Holders of Approval Workspace

Use this workspace to assign a holder of approval to an allocation combination.

An allocation combination is a range of account numbers, locations, entities, and so on. Holders of approval are the people who are responsible for approving invoices or invoice lines for payment.

When you post a vendor invoice, Maconomy automatically transfers the vendor invoice and the individual invoice allocation lines to a holder of approval, according to the allocation combination of the invoice or invoice allocation line. When a holder of approval needs to approve invoices and invoice lines in the Approval Lists workspace, it is easy to find just those invoices and invoice lines that apply to him or her.

The tab displays the range that determines the sub-tab lines that are displayed. For every sub-tab line, you can assign a holder of approval to an allocation combination. You specify allocation combinations as a range of, for example, account numbers, locations, entities, and so on. If an allocation combination in a vendor invoice corresponds to more than one of the combinations displayed in the sub-tab, Maconomy selects the first holder of approval that matches the combination.