quote and order confirmation, but not on invoices.

Boolean 1-5 In these Boolean fields you can assign attributes to your job.
Date 1-10 In these fields, you can enter dates connected to the job. These are date fields.

Using Maconomy’s layout editing tools, it is possible to change the position of the fields and to include them in various printouts connected to the job. The information is primarily used for internal use, for example, the work description. It can also be shown on printouts of job budget, job report, quote and order confirmation, but not on invoices.

Amount 1-5 In these fields, you can enter amounts connected to the job. These are amount fields.
Popup 1-10 In these fields, you can select various information about the job. These are pop-up fields, which means you can choose from the options created for each field. They are created in the window Popup Fields.

Using Maconomy’s layout editing tools, it is possible to change the position of the fields and to include them in various printouts connected to the job. The information is primarily used for internal use, for example, the work description. It can also be shown on printouts of job budget, job report, quote and order confirmation, but not on invoices.

Customer Popup 1-5 In these five fields, you can select various information about the customer. These are pop-up fields, which means that you can choose from the options created for each field. They are created as Customer Popup 1 Customer Popup 5 in the window Popup Fields. When the job is created, or when a different customer is selected on the job, the values from the customer’s information card are copied to these fields, but you can change the selections later.

Description Island

Field Description
Internal In these fields, you can enter a description of the job for internal use. The fields are purely for reference and are used in other windows and on various printouts in the Job Cost module.
Customer In this field, you can enter a comment about the customer for internal use. Maconomy automatically suggests the order comment from the Customer Information Card, but you can change it. The field is purely for reference.
Ref. In this field, you can enter the name of the customer representative dealing with the order. The field is purely for reference, and the name appears on various printouts and in other windows in the Job Cost module. The test in the field is printed on all external documents about the job.
End User No.

This field shows a unique end customer number, which you can set up in the End Users workspace. The end customer is a customer who buys from one or more of your direct customers.

Blanket invoice Ref. In this field, you can enter a text as a reference for the job. The text will be displayed on the invoice if you use blanket invoicing (that is, invoice lines from multiple jobs are combined on one invoice, if the bill-to customer, company, department, company tax code, and currency code are identical), and if the invoice layout rule applied to the job indicates that the text should be shown. Blanket invoicing is selected in the Job Information window. For more information, please see the description of the Invoice Layout Rules window.
Year This field defaults to the current year when creating a job, but you can change the year.
Start Date In this field, you can enter the date on which the job is scheduled to start. It is purely for reference.
Estimated Ending Date In this field, you can enter the date on which the job is expected to be finished. The date is for information only.
Recurring Annually Select this field to indicate that the job should recur annually. If the field is marked, the job can be rolled forward in the window.
Rolled Forward to Job If the job has been rolled forward, this field displays the number of the new job.

Price Island

Field Description
Max. Billing Price In this field, you can enter the maximum amount, in the job’s currency, at which the job is to be billed. This amount is shown in the window Job Budgets, where Maconomy alerts you if the total budgeted billing price exceeds the amount stated here.

Maconomy also shows the job’s currency code in this field.

Effective Quote Price For jobs billed using the invoicing principle “Time and Material,” you can enter a price that you have calculated or agreed upon with the customer in this field. The price should be entered in the currency of the job. However, you cannot enter an effective quote price once the quote has been approved in the window Quote Editing. Once a quote has been approved, it can only be edited in the window Quote Editing.

For fixed-price jobs, the effective quote price can only be entered or changed in the window Quote Editing. For further information, please see the description of the window Quote Editing.

Maconomy also shows the currency of the job in this field.

The amount can be printed on a quote or order confirmation to the customer from the window Quote Editing. The amount can also be changed in the windows Job Budgets and Job Price Information if the job is invoiced based on time and materials. If you create a quote from a budget, or if a quote is changed in the window Quote Editing, the amount in this field will automatically be corrected to the sum of the quote lines. It will then no longer possible to change the amount here.

