Asset Disposal Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Asset Disposal tab.

Asset Island

Field Description
Asset No. This field shows the number of the asset.
Asset Group This is the asset group the asset is in.
Asset Sub-Group This is the asset’s sub-group.

Company Island

Field Description
Company No. This field displays the name and number of the company assigned to the current asset.
Base Currency This field displays the currency used as base currency in the company specified in the field “Company No.” above. See the field “Base Currency” in the window Company Information in the G/L module for a detailed description of the concepts of company base currency and enterprise currency.

Asset Information Island

Field Description
Description This is the description of the asset.
Model This is the model of the asset.
Located This is where the asset is located.

Sales Island

Field Description
Amount In this field you enter the price the asset (or part of it) is being sold for. You must enter a positive amount.
Pct. Sold In this field you enter how large a percent of the asset is being sold.
Date of Sale In this field you enter the date of the sale.
Trans. Type In this field you can select the transaction type for the asset to be sold. You can only select a transaction type that is allowed in the asset journal for the current company and user. The value of this field has no effect on the field Numbering Series. The default value is set to the default transaction type of the asset sales journal in company of the asset.
Number Series In this field you can choose a transaction number series from the Popup Fields window. The transaction number will then be allocated automatically. The default is set to the default transaction numbering series for the transaction type in this island.
Trans. No. In this field you enter the transaction number.

If you have not checked the box “Reuse Trans. No.” in the window System Information in the Set-Up module, Maconomy checks that the transaction number has not already been used for a journal entry in an unposted general or vendor invoice journal belonging to the company applying to the current line or for an already posted G/L entry belonging to the company applying to the current line.

If the system parameter “Company specific transaction number check” has been marked, Maconomy checks that the transaction number has not already been used for a journal entry in an unposted general, asset, customer payment, or vendor invoice journal belonging to the company applying to the current line or for an already posted G/L entry belonging to the company applying to the current line. If the parameter has not been marked, Maconomy checks that the number has not been used on any other manual transaction in the system, regardless of company number.

Entry Description In this field you enter a comment to explain the sale.

Transfer Island

Field Description
New Asset Group In this field you enter the asset group of the new asset.
New Asset Number In this field you enter the new asset number. If you do not enter a number manually, Maconomy will automatically take an asset number from the transaction numbering series that may be connected to the current company. If the number in the numbering series has been selected as zero, you should enter an asset number manually. Numbering series are entered in the window Trans. No. Series in the Set-Up module.
Date Transferred In this field you enter the transfer date.
Trans. Type In this field you can select the transaction type for the asset to be transferred. You can only select a transaction type that is allowed in the asset journal for the current company and user. The value of this field has no effect on the field Numbering Series. The default value is set to the default transaction type of the asset transfer journal in company of the asset.
Number Series In this field you can choose a transaction number series from the Popup Fields window. The transaction number will then be allocated automatically. The default is set to the default transaction numbering series for the transaction type in this island.
Trans. No. In this field you enter the transaction number.

If you have not checked the box “Reuse Trans. No.” in the window System Information in the Set-Up module, Maconomy checks that the transaction number has not already been used for a journal entry in an unposted general or vendor invoice journal belonging to the company applying to the current line or for an already posted G/L entry belonging to the company applying to the current line.

If the system parameter “Company specific transaction number check” has been marked, Maconomy checks that the transaction number has not already been used for a journal entry in an unposted general, asset, customer payment, or vendor invoice journal belonging to the company applying to the current line or for an already posted G/L entry belonging to the company applying to the current line. If the parameter has not been marked, Maconomy checks that the number has not been used on any other manual transaction in the system, regardless of company number.

Entry Description In this field you enter a comment to explain the transfer.