Invoice Drafts Status Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Invoice Drafts Status tab.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Include Approved Select this checkbox to display approved invoice drafts in the subtab along with invoice drafts pending approval.
Show Drafts To show the draft invoices with a specific status, select an option from the drop-down list:
  • Not Approved
  • Not Submitted
  • Awaiting Approval
  • Approved

This is a required field. By default, the selected status is Not Approved.

Project Manager This field shows the name of the project manager whose pending draft approvals should be displayed in the sub-tab.
Job No. These fields allow the user to specify a range of job numbers. The pending draft approvals associated with the selected job numbers will be displayed in the sub-tab.
Job Collection No. This field shows the number of the job collection for jobs included in a job collection. The field is also displayed in the Jobs and Blanket Invoice Overview windows.
Company No. These fields allow the user to specify a range of company numbers. The pending draft approvals associated with the selected company numbers will be displayed in the sub-tab.
Settling Company No. These fields allow the user to specify a range of settling company numbers. The pending draft approvals associated with the selected settling company numbers will be displayed in the sub-tab.
Customer No. These fields allow the user to specify a range of customer numbers. The pending draft approvals associated with the selected customer numbers will be displayed in the sub-tab.
Customer Group This field allows the user to select a customer group. The pending draft approvals associated with the selected customer group will be displayed in the sub-tab.
Payment Customer These fields allow the user to specify a range of payment customer numbers. The pending draft approvals associated with the selected payment customer will be displayed in the sub-tab.
Department No. This field allows the user to select a department number. The pending draft approvals associated with the selected department number will be displayed in the sub-tab.
Sales Rep. This field allows the user to select a sales representative. The pending draft approvals associated with the selected sales representative will be displayed in the sub-tab.
Employee 1-10 No. These fields allow the user to enter the numbers of one or more employees. The pending draft approvals associated with the selected employees will be displayed in the sub-tab.

Selection Criteria, Dimensions Island

Field Description
Location These fields allow the user to specify a range of location codes.

The pending draft approvals associated with the selected location codes will be displayed in the sub-tab.

Entity The functionality of these fields is similar to the functionality of the “Location” field above.
Project The functionality of these fields is similar to the functionality of the “Location” field above.
Purpose The functionality of these fields is similar to the functionality of the “Location” field above.
Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to the functionality of the “Location” field above.
Local Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to the functionality of the “Location” field above.

Totals Island

Field Description
Current This table row shows the total amount of all invoice drafts displayed in the sub-tab, expressed in enterprise currency.
Prior This table row shows the total amount that has already been invoiced on all selected invoice drafts, expressed in enterprise currency.
Total This table row shows the sum of the “Current” and “Prior” fields, thus expressing the total invoiceable amount on the selected invoice drafts. The amount is shown in enterprise currency.
Enterprise Currency This field shows the enterprise currency, for example, USD.
Invoice Drafts to Approve This field shows the number of invoice drafts that have been marked for approval in the tab.
Invoice Drafts to Print This field shows the number of invoice drafts that have been marked for printing in the tab.