Sales Order to Item Purchase Orders Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Sales Order to Item Purchase Orders tab.

Sales Orders Island

Field Description
Order No. This is the number of the sales order on which the item purchase orders will be based. You can use the search functions in the Find menu to find the right sales order.
Warehouse This is the warehouse the items in the sales order are to be delivered from.
Department This is the department the sales order is assigned to. In the Item Purchase Selection window you can choose to include sales orders from a specific department and/or warehouse.
Approved This field shows whether or not the sales order is approved. A sales order must be approved using the action “Approve Order” in the Sales Orders window before you can create item purchase orders from its item lines.
Delivered This field shows whether all or any items from the sales order have already been delivered. It shows “No,” “Partly,” or “Yes.” You can only create item purchase orders if it is not yet fully delivered.

Customer Island

Field Description
Customer These fields display the name and number of the ship-to customer in the sales order. They will appear on any item purchase orders to be drop shipped.

The other lines in These fields show the address of the customer in the sales order. It is printed on delivery notes and invoices for the sales order, as well as on any item purchase orders to be drop shipped. The text can be changed here, but the changes only have effect in the sales order and the item purchase orders shown and created here.

Attn. This field displays the customer’s attention person.
Phone This field displays the customer’s telephone number.

Item Purchase Island

Field Description
Auto. Approval In this field, you can specify whether the item purchase orders should be approved automatically. If you mark this field, the item purchase orders will be approved in the same way as if you for each item purchase order chose the action “Approve Item Purchase Order” in the Item purchase orders window. When item purchase orders are approved, the items are registered as being ordered, that is, the value in the “Item Purchase Orders” field is updated in the windows Item Information Card and Item Information in the Inventory module.
Incl. non-inventoried If you mark this field, you will include items without inventory control in the item purchase order.
Item Purchase Order Sum This field displays the order sum of the assigned item purchase order lines. The amount is displayed in the base currency of the company responsible for the sales order.
Base Currency This field shows the base currency of the company responsible for the current sales order. For further information about the concepts of enterprise currency and base currencies, see the description of the field “Base Currency” in the window Company Information in the G/L module.
Last Receipt This field displays the date of the last item receipt for the item purchase orders in the window. The date is updated when you choose “Approve Receipt” in the Item Receipt window.
Last Delivery This field displays the date of the last delivery for the order.

Joint Item Purchase Order Island

Field Description
Vendor In this field, you can enter the number of a vendor to be used for all the item lines in the sales order. It is used if you want to match sales orders and item purchase orders one-to-one. If you enter a value, the action “Create Item Purchase Orders” will create one item purchase order with the same item lines as in the sales order. You can only use it if you have not already created item purchase orders for any of the item lines in the sales order. When you press Return, the vendor number is copied to all the item lines.
Drop Shipment You can mark this field if you wish your vendor to deliver the items directly to your ship-to customer. You can only change the field if you have not already created item purchase orders for any of the item lines in the sales order.
Incl. Text Lines You can mark this field if you wish to include any text lines from the sales order.
Item Purchase Order No. This field displays the number given to the item purchase order by Maconomy after you select “Create Item Purchase Order” in the Action menu. It cannot be changed.

User Island

See the chapter “Getting Started” for a description of the fields in the island User.

Company Island

Field Description
Company This field displays the name and number of the company responsible for the current sales order. The company in this field will also be responsible for the item purchase orders created from the sales order. See the section “Several Companies” in the chapter “Introduction to the G/L Module” for a further description of the concept of responsible companies.