Course Participants Sub-Tab

Use this section to register the individual participants at the current course.

Field Description
Contact Person No. In this field, you can specify the number of the contact person representing the course participant. If the specified contact person is an employee, that is, an employee number is specified for the contact person in the window Contact Persons, the number of the employee in question is automatically transferred to the field “Employee No.”
Employee No. If the contact person specified on the current line is an employee, that is, an employee number is specified for the contact person in the window Contact Persons, the number of the employee in question is shown in this field.
Name This field shows the name of the contact person specified on the current line.
Invited In this field, you can specify whether the current contact person has been invited to the course. Mark the field to indicate that the contact person has been invited. Maconomy’s Resource Management Portal module offers functionality that automates most of the enrollment procedure and allows invited participants to enroll through a link sent by e-mail. For further information on this, see the section on the Course component in the Portal Modules manual.
Enrolled In this field, you can specify whether the current contact person has enrolled to the course. Mark the field to indicate that the contact person has enrolled. If you mark the field, today’s date is automatically inserted into this field “Enrollment Date.”

Maconomy’s Resource Management Portal module offers functionality that automates most of the enrollment procedure and allows invited participants to enroll through a link sent by e-mail. For further information on this, see the section on the Course component in the Portal Modules manual.

On Waiting List In this field, you can specify whether the current contact person is on the waiting list, for instance because the maximum number of participants has already been reached. Mark the field to indicate that the contact person is on the waiting list.
Enrollment Date In this field, you can specify the date on which the current participant enrolled for the course. If you mark the field “Enrolled,” today’s date is automatically inserted into this field.
Blocked Mark this field if you wish to block the current participant. When the field is marked, it is not possible to change information on the current line. Please note that although blocked, participants marked as enrolled are counted in the total number of participants enrolled in the current course.
Participation % Upon completion of the course, you can specify in this field the participation percentage of the current participant, that is, the amount of time the participant was present compared to the total running time of the course.
Completed Upon completion of the course, you can specify in this field whether the current participant completed the course. The action “Transfer Skill” only applies to lines on which this field is marked.
Skill Level In this field, you can specify in this field the level at which the participant acquired the skill which the course concerned, that is, the skill specified in the card part. This way, the trainer can evaluate the skills acquired by the individual participants and enter the information here. Using the action “Transfer Skill,” you can have Maconomy transfer the skill level information to the window Employee Skills upon course completion, thus automatically updating skill data for employees in your system.

If no skill has been specified in the card part, you cannot enter a skill level in this field.

Skill Description This field shows a description of the skill specified in the field “Skill Level,” if any.
Skill Text Upon completion of the course, you can enter in this field a text describing the skills acquired by the participant.
Skill transferred In this field, you can specify whether the skill level acquired by the current participant has been transferred to your employee skill management system, typically the window Employee Skills in Maconomy. Using the action “Transfer Skill,” you can have Maconomy automatically transfer the skill level information to the window Employee Skills, thus automatically updating skill data for employees in your system.

If you need to edit the skill level for a given participant after transferring skills, you can unmark this field and specify the relevant skill level, and then press Enter before selecting the action “Transfer Skill” again.

Document Archive No. In this field, you can assign a document archive to the current course participant registration. By assigning a document archive to a course participant registration, you can keep track of the various documents related to the participant registration, for example, enrollment forms, and so on. Document archives are created in the window Document Archives in the Set-Up module. See the description of that window for further information on the use of document archives.
Description This field shows a description of the document archive specified in the field “Archive No.” above.
Document Count This field displays the number of documents in the Document Archive.
Job No. In this field, you can specify the number of a job if the participation of the current participant is related to a given job or the course activities of the current participant should be registered on a given job. However, as no automatic posting is made in connection with courses, the field is for information only.
Activity No. In this field, you can specify the number of an activity if the participation of the current participant is related to a given activity or the course activities of the current participant should be registered on a given activity. However, as no automatic posting is made in connection with courses, the field is for information only.
Task In this field, you can specify the number of a task if the participation of the current participant is related to a given task or the course activities of the current participant should be registered on a given task. However, as no automatic posting is made in connection with courses, the field is for information only.
Selected Value 1-10 In these fields, you can specify a number of values for further specification of the current course participant. You can only use values available in the respective option lists specified in the card part of the window. If a given option list field has been left blank, any text can be entered in the corresponding value field.

Maconomy suggests the values specified in the corresponding fields in the card part of the window.

E-mail This field shows the e-mail address of the contact person specified on the current line.