When you create an invoice selection in the window Invoice Selection, you can retrieve the effective quote price from this field and apply it as the total invoice amount.

Fixed Price This field shows the fixed price of the job. The value displayed in this field is determined by the set-up of the job parameter attribute “Fixed Price Basis” in the job parameter type “Pricing Method” which can have one of the values “Quote” and “Budget.”

If the job in question is a fixed price job and is assigned the job parameter attribute “Fixed Price Basis” with the value “Quote,” the value displayed in this field is identical to the value displayed in the field “Effective Quote Price” in this island. The value in this field is calculated on the basis of the quote price approved for the job in the one of the windows Quote Editing and Approve Quote. If you need to change the fixed price, that is, the approved quote price of such a job, this can be done in one of the windows Quote Editing or Approve Quote.

If the fixed price job in question is assigned the job parameter attribute “Fixed Price Basis” with the value “Budget,” the value displayed in this field will be identical to the value of the latest approved budget of the job. Note that the value displayed in this field is the sum of the sales prices displayed in the table part of the window Job Budgets for those lines on which the field “Not incl. in fixed price” has not been marked, that is, the fixed price is the sum of the lines included in the fixed price of the job. See also the introduction of the window Invoice Selection for a description of how Maconomy determines whether or not entries are to be included in the fixed price of a job.

You can inspect the pricing method selected for the job in question in the window Job Parameter Selection.

Contracted Billing Price for Time This field shows the price that was agreed on with the customer for time, usually reflected in a job price list.

Creation Island

Field Description
Create from Template This field shows whether the job under creation should be based on a template job. If the system parameter “Create jobs from templates” is marked, this field is automatically marked when you create a job. However, the mark in this field can be removed if you do not want the new job to be based on a template job.

If you want to create a job on the basis of a template job, you can use one of the following methods: At creation of a job, you can enter values in a number of the fields in this window. If you have marked this field and if the values entered on the new job uniquely identify a certain template job, that is, if the combination of certain fields uniquely identifies one template job, all remaining values in this window and other values, such as job budget lines, job parameters, job price information, and so on, will be copied from this template to the new job when you press Return. If no unique template can be found, Maconomy issues a message informing you that no template could be found. The other method for using a template job for the creation of a job is to enter the job number of a template job in the field “Template Job No.” in this island and have the job created on the basis of this template when pressing Return.

Note that if the system parameter “Create job from template” is marked and you remove the mark in this field in order not to base your new job on a template job, this field will be marked by Maconomy when you have created the job, even though the new job was not based on a template job. In such situations the field “Template Job No.” will be blank, thus indicating that no template formed the basis of the new job.

When creating a job from a template, you can choose whether you want to re-derive all customer information based on the customer number. If the system parameter “Overwrite customer fields when creating job from template” is unmarked, Maconomy will re-derive information about the job’s customer when the job is created. Information such as the customer name, address, payment terms, and tax code is updated to reflect that which is currently specified on the customer’s information card. If the parameter is marked, any information already specified in the template used for creating the job will not be rederived but be transferred unchanged to the job. For instance, if the customer’s information card specifies that the customer belongs to the “Advertising” market segment (in the pop-up field “Segment”), you can overwrite this for the current job by specifying another segment in the job template, provided the system parameter “Overwrite customer fields when creating job from template” is marked.

Job In this field, you can enter a number of a template job if you want to create a new job on the basis of a template job. When the job has been created, you can no longer change the value in this field. This field always shows the number or name of the template job, if any, on the basis of which the current job was created. See the description of the above field “Create from Template” for further information about the use of template jobs.
Opportunity No. In this field, you can specify the number of an opportunity to which the event should be assigned. Once an event has been assigned to an opportunity, the opportunity number can no longer be changed. If you create a job from an opportunity, the job is created with the same time unit as the opportunity budget.

