Sales Orders Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Sales Orders sub-tab.

Field Description
Order No. This field shows the number of the current quote or the current order.
Customer No. This field shows the number of the current ship-to customer.
Name This field shows the name of the current ship-to customer.
Reference This field shows any reference entered in the field “Reference” on the current quote or order.
Order Total This field shows the quote or order total for the current quote or order. If the line is displaying a quote, this field shows the value of the field “Total Quote” in the window Quote. The value is converted into enterprise currency. If the line is displaying a sales order, this field shows the value of the field “Order Total” in the window Sales Orders converted into enterprise currency.
Package This field shows the total number of packages on the current quote or the current sales order.
Weight This field shows the total weight of the items on the current quote or sales order. If the line is displaying a quote or a sales order which is not yet delivered, the field displays the value from the corresponding field in the card part of the quote or sales order in question, including the increase percentage which may be specified in this window in the field “Increase in Weight, %.” If a packing list has been approved for the order, but no packing slip has been created, the field will, however, display the weight entered via the packing reporting.

If the order on the current line is delivered, Maconomy shows the weight as specified on the packing slip. This weight depends on whether the packing slip was created in the window Packing Lists, Sales Orders or Print Packing Slip, as Maconomy will calculate the weight in the following way when a packing slip is created:

If the packing slip was created in the window Sales Orders, Maconomy uses the weight from the island “Order Total” in the window Sales Orders with the addition of the percentage specified in this window in the field “Increase in Weight, %.”

If the packing slip was created in the window Packing Lists, the confirmed weight is used.

If the packing slip was created in the window Print Packing Slip, the weight reported when selecting the action “Approve Packing List” in the window Packing Lists is used. However, if no approved packing list existed for the order when the packing slip was created, the weight specified on the packing slip will correspond to the total weight from the island Order Total in the window Sales Orders with the addition of the percentage specified in this window in the field “Increase in Weight, %.”

Volume The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Weight” above.
Order Approved If the current line is displaying an order, this field shows if the order in question is approved.

Packing list printed If the current line is displaying an order, this field shows if a packing list has been printed for the order in question.

Ready for Delivery If the current line is displaying an order, this field shows if the order in question is ready for delivery, that is, the packing list for the current order is approved, but no packing slip has yet been created. This field is only significant if the system parameter “Approve packing list in two steps” has been marked.
Delivered If the current line is displaying an order, this field shows whether the order in question has been delivered, that is, a packing slip has been created for the order.