Payment Control Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Payment Control tab.

Vendor Island

Field Description
Vendor No. This field displays the number of the current vendor. The value cannot be changed.

The other lines in this field show the name and address of the vendor. The information is retrieved from the Vendor Information Card, but can be changed here.

Attn. This is the vendor attention person the person to whom payment information is directed. The information is retrieved from the Vendor Information Card, but can be changed here.
Country In this field, you can select the country the vendor comes from. It is used for reference and statistics.

If you alter the country code in this window, Maconomy will check that any validation rule for tax and social security/federal ID numbers in the window Rules of Validation are observed.

Phone This is the vendor’s phone number. The information is retrieved from the Vendor Information Card, but can be changed here.
Fax This is the vendor’s fax number. The information is retrieved from the Vendor Information Card, but can be changed here.
Telex This is the vendor’s telex number. The information is retrieved from the Vendor Information Card, but can be changed here.
Our Cust. No. This is your company’s customer number with the vendor. The information is retrieved from the Vendor Information Card, but can be changed here.
Currency This field displays the currency that the current vendor uses as standard currency.

Payment Status Island

Field Description
Selected for Payment This field shows whether the vendor is selected for payment. Maconomy marks the field when you make a payment selection. Payment selections are entered in the Payment Selection and Change Payment Selection by Vendor windows in the Banking module. The value cannot be changed.
No. Entries Selected This field shows how many entries are selected for payment. Maconomy enters the value automatically. It cannot be changed.
No. of Entries Being Paid This field shows the number of vendor entries being paid. This field is automatically completed by Maconomy and cannot be changed. An entry is under payment if it is included in a payment file created in the Payment Files window, or if a check has been printed out in the Print Check window. The entry is no longer under payment when it has been approved.

Bank Island

Field Description
Address In this field, you can enter the address of the vendor’s bank. It is used for electronic payment to foreign vendors.
SWIFT In this field, you can enter a SWIFT code. The SWIFT code is used for electronic payment to foreign vendors.

Pay to Vendor Island

Field Description
Pay to Vendor In this field, you enter a pay to vendor number, if a different vendor is to receive payment for deliveries from the current vendor. The Pay to Vendor number indicates the vendor to which payment is to be sent. The “original” (delivery) vendor is debited by the amount.

Payment might be directed to the Pay to Vendor if the delivery vendor uses a factoring company.

The Pay to Vendor is transferred from the vendor information card, but you can change the pay to vendor in this window.

Maconomy also shows the name and address of the Pay to Vendor.

Balance Island

Field Description
Balance, Currency This field displays the vendor’s balance in the standard currency of the vendor. If one or more company-specific vendors are assigned to the vendor in question, this field displays the balance of all entries registered on the assigned company-specific vendors and the parent vendor in question. However, you should note that if one or more of the assigned company-specific vendors use a currency which is different from the standard currency of the parent vendor, Maconomy sums the balance of the entries irrespective of the assigned currencies, and the amount in this field will not be a valid figure. The balance in this field is updated when you post journals with vendor entries
Balance, Enterprise This is the vendor’s balance in your base currency. Maconomy updates the balance when you post journals with vendor entries. See also the description of the above field “Balance, Currency.”

Payment Control Island

Field Description
Block Payments If you mark this field, you block payments to the vendor. This means you cannot make a payment selection.

You can block payments if, for example, you wish to delay payment for a wrong delivery until it is corrected.

Marking of this field will also result in the resetting of payment selections created for the current vendor. Such payment selections can be inspected in the window Change Payment Selection by Vendor in the Banking module. For further information about payment selections, see the description of this window in the Banking module.

Payment Mode In this field, you select how you normally pay the vendor. The payment mode is used partly to point to a G/L account, partly to select which payment form to use and to control automatic payment. The payment mode is used when you register vendor invoices. It can always be changed on individual vendor invoices in the Vendor Invoices and Change Payment Selection windows in the Banking module.

When you approve a payment selection, Maconomy uses the vendor invoice’s payment mode to find the G/L account and other dimensions to which the payment should be posted, that is, from where payment is taken.

Payment modes are changed in the Payment Modes window in the Banking module.

