Expense Sheets Workspace

Use this workspace to record expenses that employees incur that are related to jobs that you maintain in the Job Cost module, and associate these expenses with jobs, tasks and activities.

Use this workspace to record all expenses other than mileage, which you enter in the Mileage Sheets workspace.

You can create an expense sheet for yourself or you can create an expense sheet for another employee if you are the employee's secretary or supervisor. Some users have access to create expense sheets for all employees.

You enter the expenses for jobs and amount activities created in Maconomy.

The Expense Sheets tab contains information about the employee as well as remarks about the expense sheet. In the Expense Sheet Lines sub-tab, you enter the expenses, split by jobs, tasks, and activities.

When you press the Return key to create a new line in the Expense Sheet Lines sub-tab, the job, activity, and task name from the previous line are repeated on the new line, to help with data entry. To disable this functionality, select the Do Not Inherit Job Dim. From Previous Expense Sheet Line system parameter.

When you enter data on the Expense Sheet Lines sub-tab, Maconomy automatically calculates the unit price of the activity that you enter each time that you press the Return key. Maconomy does not repeat the calculation if you change information in existing lines unless you set the Update prices upon dimension change parameter in the System Parameters workspace. If you set this parameter, Maconomy recalculates values if you change dimensions or entry dates.

When you complete an expense sheet, use the Submit Expense Sheet action to submit it

Access to Expense Sheets

You can only see or create an expense sheet for an employee if one of the following requirements is met:

  • You are the employee for whom the expense sheet is being created.
  • You are either the employee's supervisor, secretary, or mentor.
  • You are the designated approver, substitute approver, or super approver, depending on the approval hierarchies set up on the expense sheet. Access through approval hierarchies is granted by specifying an employee in the Approval Hierarchies single dialog workspace.

If you selected employee control for the current job in the Jobs workspace, you can only make entries for employees who either appear in the job's budget of a certain type, or who are listed in the job's employee control list. For more information, see the description of the Employee Control field in the Jobs workspace.

However, employees who have been specified in the resource planning of a job in the Detailed Planning workspace can always perform entries on this job, regardless of the setup of employee control on the job. For more information about controlling employee entries, see the description of the Jobs workspace.

Note that if you specified a date in the Work Completed On field in the Jobs workspace , you cannot enter expense sheet entries for that job after the specified date unless you are the job's project manager. See the description of the Work Completed On field in the Jobs workspace for more information about the functionality of this field.

If you use activities, specifications, and tasks in connection with expense sheets, Maconomy can reject combinations of these if legal combinations have been specified in the Job Allocation Combinations workspace.


When a user submits an expense sheet, Maconomy checks whether the expense sheet requires approval. The criteria for whether an expense sheet requires approval, and who needs to perform the approval can be, for example, the amount of the expense or the job number. You cannot transfer the expense sheet or post the amount until all of the required people have approved the expense sheet.

A submitted expense sheet must be approved according to the approval principle selected in the Jobs workspace. Depending on the selected principle, the lines in an expense sheet must be approved either by the employee's supervisor or by the project manager of the job, by both, or by neither of them.You can also set up an approval hierarchy.

If you have access to change all expense sheets (set in the Actions workspace in the Set-Up module), you can also approve all expense sheets.

If the approval principle requires that the employee's supervisor must approve the expense sheet, he or she can do this using the Approve Expense Sheet action in this workspace.

Any line that pertains to a job for which the employee is the project manager automatically receives project manager approval if project manager approval is optional or required, and the Automatically Approve Project Manager's Expense Lines job parameter is set to Yes.

In addition, expense sheet approval can be performed at several levels, coordinated by an approval hierarchy. Create and maintain approval hierarchies in the Approval Hierarchies workspace in the Set-Up module. You assign an approval hierarchy to a selection criterion specification of expense sheets in the Approval Hierarchy Selection workspace. If you use an approval hierarchy, you cannot also use the Automatically Approve Project Manager's Expense Lines feature.


When you transfer an expense sheet for posting, Maconomy creates an expense sheet journal that contains the information entered in the Expense Sheets workspace. The approval principle for the job determines when an expense sheet is transferred for posting.

If you select the Automatic posting of expense sheets system parameter, the expense sheet journal is posted automatically. If you do not select this system parameter, you must post the expense sheet journal in the Posting workspace in the G/L module.

After you post the expense sheet journal, employees can be reimbursed for expenses. You can reimburse an employee through the Maconomy Accounts Payable module, if you assigned the employee to a vendor in the main tab of the Employees workspace in the Set-Up module, and if you selected the Settle via Vendor field in the Activities workspace for one or more of the activities for which the employee has entered expenses.

Use the Reopen Expense Sheet action to reopen an expense sheet after it is transferred. You can change quantities and create lines, but you cannot delete lines that you already transferred for posting, nor can you change posting dates, job and activity numbers, tasks, or other dimensions on the lines. You cannot change a line that is already transferred and that has an entry date that is outside of the current posting period.