Journals Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Journals sub-tab.

Field Description
Journal No. This is the journal number. Maconomy allocates it automatically from the “Journal” system number series. It cannot be changed.
Company No. This field displays the number of the company to which the journal pertains.
Name This field displays the name of the company specified in the field “Company No.”
Journal Type This is the journal type. The different types are general, payment, A/R, A/P, invoice, vendor invoice, reallocation, job, client adjustment, and item journal. See also the introductory description of this workspace. The type cannot be changed.
Created on This is the date when the journal was created. It cannot be changed.
Created by This is the name of the user who created the journal. It cannot be changed.
Balance This is the journal’s balance. It is automatically updated by Maconomy.

A/R and vendor invoice journal balances are calculated as the total of customer and vendor entries respectively. The total of offsetting entries are not included in the calculation. This means that these two types of journal can be posted without their balances having to be 0. All other journals must balance to be posted, that is, the value in this field must be 0.

Post If you mark this field, the journal will be posted when you select the “Post” action on the Posting tab. All journals with a check mark in this field will be included in the posting. There will only be a mark for general, job, vendor invoice, and payment journals if the mark was set when the journals were entered. Other journals will automatically be marked.
Being Posted This field shows whether parts of the journal have been posted. When the posting of a journal starts, this field is marked until the posting of the journal is completed. If posting is interrupted due to server problems, the field remains marked, but those entries whose posting was complete when the interruption occurred remain posted. Thus, when the posting is resumed, only the entries remaining to be posted are processed. After an interruption, a posting can only be resumed in this workspace.