Pmt. Terms In this field, you enter which payment terms normally apply to the vendor. The payment terms are used to calculate the invoice due date when you enter vendor invoices. Invoices are entered in the Vendor Invoices window.
Cash Discount Payment In this field, you can select a cash discount condition to be assigned to the current vendor. The selected cash discount condition is used by Maconomy when paying vendor invoices. If you do not select a condition, cash discount will not be calculated for the current vendor. Cash discount conditions are created in the pop-up type “Cash Discount Codes” in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module. Please see this window for further information on cash discount conditions.
Giro No. If the vendor is from a state country with a regional or national giro system, you can specify the vendor’s giro account number here. The information is for reference.
Reg. No. In this field, you can enter the vendor’s bank registration number.

The number is used for reference and electronic payment.

Bank Account No. In this field, you can enter the vendor’s bank account number. The number is used for reference and electronic payment.
BACS No. In this field, you can enter the vendor’s number for automated clearing service. The number is used for reference and electronic payment.
CPC No In this field, you can enter the vendor’s common payment card number, if applicable. The number is used for reference and electronic payment.
Card Type Code In this field, you can enter a card type code. The code is transferred to vendor invoices when they are entered. However, you can change it for individual invoices in the Vendor Invoices and Change Payment Selection windows in the Banking module. The code is used for electronic payment.
Payer Identification Here you can enter a payer identification. It is transferred to vendor invoices when they are entered. However, you can change it for individual invoices in the Vendor Invoices and Change Payment Selection windows. The identification is used for electronic payment.
Tax In this field, you specify whether to calculate tax on vendor invoices from this vendor on a normal basis. If you mark the field, Maconomy will automatically calculate tax for vendor invoices. You can, however, change the mark during invoice registration.

You should normally mark the field for vendors in your own country. The field should not be marked for vendors from other EU countries. You have to settle tax for items bought in other EU countries, but the tax is calculated rather than lifted from the invoice amount.

Company Tax Code In this field, you can specify a company tax code created in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module. The field is used by Maconomy for determining the tax code to be used in the calculation of tax for the current vendor, as the reporting code is part of the criteria for the selection of a G/L tax code in the window G/L Tax Tables if such a table has been specified for the company responsible for the registration. The G/L tax code is specified for a company in the window Company Information in the G/L module. When selecting a tax code, Maconomy uses the tax table specified for the responsible company of the vendor invoice in the window Company Information. However, the tax code is only selected from a tax table if the company that is responsible for the current invoice is assigned to a tax table in the window System Information.

When posting entries, the reporting code is used for determining which tax report entries to create. Based on the tax report entries, you can create tax reports showing the tax and tax basis entries assigned to a given tax report field. However, this kind of reporting can only be made if extended tax reporting has been selected in the window System Information.

EU Trade Type In this field, you can enter either “Normal” or “Triangulation” to indicate the EU trade type. Triangulation means you act as agent for a vendor in another EU country and a customer in third EU country. Triangulation sales are not included in the EU sales part of the tax specification. The trade type can be changed during order processing.

Maconomy transfers the value to any item purchase orders you make to the vendor, but you can change it there.

Tax No. In this field, you enter the vendor’s tax number. If you have entered tax number validation rules for the vendor’s country in the window Rules of Validation in the Set-Up module, Maconomy will verify that the tax number complies with these validation rules.
Control Account The control account is a reference to two G/L accounts - a Vendor control account and an account for non-balanced entries.

All vendor entries are posted to the General Ledger, to the control account referred to here. Accounts payable is thus a specification of A/P control accounts in the General Ledger.

You can use the control accounts to group your vendors in the General Ledger—for example, in foreign and domestic vendors.

The account for non-balanced entries is used to manage your accounts when item deliveries and invoices are not received at the same time. When you approve item deliveries to the warehouse, the inventory value account is debited and the non-balanced entries account is credited. When the vendor invoices are registered at a later date, the items are credited to the Vendor control account and debited to the account for non-balanced entries. You thus avoid any accounting problems, when items are delivered in one posting period and the corresponding vendor invoice is received in another.

References to control accounts are specified by means of dimension combinations in the window Popup fields in the Set-Up module.

Responsible In this field, you enter the employee responsible for approving invoices from the vendor. The name is for reference and is used to sort lists of non-approved vendor invoices.

Responsible employees must be created as employees in the Maconomy system. Employees are created in the window Employees in the Set-Up module.

Non-approved vendor invoices are printed in the window Print Approval List.

This field also displays the name of the specified responsible employee.

Auto. Approval In this field, you specify whether invoices and invoice allocation lines from this vendor should be approved automatically. If the field is marked, all invoices from the vendor are automatically approved for payment. However, you can remove the mark for individual invoices. Invoices are paid in either the window Change Payment Selection by Vendor or the window Approve Payment Selection in the Banking module.