Copying Island

In this island, you can specify settings for copying the current job to a new job. When you have specified the correct settings, select the “Copy Job” action to copy the job.

Field Description
New Job No. If you do not want the new job number to be taken from the number series, you can manually enter the desired number here. When you select the “Copy Job” action, the new job is created as a copy of the current job. See the description of the “Copy Job” action for further information.
Include Budget Texts Mark this field if you want to include the budget texts associated with the current job in the job that will be created when you select the “Copy Job” action.
Include Item Lines If you mark this field, item lines attached to the budget lines of the current job will be included when the job is copied.

Approval Island

In the fields in this island, you can specify the approval procedures applying to time and expense sheet lines pertaining to the current job. For each job, you can specify whether the supervisor of an employee, the project manager of the job, both, or none of them are to approve time registrations, expense registrations, or both. The default values in these fields are transferred from the corresponding fields in the window System Information in the Set-Up module.

Note that if you want separate approval routines for time vs. expense registrations, the system parameter “Allow separate approval requirements for time and expenses” must be marked in the window System Parameters in the Set-Up module. If the parameter is not marked, the fields are mutually dependent—that is, changing the value for the Supervisor or Project Manager for time registrations changes the corresponding value for expenses, and vice versa. It is possible to change the approval principle of a job, even though time sheets or expense sheets with entries on the job have already been created. However, if any such time and expense sheets have been submitted, they must be transferred before the approval principle can be changed.

The supervisor of each employee is specified in the window Employees. A supervisor approves time and expense sheets in the windows Time Sheets and Expense Sheets, respectively.

If approval of expense sheets is performed through an approval hierarchy, this approval overrules the supervisor’s approval. This means that if it has been specified on a job that the supervisor must approve expense sheets, an expense sheet can only be posted (and thereby settled) when it has been fully approved through an approval hierarchy. If the project manager’s approval of a job is also required, the individual expense sheet lines must also be approved by the project manager before the sheet can be posted. The project manager’s approval is carried out without using approval hierarchies.

Field Description
Supervisor, Time The following options are available for the supervisors of the employees registering time entries on the current job:
  • None — The supervisor cannot approve time sheet lines concerning the current job.
  • Optional — The supervisor can approve time sheet lines concerning the job, but he does not have to. This means that the registrations of the employees can be transferred for posting without being approved by the supervisor. However, you should note that time sheets will only have the status of being fully approved once they have been approved by all relevant parties.
  • Mandatory — The supervisor must approve time sheet lines concerning the current job before they can be transferred for posting.
Project Manager, Time The project manager of each job is specified in the field “Project Manager No.” in this window. If the project manager is to approve time sheet lines, it is done in the windows Approve Time Sheet Lines and Approve Job Registrations. The following options are available:
  • None — The project manager cannot approve time sheet lines concerning the current job.
  • Optional — The project manager can approve time sheet lines concerning the job, but he does not have to. This means that the registrations of the employees can be transferred for posting without being approved by the project manager. However, you should note that time sheets will only have the status of being fully approved once they have been approved by all relevant parties.
  • Mandatory — The project manager must approve time sheet lines concerning the current job before they can be transferred for posting.
Supervisor, Exp. The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Supervisor, Time” above, but concerns the approval of expense sheets in the window Expense Sheets.
Project Manager, Exp. The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Project Manager, Time” above, but concerns the approval of expense sheet lines in the windows Approve Expense Sheet Lines and Approve Job Registrations.

Please note that the option of approving time sheets is not only available to the supervisor and the project manager of the job. Users who in the window Actions have been granted access to seeing and changing all time sheets can also see registrations and approve them in the windows Time Sheets, Expense Sheets, Approve Time Sheet Lines, Approve Expense Sheet Lines, and Approve Job Registrations. In the same way, the secretary of the time sheet user can approve time sheets if the system parameter “Secretary can Approve Time Sheets” has been marked. However, if you use approval hierarchies, the hierarchy in question determines who can carry out approvals corresponding to the supervisor.

