Invoice to Credit Order Workspace

Use this workspace to create a credit order from an invoice.

This saves time if you are crediting a customer for all or part of a specific invoice.

Maconomy automatically creates the credit order based on the invoice. Afterwards, you can retrieve the credit order in the Credit Orders workspace, where you can deselect items or make other adjustments.

Maconomy does not automatically credit a credit order that you create in this workspace. You must approve the credit order in the Credit Orders workspace. You can only create one credit order from an invoice to prevent double-crediting.

You cannot create a credit order from an invoice on account. If you copy an invoice from which items have previously been invoiced on account, Maconomy alerts you that the on-account items are not included in the credit order.

You cannot create a credit order from an invoice that has one or more bills of materials. You must create the credit order in the Credit Orders workspace.

In addition, you cannot create a credit order from an invoice that has one or more BOMs itemized on the sales order on which the invoice is based. You must create the credit order manually in the Credit Orders workspace.

When you create a credit order based on an invoice from this workspace, and the invoice originates from a periodically invoiced subscription order, the credit order is also accrued.