Job Tasks Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Job Tasks tab.

Job Island

Field Description
Job This field shows the number of the job to which the job task list in the table part of the window applies. If the table part is empty, no job task list has been assigned to or created for the job. This field also shows the name of the current job.

Daily Descriptions Island

Field Description
Use Daily Descriptions A daily description is a descriptive text that you can add to any combination of task, activity, and day in a time sheet.

For example: Without using daily descriptions, you register time on a task called “Client Meetings” two times in a given week: Tuesday and Friday. In the “Description” field you enter a description of these two meetings. Using daily descriptions, you could enter a description of each meeting separately, thus adding clarity to your registrations.

This text can be used as a help to the person approving time sheets, or it can be included in invoice texts for the customer to see. If the invoice layout for the job specifies “Registration” at either level of the invoice text, any daily descriptions entered in the time sheet will be printed on the invoice. The project manager can edit the daily descriptions in the window Approve Time Sheet Lines before approving the time sheet line in question.

If you mark this field, daily descriptions are turned on by default for all tasks registered on the job. However, the setting can be turned off or on for individual tasks in the table part. A number of factors come into play when changing the setting of this field:

If you change the setting of this field, and the task list assigned to the job is shared with other jobs (that is, not yet made job specific), then you will receive an error message. The task list must be made job specific, or the change should be made in the window Task Lists, in which case the change will affect all jobs sharing the task list in question.

If the field is marked, and there are no tasks for the job, daily descriptions will be required on all time sheet registrations on the job. Similarly, if the field is not marked, and there are no tasks for the job, then daily descriptions will not be required.

To enable daily descriptions on job entries, Maconomy must be set up such that a time sheet line will give rise to a job entry for each day with a registration. This is done by setting the popup field “Allocation Method” in the island Job Cost to “One Entry per Day” in the window System Information in the Set-Up module.

Tasks Island

This island is usually called User. In this window it is called Tasks to clarify that the version information applies to the task list in the table part of the window, and not the job in the card part. See the “Getting Started” topic for a description of the fields in this island.

Customer Island

Field Description
Customer This field shows the number and name of the bill-to customer assigned to the current job.

Standard Tasks Island

Field Description
Time Budgeting In this field, you can enter a task to be used by default when time-related budget lines on jobs.
Amount Budgeting In this field, you can enter a task to be used by default when creating amount-related budget lines on jobs.
Registration In this field, you can enter a task to be used by default when making registrations on jobs. When you make registrations and you do not enter a task on the job in question, the task from this field is automatically copied to the registration.
Revenue Recognition In this field, you can enter a task to be used by default at the creation of a revenue recognition adjustment. At overrun adjustment or revenue adjustment on the basis of completion percentage on jobs to which a task list is assigned, the task from this field is automatically copied to the adjustment entry.

Maconomy will also use the task specified in this field on revenue recognition entries in connection with the closing of fixed-price jobs for which the system has been set up to automatically create an invoice upon job closing. The value of the job parameter attribute is specified in the job parameter type “Fixed-Price Job Set-Up” in the window Job Parameters.

If you enter a derived activity on the task in question, you can register the revenue adjustment on another activity than the one specified in the job parameter attribute “Activity for Job Revenue Adjustment” in the job parameter type “Fixed-Price Set-Up.” However, you should not enter other derived dimensions on the task in question, as this could lead to wrong postings in the G/L module.

Mileage This field shows the total mileage (in km or miles) for the lines in the table part.
Invoicing Plan This field shows the invoicing plan specified for the task.
Invoicing On Account 1 In this field you can indicate the standard task that will be used for invoicing on account in the Invoice Selection window if the user does not actively select another task in the On Account Invoice Selection window. See also job parameter type “Invoicing on Account” attribute “Activity required for Invoicing on Account.”
Invoicing On Account 2 In this field you can indicate the standard task that will be used for invoicing on account in the Invoice Selection window if the user does not actively select another task in the On Account Invoice Selection window. See also job parameter type “Invoicing on Account” attribute “Activity required for Invoicing on Account.
Write Up/Down, Invoice Selection In this field you can indicate the standard task used for write-up/down registrations upon write-up/down in Invoice Selection. See also the job parameter type “Write-Up/Down” attribute “Transfer Write-Up/Down to Fixed Allocation Combination.”
Write Up/Down, Job Inv. Allocation In this field you can indicate the standard task used for write-up/down registrations upon write-up/down in Invoice Allocation. See also the job parameter type “Write-Up/Down” attribute “Transfer Write-Up/Down to Fixed Allocation Combination.”
Special Tax In this field, you can specify a tax rate which often represents public charges. The tax is charged to the invoicing party, not the customer being invoiced. Therefore it is not added to the invoice or credit memo amounts.

The charge will only be used in connection with invoice and credit memo postings. If you specify a tax rate here, the calculated charge amount will be posted on the account specified in the dimension combination in the field “Tax” in this window with an offset entry posted on the account specified in the dimension combination in the field “Offset Account” in the island Posting References.

Employee Revenue Distribution Use this field to specify a standard task for the revenue adjustment entries created from Employee Revenue Distribution window.
Subcontractor Variance In this field, you can define where Maconomy should post the margin/difference between the time registered and the total for subcontractor reconciliation.

This is an amount task.

Surcharge Use this field to specify a task for the job surcharge.