Levels Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Levels sub-tab.

Field Description
Level In this field, you can enter the name of the level on the current line.
Description In this field, you can enter a description of the level on the current line.
Calculation Value If the level list is graded, that is, the option in the field “Grading Method” is either “Best first” or “Best last,” you can specify a calculation value in this field. This value is used when the system calculates to what degree an employee matches the skill requirements on a job budget line in the windows Task Staffing and Browse Employee Skills, as well as for calculations in connection with automatic level specification.

By default, the value of the field will be “1” on the first line of the level list, “2” on the second line, and so forth, but the default value can be changed. However, the calculation values of the list must always be in increasing order. For a level list for which the field “Grading Method” is set to “Best first,” this means that a low calculation value corresponds to a better level than a high calculation value, whereas for a list with the option “Best last,” a high calculation value represents a better level than a low calculation value.

If the calculation value is changed, an employee associated with a skill assigned to this level list will have the level of that skill reevaluated for levels being automatically calculated. This reevaluation may imply that an employee who previously matched a skill requirement no longer matches that requirement and vice versa.