Job Reallocation Workspace

Use this workspace to reallocate job entries.

When you post a reallocation, Maconomy creates an offset entry that is equivalent to the original entry and creates an entry for each job reallocation line.

The Job Reallocation tab displays the job entry to be reallocated and the Job Reallocation Entries sub-tab displays the reallocations. When you approve and post the reallocation, Maconomy does two things:

  • Creates an offset entry that is equivalent to the existing entry, using the total quantity and total cost amount from the original entry. The offset entry is selected so that it cannot be offset itself at a later time.
  • Creates an entry for each of the job reallocation lines in the sub-tab.

When you create a reallocation entry, you can change either the quantity or the total cost amount to be reallocated. You can then change either the quantity or the unit cost price of the new entries, provided that the total cost amount remains the same as the original entry. The billing prices of the new entries are adjusted so that the gross margin is also the same as the original entry.

If the job entry pertains to an amount activity, and you selected the Update Prices on Amount Registrations upon Job Reallocation system parameter in the Set-Up module, Maconomy recalculates the billing prices and standard billing prices on the job entry. A similar recalculation occurs if the job entry pertains to a time activity, and you selected the Update Prices on Time Registrations upon Job Reallocation system parameter. The recalculation is based on the reallocation date in the Reallocation island. Otherwise, Maconomy uses the original prices of the entries.

Maconomy cannot automatically reallocate job entries created for activities for which the External Invoice field is selected. You must reallocate those manually.

If you select the Update prices upon dimension change system parameter, Maconomy recalculates the prices on the job entry if you change the dimensions on the reallocation line or if you change the entry date. The recalculation is based on the reallocation date in the Reallocation island. If you do not select this parameter, Maconomy uses the original prices of the entries.

If you reallocate a job entry to a non-invoiceable job, Maconomy resets the billing price on the created job entry to zero. If you reallocate a job entry from a non-invoiceable job, the billing price on the resulting new entry will also be zero.

If a job entry that you selected for reallocation includes proposed values for invoicing, Maconomy eliminates these values during the reallocation process.

Note, however, that if the original job entry that contains proposed values is only partially reallocated-that is, if only some of the job entry data needs to be reallocated-Maconomy proposes corresponding partial values on the derived offset account. Assume, for example, that an original job entry contains 40 hours, with an invoice proposal of 20 hours. Maconomy proposes a factor of 0.5 of the total hours for invoicing. If you perform a job reallocation for 10 of the 40 hours, Maconomy creates an offset entry of 10 hours. This offset account includes an invoice proposal of 5 hours, because the invoice proposal factor is 0.5. Any invoice proposal that involves the reallocated 10 hours is eliminated.

If you reallocate a job entry to which job surcharges have been assigned, Maconomy automatically reallocates the job surcharges in question along with the job entry. Thus, you do not need to manually reallocate job entries that Maconomy created as a result of job surcharges.

If you selected employee control for the current job in the Jobs workspace, you can only make entries for employees who either appear in the job's budget of a certain type, or who are listed in the job's employee control list. For more information, see the description of the Employee Control field in the Jobs workspace.