Print Posting Journal Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Print Posting Journal tab.

Post Journal Island

Field Description
Cash If you mark this field, you specify that you wish to post general journals that have been released for posting. In the Posting window, you can mark the “Post” field to specify which journals should be released for posting. General journals should be released for posting. General journals can also be released for posting in the General Journal window. If this field is not marked, general journals will not be posted even though they have been released for posting.
Vendor Invoice If you mark this field, you specify that you wish to post vendor invoice journals that have been released for posting. In the window Posting, you can mark the field “Post” to specify which journals should be released for posting. Vendor invoice journals can also be released for posting in the windows Vendor Invoices and Invoice Allocation in the Accounts Receivable module. If this field is not marked, vendor invoice journals will not be posted even though they have been released for posting.
Reallocate Invoices If you mark this field, you specify that you wish to post invoice reallocation journals that have been released for posting. In the window Posting, you can mark the field “Post” to specify which journals should be released for posting. When Maconomy creates an invoice reallocation journal, it will automatically be released for posting. If this field is not marked, invoice reallocation journals will not be posted even though they have been released for posting.
Job If you mark this field, you specify that you wish to post job journals that have been released for posting. In the window Posting, you can mark the field “Post” to specify which journals should be released for posting. Job journals can also be released for posting in the window Job Journal in the Job Cost module. If this field is not marked, job journals will not be posted even though they have been released for posting.
Time Sheet If you mark this field, you specify that you wish to post time sheet journals released for posting. In the window Posting, you can mark the field “Post” to specify which journals should be released for posting. If this field is not marked, time sheet journals will not be posted even though they have been released for posting.
Expense Sheet If you mark this field, you specify that you wish to post expense sheet journals that have been released for posting. In the window Posting, you can mark the field “Post” to specify which journals should be released for posting. If this field is not marked, expense sheet journals will not be posted even though they have been released for posting.
Mileage Sheet If you mark this field, you specify that you wish to post mileage sheet journals that have been released for posting. In the window Posting, you can mark the field “Post” to specify which journals should be released for posting. If this field is not marked, mileage sheet journals will not be posted even though they have been released for posting.
Customer Payment If you mark this field, you specify that you wish to post customer payment journals that have been released for posting. In the window Posting, you can mark the field “Post” to specify which journals should be released for posting. If this field is not marked, customer payment journals will not be posted even though they have been released for posting. Note that customer payment journals can also be posted in the window Customer Payments in the A/R module.
Customer Reconciliation If you mark this field, you specify that you wish to post customer reconciliation journals that have been released for posting. In the window Posting, you can mark the field “Post” to specify which journals should be released for posting. If this field is not marked, customer reconciliation journals will not be posted even though they have been released for posting.
Interest Charge Notice If you mark this field, you specify that you wish to post interest charge notice journals that have been released for posting. In the window Posting, you can mark the field “Post” to specify which journals should be released for posting. If this field is not marked, interest charge notice journals will not be posted even though they have been released for posting.
Reminder Letter If you mark this field, you specify that you wish to post reminder letter journals that have been released for posting. In the window Posting, you can mark the field “Post” to specify which journals should be released for posting. If this field is not marked, reminder letter journals will not be posted even though they have been released for posting.
Collection If you mark this field, you specify that you wish to post collection journals that have been released for posting. In the window Posting, you can mark the field “Post” to specify which journals should be released for posting. If this field is not marked, collection journals will not be posted even though they have been released for posting.
Automatic Customer Payment If you mark this field, you specify that you wish to post customer payment journals which have been automatically created by reading customer payments in the window Read Customer Payments in the Banking module and which have been released for posting. In the window Posting, you can mark the field “Post” to specify which journals should be released for posting. If this field is not marked, automatic customer payment journals will not be posted even though they have been released for posting.
Follow-up Selection If you mark this field, you specify that you wish to post follow-up selection journals that have been released for posting. In the window Posting, you can mark the field “Post” to specify which journals should be released for posting. If this field is not marked, follow-up selection journals will not be posted even though they have been released for posting.
Vendor If you mark this field, you specify that you wish to post vendor journals that have been released for posting. In the window Posting, you can mark the field “Post” to specify which journals should be released for posting. If this field is not marked, vendor journals will not be posted even though they have been released for posting.

