Asset Ledger Card Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Asset Ledger Card tab.

Asset Island

Field Description
Asset No. This is the asset number.
Asset Group This field shows the asset group name.
Asset Sub-Group This field shows the asset sub-group name.
Description This is the description of the asset, for example, its make.
Model This field shows the model of the asset.
Located This is the asset’s location in the company.

Company Island

Field Description
Company No. This field displays the number of the company assigned to the current asset.
Company Name This field displays the name of the company specified in the field “Company No.” above.
Base Currency This field displays the currency used as base currency in the company specified in the field “Company No.” above. See the field “Base Currency” in the window Company Information in the G/L module for a detailed description of the concepts of company base currency and enterprise currency.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Entry Date Here you define the period for which you wish to see transactions.
Asset Transaction Type Here you enter the asset transaction type you wish to see. If you leave the pop-up blank, the table part will show all asset transaction types.
Include Unapproved If you mark this field, the table part will also display entries which have not yet been approved. Note that if you have marked this field, the field “Amount, Enterprise” in the table part of the window will display the value zero on all unapproved asset entries, as the contents of that field are not calculated until the asset adjustment in question has been approved.