Invoice Reconciliation Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Invoice Reconciliation tab.

Vendor Island

Field Description
Vendor No. The vendor number is the sole and absolute identification of the vendor.

The field also shows the first two lines of the vendor’s name and address. The information is retrieved from the Vendor Information Card.

Company Island

Field Description
Company No. This field displays the company number of the current vendor.
Name This field displays the company name of the current vendor.
Base Currency This field displays the currency used as base currency in the company specified in the field “Company No.” above. See the field “Base Currency” in the window Company Information in the G/L module for a detailed description of the concepts of company base currency and enterprise currency.

Reconciliation Island

Field Description
Entry Date In this field, you can enter an entry date for the reconciliation in question. Maconomy suggests today’s date as default, but the date can be changed manually. The date entered must be within the open posting period.

Reconciled, Total (Base Currency/Enterprise Currency) Island

Field Description
Debit This is the debit total of the reconciled entries. The entries are reconciled in the base currency of the current company because they only affect G/L accounts. All G/L transactions are in the base currency of the current company. The field is updated when you press Return.
Credit This is the credit total of the reconciled entries. The entries are reconciled in base currency of the current company because they only affect G/L accounts. All G/L transactions are in the base currency of the current company. The field is updated when you press Return.
Cost Price Difference This field displays the sum of any cost price differences which have occurred when reconciling a packing slip with a vendor invoice. The cost price difference corresponds to the difference between the registered price and the price specified in the field “New Price” in a given item line in the window Invoice Control. Only cost price differences in item lines which are marked for approval in the window Invoice Control are included in the calculation.
Total Difference This is the difference between the debit and credit amounts. When the reconciled payments are approved, this balance is posted to the account for cost price and quantity variance. See also the introduction to the window.

To approve the reconciliation, select the action “Approve Reconciled Payments.”

Warehouse/Purchase Island

Field Description
Responsible This is the employee responsible for approving invoices from the vendor. The name is for reference, and is used to sort lists of non-approved vendor invoices.
Warehouse This is the warehouse to which items are normally delivered from the vendor. The information is retrieved from the Vendor Information Card.
Control Account The control account is a reference to two G/L accounts - a Vendor control account and an account for un-reconciled entries. The reference to these accounts is made by mans of dimension combinations in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module.

All vendor entries are posted to the General Ledger, to the accounts referred to in the control account code selected here. The accounts payable is thus a specification of Vendor control accounts in the General Ledger.

The account for un-reconciled entries is explained in the introduction to the window.

The control account reference is selected in the window Payment Control.

Department This is the department which normally receives items from the vendor. The value is retrieved from the Vendor Information Card.

The field “Department” is a reference to a G/L accounts for cash discounts and exchange rate differences. These imbalances can occur when you pay invoices. References to cash discounts and exchange rate differences are maintained in the window Posting References in the G/L module.

Vendor Group This is the group the vendor belongs to. The information is used for statistics. The value is retrieved from the Vendor Information Card.