A/P journals are created when you post exchange rate differences or cash discounts in connection with reconciliations in the window A/P Open Entry Reconciliation in the A/P module.

Payment If you mark this field, you specify that you wish to post payment journals that have been released for posting. Payment journals are created when you print checks in the window Print Check, when you create payment files in the window Payment Files or when you approve payments in the window Payment Reporting in the Banking module. Payment journals can also be released for posting in the window Payment Journal in the Banking module. If this field is not marked, payment journals will not be posted even though they have been released for posting.
Invoice If you mark this field, you specify that you wish to post invoice journals that have been released for posting. In the window Posting, you can mark the field “Post” to specify which journals should be released for posting. When Maconomy creates an invoice journal, it will automatically be released for posting. If this field is not marked, invoice journals will not be posted even though they have been released for posting.
Job Invoice Allocation If you mark this field, you specify that you wish to post job invoice allocation journals that have been released for posting. In the window Posting, you can mark the field “Post” to specify which journals should be released for posting. When Maconomy creates a job invoice allocation journal, it will automatically be released for posting. If this field is not marked, job invoice journals will not be posted even though they have been released for posting.
Item If you mark this field, you specify that you wish to post item journals that have been released for posting. In the window Posting, you can mark the field “Post” to specify which journals should be released for posting. When Maconomy creates an inventory journal, it will automatically be released for posting. If this field is not marked, item journals will not be posted even though they have been released for posting.
Job Item If you mark this field, you specify that you wish to post job item journals that have been released for posting. In the window Posting, you can mark the field “Post” to specify which journals should be released for posting. When Maconomy creates a job item journal, it will automatically be released for posting. If this field is not marked, job item journals will not be posted even though they have been released for posting.
Asset If you mark this field, you specify that you wish to post asset journals which have been released for posting. In the window Posting, you can mark the field “Post” to specify which journals should be released for posting. If this field is not marked, asset journals will not be posted even though they have been released for posting.
Asset Depreciation If you mark this field, you specify that you wish to post asset depreciation journals which have been released for posting. In the window Posting, you can mark the field “Post” to specify which journals should be released for posting. If this field is not marked, asset depreciation journals will not be posted even though they have been released for posting.
Asset Sale If you mark this field, you specify that you wish to post asset sale journals which have been released for posting. In the window Posting, you can mark the field “Post” to specify which journals should be released for posting. If this field is not marked, asset sale journals will not be posted even though they have been released for posting.
Asset Internal Sale If you mark this field, you specify that you wish to post asset internal sale journals which have been released for posting. In the window Posting, you can mark the field “Post” to specify which journals should be released for posting. If this field is not marked, asset internal sale journals will not be posted even though they have been released for posting.
Asset Relocation If you mark this field, you specify that you wish to post asset relocation journals which have been released for posting. In the window Posting, you can mark the field “Post” to specify which journals should be released for posting. If this field is not marked, asset relocation journals will not be posted even though they have been released for posting.
Asset Transfer If you mark this field, you specify that you wish to post asset transfer journals which have been released for posting. In the window Posting, you can mark the field “Post” to specify which journals should be released for posting. If this field is not marked, asset transfer journals will not be posted even though they have been released for posting.
Asset Acquisition If you mark this field, you specify that you wish to post asset acquisition journals which have been released for posting. In the window Posting, you can mark the field “Post” to specify which journals should be released for posting. If this field is not marked, asset acquisition journals will not be posted even though they have been released for posting.
Bank Reconciliation If you mark this field, you specify that you wish to post bank reconciliation journals which have been released for posting. In the window Posting, you can mark the field “Post” to specify which journals should be released for posting. If this field is not marked, bank reconciliation journals will not be posted even though they have been released for posting.
Job Reallocation If you mark this field, you specify that you wish to post job reallocation journals released for posting. In the window Posting, you can mark the field “Post” to specify which journals should be released for posting. When Maconomy creates a job reallocation journal, it will automatically be released for posting. If this field is not marked, job reallocation journals will not be posted even though they have been released for posting.
Fixed Price Inclusion If you mark this field, you specify that you wish to post fixed price inclusion journals released for posting. In the window Posting, you can mark the field “Post” to specify which journals should be released for posting. When Maconomy creates a fixed price inclusion journal, it will automatically be released for posting. If this field is not marked, fixed price inclusion journals will not be posted even though they have been released for posting.