The following table illustrates the approval steps necessary in order for time and expense sheet lines to be transferred for posting. Only time sheets are mentioned in the table, but the principles are identical for both time and expense sheets. However, if approval hierarchies are used for expense sheets, approval through these hierarchies will overrule the supervisor’s approval, and therefore the approval must be carried out in the window Approvals in the Set-Up module.

Approval Principle — Time
Supervisor Project Manager Approval Required for Transfer
None/Optional None/Optional None — The user only has to submit or temporarily submit the time sheet.
Mandatory None/Optional The supervisor has to release or approve the time sheet in the window Time Sheets, thus transferring all of the lines on the time sheet. The time sheet is only released if the field “Transf. Non-Appr. Time Sheets” has been marked in the window System Information.
None/Optional Mandatory The project manager has to release or approve a time sheet line in the window Time Sheets, thus transferring the line in question. The time sheet line is only released if the field “Transf. Non-Appr. Time Sheets” has been marked in the window System Information. A time sheet is not marked as transferred until all of its lines have been transferred.
Mandatory Mandatory A time sheet line is transferred when it has either been released or approved by both the supervisor and the project manager. The approval or release by the project manager is done line-by-line, while the approval by the supervisor is done for a whole time sheet at a time. The time sheet lines are only released if the field “Transf. Non-Appr. Time Sheets” has been marked in the window System Information.

A time sheet line is not fully approved until it has been approved by the people indicated by the approval principles of the job. If it has been approved by one but only released by the other, it is still only partially approved.

Link Jobs Island

Field Description
No. of Subjobs This field shows the number of underlying jobs assigned to the job. The value cannot be changed here.
Main Job In this field, you enter the number on an existing job in the Job Cost module. Maconomy only allows one level of subjobs which means that the current subjob must not have its own subjobs and that the specified primary job must not be a subjob.

If you wish to change the current job into a subjob for another job, you enter in this field the number on the job you wish to assign as the primary job. In the window Distribute to Subjobs you can specify an allocation percentage for each subjob.

Printouts of information about primary jobs and subjobs can also be retrieved by using the layouts “Summary” and “Customer Summary” in the window Print Jobs or by printing out job reports in the window Print Job Report. When you print out a job report on a primary job, you can choose to

Access Level Island

Field Description
Access Level In this field, you enter the access level to be assigned to the job. If you do not enter an access level, all users with access to the window Jobs will have access to the job.

Please note that this access control model only applies if the standard access control configuration has not been changed in your Maconomy system. If it has, the access to jobs may depend on other factors. For further information about the standard access control configuration, please see the section “Introduction to the Access Control System” in the Set-Up module.

It is only possible to enter an access level if you have access to the level in question. You can assign access levels to a user in the window User Access Levels in the Set-Up module.

This field also shows a description of the specified access level.

Registration Island

Field Description
Job Allocation In this field, you can specify which allocation rule you wish to use in connection with job reporting. Allocation rules can be created in the window Job Allocation Combinations.
Employee Control In this field, you can specify the way in which you want to check which employees can be used in entries on the job. This is useful to avoid accidental, incorrect entries.

The check is performed in all windows in which you can enter, reallocate, or import job entries or purchase orders. Maconomy will default to the control type specified for the current job group, but you can change the control type for each job in this field.

There are the following options:
  • None — Job entries can be registered for all employees.
  • Budget — If the system parameter “Use Fixed Budget Type for Employee Control” has not been marked, job entries can be registered for all employees found in the latest revision of the job’s planning budget. If the system parameter has been marked, job entries can be registered for all employees found in the latest revision of the job’s budget of the type specified in the system parameter “Budget Type No. for Employee Control.”

    If, for instance, the system parameter “Use Fixed Budget Type for Employee Control” has been marked and the system parameter “Budget Type No. for Employee Control” indicates the budget type “Standard,” a job registration for a given employee is only allowed if the employee in question appears in the latest revision of the job’s budget of the type “Standard.”

