Job Reallocation Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Job Reallocation tab.

Entry Information Island

Field Description
Job This field shows the name and number of the job to which the job entry to be reallocated is assigned.
Trans. No. This field shows the transaction number of the job entry.
Entry Type This field shows the entry type of the individual job entry. When a job entry is posted, Maconomy marks it as a certain type. The type will often be “Registration” (for example, time sheet and job journal entries). In the pop-up field “Entry Type” in the Selection Criteria island, you can see the different entry types used by Maconomy.
Origin This field shows the origin of the individual job entry. When a job entry is created the origin field is filled in according to the registration journal e.g. Time Sheet, Job (for job journal registration) or Expense Sheet etc.
Activity No. This field shows the number of the activity specified for the job entry.
Task This field shows the task assigned to the entry.
Description This field shows the description of the activity specified on the job entry.
Employee This field shows the name and number of the employee assigned to the job entry.
Vendor This field shows the name and number of the vendor if the job entry has been assigned to one.
Vendor Invoice This field shows the number of the vendor invoice if the job entry is derived from one.
Item No. This field shows the item number if items have been assigned to the job entry to be reallocated.
Description This field shows the item description if items have been assigned to the job entry to be reallocated.
Remarks This field shows any remarks which have been assigned to the job entry to be reallocated.
Daily Description This field shows any daily description associated with the current job entry.
Reallocated from Job No. If the current job entry has previously been reallocated, this field shows the number of the job from which the job entry was reallocated.
Reallocated from Task If the current job entry has previously been reallocated, this field shows the task from which the job entry was reallocated.

G/L Accrual Island

Field Description
Accrual Type This field shows the accrual type of the job entry as given upon registration.
Period From, Accrual This field shows the accrual period from as given upon registration.
Period To, Accrual See the field “Period From” above.

Company Island

Field Description
Company This field shows the name and number of The company for which the entry belongs.
Base Currency This field displays the currency used as base currency in the company specified in the field “Company No.” above. See the field “Base Currency” in the window Company Information in the G/L module for a detailed description of company base currency and enterprise currency.

Executing Company Island

Field Description
Company This field shows the name and number of the executing company. The executing company is the company which performed the work registered on the job journal line in question. You cannot change the value in this field.

Entry Island

Field Description
Quantity This field shows the quantity of units registered on the job entry to be allocated.
Cost This field shows the item cost for the job entry.
Cost, Reg. This field shows the entered cost for the job entry.
Billing Price, Reg. This field shows the total billing price entered for the entry to be reallocated.
Currency This field shows the currency of the job. Billing prices are shown in this currency; costs are shown in the base currency of the company shown in the island Company.
Gross Margin % This field shows the gross margin percentage which has been used in connection with the job entry.
Overtime Spec. This field shows any specification of overtime on the current job entry.
Period From, Subscription If the current job entry originates from a subscription order, this field and the field “Period To, Subscription” below show the starting and ending periods of the subscription.
Period To, Subscription See the description of the field “Period From, Subscription” above.
Trans. No. This field shows the job entry transaction number from the registration. E.g. expense sheet number if origin is expense sheet.
Trans. Type This field shows the transaction type of the job entry.
Entry Date This field shows the date when the job entry was registered.
Invoice No. This field shows the number on the latest invoice initiated by the job entry.
Closed This field shows whether the job entry has been completed.
Quantity Inv. This field shows the quantity of units invoiced for the current job entry.
Billing Price, Inv. This field shows the billing price invoiced for the current job entry.
Quantity, Up/Down This field shows the quantity of write-ups and write-downs per item hitherto registered for the job entry. Write-up and write-down are the difference between the registered quantity and the invoiced quantity. Only completed entries will be included in the calculation.

Write-ups are shown in positive figures, and write-downs in negative figures.

Billing Price, Up/Down This field shows the amount by which the billing price has been written up or down. Write-up and write-down are the difference between the registered billing price and the invoiced billing price. Only completed entries will be included in the calculation.
Quantity, Transferred To If the current entry is the result of a transfer, then this field shows the quantity transferred to the new dimensions on this job entry.
Cost, Transferred To If the current entry is the result of a transfer, then this field shows the cost transferred to the new dimensions on this job entry.
Billing Price, Transferred To This field shows the total billing price, if any, transferred to the new dimensions on the job.
Quantity 1 This field shows the quantity entered for the entry to be reallocated.
Quantity 2 This field shows the quantity 2 entered for the entry to be reallocated.
Standard Billing Price, Base This field shows the standard billing price registered for the current job entry.
Standard Up/Down, Base This field shows the difference between the registered billing price and the standard billing price for the current entry within the selected period. This information can be used for performance analyses.

Reallocation Island

Field Description
Amount Reallocated This field shows the amount of units hitherto reallocated on the current job entry. It is not possible to reallocate a higher amount of units than the one registered on the current job entry.
Cost Reallocated This field shows the cost hitherto reallocated on the current job entry. It is not possible to reallocate a higher cost than the one registered on the current job entry.
Quantity 1 Reallocated To Date This field shows the quantity hitherto reallocated on the current job entry. It is not possible to reallocate a higher quantity than the one registered on the current job entry.
Quantity 2 Reallocated To Date This field shows the quantity 2 value hitherto reallocated on the current job entry. It is not possible to reallocate a higher quantity 2 value than the one registered on the current job entry.
Reallocation Date If the current entry can be reallocated, you can enter in this field the date to which the entry should be reallocated. This date will appear as the entry date on the entries created as a result of the reallocation.

Maconomy suggests the entry date of the original entry. However, if the system parameter “Set Default Reallocation Date to Today” has been marked, Maconomy suggests today’s date instead.

If the entry cannot be reallocated, the field shows the date when the last reallocation of the current job took place, or if no reallocations have been made on the job, the entry date of the last job entry. The field can be changed manually, however.

Amount to be Reallocated This field shows the amount of units to be reallocated.
Cost for Reallocation This field shows the cost to be reallocated.
Quantity 1 for Reallocation This field shows the quantity to be reallocated.
Quantity 2 for Reallocation This field shows the quantity 2 value to be reallocated.

Dimensions Island

Field Description
Location In these fields, you can enter a range of locations. Only jobs with a location within the specified range will be displayed in the sub-tab.
Entity The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Project The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Purpose The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Local Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location” above.