Catalogs Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Catalogs Tab.

Catalog Island

Field Description
Catalog No. In this field, you can specify the number of the catalog when creating a catalog. Once the catalog has been created, this field cannot be changed.
Name In this field, specify a name for the catalog. This is the name which may be shown in the Portal.
Entry Catalog If you mark this field, the catalog will appear in the My Catalogs component in the Portal Web Shop for all web shop users. This means that if the current catalog should be a “front page” catalog available to any user, this field should be marked. If the current catalog is a personal catalog, you should not mark this field, as the personal catalog should only be available to the user to whom the catalog belongs. For further information on the My Catalogs component and personal catalogs, see the section “My Catalogs” in the Portal Modules manual.
Picture File Reference In this field, you can specify a reference to an image file to be assigned to the catalog. If you specify a file reference, the image will be displayed when the current catalog is selected in the procurement portal, provided that a placeholder for the image is included in the layout of the Catalog Home component.

The file reference must be specified as a valid URL, either as a full path specification starting with “http://” or relative to the web server. For instance, if you specify “/Images/Furniture/LSofa1.jpg,” it means that the file is placed in the folder “Furniture” which is a subfolder to “Images,” which again is a subfolder directly below the root level of the web server.

Information Island

Field Description
Information 1-5 In these fields, you can specify additional information about the current catalog.

Customer Island

Field Description
Customer No. In this field, you can enter the number of a customer. If you enter a customer number, this island and the individual lines in the table part will show pricing information.

This means that if you enter a customer, each line on which an item has been specified will show the price of the item in question according to the price list to which the specified customer is assigned. Furthermore, each item line will show any discounts to which the customer is entitled according to item and customer discount agreements. If you also specify a quantity on a line, an extended line price is calculated, and any relevant quantity discount is applied. The Customer island will display totals for all the lines in the table part on which a quantity has been specified.

If you do not specify a customer number, no prices and discounts are displayed, as Maconomy needs a customer number to be able to apply the relevant price list.

The functionality of this field and the price fields in this island as well as in the table part is used in the Procurement Portal module where certain components use the fields for displaying the prices and discounts that will apply to the current customer when ordering a given quantity.

Price List If you have specified a customer in the field “Customer No.” above, this field shows the name of the price list assigned to the customer in question. The information is retrieved from the window Customer Information Card. If no customer has been specified, this field is blank.
Price Step If you have specified a customer in the field “Customer No.” above, this field shows the name of the price step of the customer in question. The information is retrieved from the window Customer Information Card. If no customer has been specified, this field is blank.
Currency If you have specified a customer in the field “Customer No.” above, this field shows the currency of the customer in question. The prices in the window are displayed in this currency. The information is retrieved from the window Customer Information Card. If no customer has been specified, this field is blank.
Goods If you have specified a customer in the field “Customer No.” above, this field shows the sum of the amounts in the field “Extended Price” in the table part of the window. The field thus shows the total price for the items in the table part in the specified quantities. If no customer has been specified, this field is blank.