    For enabling entries to be made on a job for an employee, the employee just has to appear in the budget in question. Maconomy does not check which activities the employee is assigned to in the budget. For more information about budgets and budget types, please see the description of the windows Job Budgets and Job Planning.

  • Approved Budget — The budget type against which employee control should be carried out when you select this option is determined in the same way as described for the option “Budget” above. However, when you select this option, employee control is carried out on the latest approved revision of the budget of the type in question, rather than just the latest revision of the budget.
  • Employee List — Employee control is enabled. Only employees assigned to the job’s employee list in the window Employee Control can register job entries.

Of these methods for employee control, the “Employee List” method is recommended over the “Budget” method, as the planning budget is likely to be needed for other purposes, such as for resource planning where specific employee assignments are discouraged. For more information, please see the description of the window Employee Control.

Task List In this field, you enter the task list assigned to the job.

Budgeting Island

Field Description
Hours Per Man Day In this field, you can specify how many hours are in a man day. In the table part, quantities for time activities can be specified either as a number of hours or a number of days. There are separate fields for specifying hours and days. When you specify a number of days, the corresponding number of hours is automatically calculated by multiplying the number of days by the value in this field. Similarly, when you specify a number of hours, the corresponding number of days is calculated by dividing the number of hours by the value in this field.

This field is also used for calculating prices per day from hour-based prices.

This field is also used when converting quantities of time from hours to days or vice-versa. When transferring time from a time sheet in days, the quantity is multiplied with this field to get the number of hours (if time on the job is measured in hours).

Time Budget In Days Select this check box to show quantities in the Time Budget workspace in days. The default value is not selected, which shows quantities in hours. Maconomy updates this field when you change the value of the Time Unit field; the Time Budget In Days field is selected if you choose Day for the time unit, and deselected if you choose Hour for the time unit.

Customer Job Option Lists Island

Copy to come.

Budget Status Island

Field Description
Current Budget For information about budgets, refer to the Job Budgets single dialogs workspace.
Exists This field specifies whether the current budget already exists for the current job.
Planning Budget For information about budgets, refer to the Job Budgets single dialogs workspace.
Exists This field specifies whether the planning budget already exists for the current job.
Forecast Budget For information about budgets, refer to the Job Budgets single dialogs workspace.
Exists This field specifies whether the forecast budget already exists for the current job.
Baseline Budget This field shows the budget type of the baseline budget on the job. For more information about how this job parameter is utilized with jobs, refer to the Job Parameters single dialogs workspace.
Exists This field specifies whether the baseline budget already exists for the current job.
Fixed Price Budget This field shows the budget type of the fixed price budget on the job. For more information about how this job parameter is utilized with jobs, refer to the Job Parameters single dialogs workspace.
Exists This field specifies whether the fixed price budget already exists for the current job.
Completion Percentage Budget This field shows the budget type to use when calculating the completion percentage of the job. For more information about how this job parameter is utilized with jobs, refer to the Job Parameters single dialogs workspace.
Exists This field specifies whether the completion percentage budget already exists for the current job.
Baseline Comparison Enabled This field shows whether baseline comparison is enabled on the job for assessing job progress. For more information about how this job parameter is utilized with jobs, refer to the Job Parameters single dialogs workspace.
Fixed-Price Basis This field determines whether the fixed price of a job is transferred from the latest approved job budget type or from the job's quote. For more information about how this job parameter is utilized with jobs, refer to the Job Parameters single dialogs workspace.
Rec. Rev. By Compl. Percentage This field shows whether revenue on a job should be recognized according to completion percentage. For more information about how this job parameter is utilized with jobs, refer to the Job Parameters single dialog workspace.
Handling of Overruns This field shows whether the specified job should handle overruns. For more information about how this job parameter is utilized with jobs, refer to the Job Parameters single dialog workspace.