Print Requirement Analysis Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Print Requirement Analysis Tab.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Raw Materials Here you can select which raw material warehouse to make a requirement analysis for. The requirement analysis will only include raw materials from this warehouse in the production transaction.
Finished Goods Here you can select which finished item warehouse to make a requirement analysis for. The requirement analysis will only include raw materials for a finished item in this warehouse in the production transaction.
Company No. In this field, you can enter a range of company numbers. The requirement analysis will only include production transactions on which the responsible company is within the specified range.
Trans. No. Here you can enter a range of transaction numbers. The requirement analysis will only include production transactions within the specified range.
Raw Materials No. Here you can enter a range of raw material numbers. The requirement analysis will only include raw materials within the specified range.
Finished Item No. Here you can enter a range of finished item numbers. The requirement analysis will only include finished items within the specified range.
Time Limit In this field, you can enter a date which functions as a time limit.

The requirement analysis will only include raw materials which have inventory profile and whose delivery horizon lies before the specified date.

Incl. Items Without Invent. Control If you mark this field the requirement analysis will also include raw materials without inventory control. The available quantity will be zero.

If you do not mark this field, the requirement analysis will only include items with inventory control.

Print Control Island

Field Description
Layout In this field, you can select which layout to use for the printout. If no additional layouts for the current printout have been added in the window Print Layout in the Set-Up module, “Standard” is the only option.