Job Transfer If you mark this field, you specify that you wish to post job transfer journals released for posting. In the window Posting, you can mark the field “Post” to specify which journals should be released for posting. When Maconomy creates a job transfer journal, it will automatically be released for posting. If this field is not marked, job transfer journals will not be posted even though they have been released for posting.
Job Accrual If you mark this field, you specify that you wish to post job accrual journals that have been released for posting. In the window Posting, you can mark the field “Post” to specify which journals should be released for posting. If this field is not marked, job accrual journals will not be posted even though they have been released for posting.
Job Revenue Recognition If you mark this field, you specify that you wish to post job revenue recognition journals that have been released for posting. In the window Posting, you can mark the field “Post” to specify which journals should be released for posting. If this field is not marked, revenue recognition journals will not be posted even though they have been released for posting.
Debtor Provisions If you mark this field, you specify that you wish to post debtor provisions journals that have been released for posting. In the window Posting, you can mark the field “Post” to specify which journals should be released for posting. If this field is not marked, debtor provision journals will not be posted even though they have been released for posting.
G/L Reallocation If you mark this field, you specify that you wish to post G/L reallocation journals released for posting. In the window Posting, you can mark the field “Post” to specify which journals should be released for posting. If this field is not marked, G/L reallocation journals will not be posted even though they have been released for posting.
Royalty If you mark this field, you specify that you wish to post royalty journals which have been released for posting. In the window Posting, you can mark the field “Post” to specify which journals should be released for posting. If this field is not marked, royalty journals will not be posted even though they have been released for posting.
Commission If you mark this field, you specify that you wish to post commission journals which have been released for posting. In the window Posting, you can mark the field “Post” to specify which journals should be released for posting. If this field is not marked, commission journals will not be posted even though they have been released for posting.
Import If you mark this field, you specify that you wish to post import journals which have been released for posting. In the window Posting, you can mark the field “Post” to specify which journals should be released for posting. If this field is not marked, import journals will not be posted even though they have been released for posting.
Tax Settlement If you mark this field, you specify that you wish to post tax settlement journals created as a result of approving tax settlements. If this field is not marked, tax settlement journals will not be posted.
Unrealized Exchange Rate Variance If you mark this field, you specify that you wish to post unrealized exchange rate journals which have been released for posting. In the window Posting, you can mark the field “Post” to specify which journals should be released for posting. If this field is not marked, unrealized exchange rate journals will not be posted even though they have been released for posting.
Intercompany Settlement Vendor Invoice If you mark this field, you specify that you wish to post intercompany settlement vendor invoice journals created as a result of running intercompany settlements. If this field is not marked, intercompany settlement vendor invoice journals will not be posted.
Intercompany Interest Note If you mark this field, you specify that you wish to post intercompany interest memo journals created as a result of calculating intercompany interest. If this field is not marked, intercompany interest memo journals will not be posted.
Intercompany Grouping If you mark this field, you specify that you wish to post intercompany grouping journals created as a result of grouping intercompany entries. If this field is not marked, intercompany grouping journals will not be posted.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Company No. In these fields, you can enter a range of company numbers. The posting or reprint will only include journals which belong to companies within the specified range. If you leave the fields blank, the company number will not affect what is reprinted or posted.
Journal No. Here you enter a range of journal numbers. The posting or reprint will only include journals inside the given range. If you leave the fields blank, journal number will not affect what is reprinted or posted.
Reprint Posted Journals If you mark this field, you will print already posted journals within the selected range as well as any intercompany journals resulting from those journals. You must mark either this field or at least one of the fields in the Posting island.
Only Incl. Prior-Period Entries In this field, you mark whether to only post or reprint prior-period journals. In the window General Journal, you can mark a journal as prior-period journal. This field is thus only applicable for posting and reprinting general journals.

Print Control Island

Field Description
Layout In this field, you can select which layout to use for the printout. The layout “Standard” includes detailed information on each entry. The layout “Journal Overview” displays summary information about each posted journal, including intercompany journals.
Include Totals If you mark this field, every posting journal will be shown with a total per account to which entries have been posted. Maconomy will total how much has been debited, credited and taxed for each account involved.
Print Posted, Previously Unprinted Journals If you mark this field, all posted, previously unprinted journals within the specified Selection Criteria will be included on the printout.