Invoice Layout Rules Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Invoice Layout Rules tab.

Invoice Layout Rule Island

Field Description
Name In this field, you can specify the name of the current invoice layout rule. Note that an invoice layout rule cannot be deleted, once it has been created. However, the name can be changed in this field at any time.
Description In this field, you can enter a description of the rule.

Quote Island

Field Description
Incl. Text Lines In this field, you can select whether text lines created in the Job Budget Texts workspace are to be transferred from a job budget to the quote when the actions “Transfer to Quote” and “Print Quote” are used in the Job Budgets workspace.
Create Quote Directly From Budget In this field, you can specify whether the layout of a quote is to include lines from the budget. If you select this field, the quote contains the same lines as the budget, in the same order, and you cannot make selections in the remaining fields in this island except for the “Total Price Only” field.
If the “Filter Budget Lines on Transfer to Quote” system parameter is selected, the budget lines are also filtered when you use the “Transfer to Quote” action. This means that irrelevant lines are omitted from the budget. Such lines may exist if the current job was created using a job template. The job template functionality allows you to set up template budgets that are automatically copied to new jobs. In some cases, it is an advantage to create a large number of lines in the template budgets, taking into account all possible activities and costs. The budget responsible of each job then only needs to fill in quantities and prices on the relevant budget lines, leaving irrelevant lines untouched. However, if the job budget lines are not filtered, irrelevant lines must be manually deleted from the quote after they have been transferred from the budget. A budget line is deemed relevant (and not filtered away) in the following cases:
  • The total billing price is different from 0.
  • A text line or group of text lines where the following line will be transferred, including the case where the text line or group of text lines is located at the very bottom of the budget.
  • A subtotal which sums a group of lines of which at least one is transferred.
Create Invoice on Account from Quote Select this check box to specify that the initial invoice printout lines should be prepared for an invoice on account based on job quote lines. The Use for On Account Invoicing check box in the Invoice Level Details island should be deselected if you wish to select this check box.
Transfer from Budget Select a dimension to transfer from each job budget line to quote lines. You can choose up to two dimensions to transfer.
The following dimensions are available for selection:
  • Blank (no value is transferred)
  • Task
  • Activity
  • Location
  • Entity
  • Project
  • Purpose
  • Specification 1-10
  • Local Spec. 1-10
  • Employee No.
  • Employee Category No.
Use External Description If this field is selected, the External Description field on job budget lines is used when transferring budget lines to quotes. For budget lines where the external description is empty, the text in the existing description field is transferred. The default value when creating budget lines for the external description is the existing (internal) description.
Time The selections made in this column concern time activities.
Amount The selections made in this column concern amount activities.
Level 1 In this field, you can specify the level of detail in quotes using the current layout rule. You cannot select a level of detail for one type of activity and blank for the other; either complete both fields or leave them both blank.
The following options are available:
  • Blank — No lines are shown on the quote. This means that the quote only contains one line showing the total billing price from the job budget.
  • Registration — The layout shows information about each budget line on a job. This means that one line is created for each job budget line.
  • Activity — The layout shows information about a job, summed by activity. This means that one line is created for each activity in the job budget.
  • Summary Activity — The layout only shows information about those summary activities which are affected by the activities in the job budget. This means that one line is created for each summary activity in the job budget.
Total Price Only If you select this field, Maconomy leaves out unit price and quantity by default from time and/or amount activities on the quote lines. This choice can, however, be changed for the individual lines in the Quote Editing workspace.
Total Price Only, On Account Two Boolean fields are available for time and amount. Use these fields to select if invoice drafts should use "total price only" for on account invoices. The default value is true, corresponding to current functionality.
Note: Unlike the other fields in this island, this field does not depend on whether "Use for invoicing on account" is selected or not.

Invoice Preparation Island

Field Description
Group Budget Lines If you select this field, the Prepare Invoice action in the Invoice Preparation workspace groups the budget lines using the dimensions specified in Levels 1 to 4 in the Invoice Selection island of the Invoice Layout Rules workspace. For example, if you choose to group the invoice by Task, the Prepare Invoice action sets the budget for invoicing on account with one line per task and with the budgeted billing price for each task.

If you do not select this field, the Prepare Invoice action shows the budget lines as they appear in the Job Budgets workspace.

Percentage invoicing is available only if you select the Group Budget Lines field.

Use Line Ordering from Budget If you selected Group Budget Lines, selecting this field arranges the lines based on their order in the budget.

If you do not select this field, the budget lines are arranged using the dimension number/name that you used to group them, such as the task name.

Keep Descriptions from Budget If you selected Group Budget Lines, the Prepare Invoice action in the Invoice Preparation workspace uses the internal and external descriptions from the budget instead of the standard descriptions.

If you do not select this field, the Prepare Invoice action uses the internal and external descriptions from the dimensions that you used to group the budget lines.

Registration Specification Island

Field Description
Time If Registration is selected as a specification level for Time entries, Field1 must not be empty. The fields are filled from left to right, meaning that if Field2 is left blank, Field3 cannot have a value. Default values are Text for Field1 and blank for the others.
Amount If Registration is selected as a specification level for Amount entries, Field1 must not be empty. The fields are filled from left to right, meaning that if Field2 is left blank, Field3 cannot have a value. Default values are Text for Field1 and blank for the others.

Combined T&M and On Account Island

Field Description
Position When you approve an invoice selection, and the Invoice Type field is set to “T&M and On Account,” the draft invoice includes both of these items. Use the Position field to determine the layout, as follows:
  • On Account First — Select this option to place on account lines above the lines for T&M.
  • T&M First — Select this option to place the T&M lines above the lines for the on account specification.
  • Together — Select this option to place the T&M and on account lines together. This option applies the invoice layout rule to both T&M and on account.
Note: The settings in this field affect both summary and detailed specification.
T&M Text This field allows you to specify the text in a header for the T&M specification on invoices. If the field is left blank, no header is inserted. Each entry in this T&M Invoice Header popup field is associated with a language text, and the text on the invoice depends on both the chosen header in this field and the language of the invoice, as set up under Language Texts.
Note: Headers and subtotals for T&M and On Account do not appear if the Position field is set to "Together".
T&M Header If this check box is selected, a header is inserted for the T&M portion on invoices which include both T&M and on account invoicing.
T&M Subtotal If this check box is selected, a subtotal is inserted for the T&M portion on invoices which include both T&M and on account invoicing.
On Account Text This field is similar to the T&M Text field in that it is a popup with entries associated with language texts. This field is for indicating the text for the header and/or subtotal for the on account portion on invoices.
Field Description
On Account Header If this check box is selected, a header is inserted for the on account portion on invoices which include both T&M and on account invoicing.
On Account Subtotal If this check box is selected, a subtotal line is inserted for the on account portion on invoices which include both T&M and on account invoicing.

Blanket Invoicing Island

Field Description
Job Heading Select this check box to include a heading that shows the time unit for each job on blanket invoices. This is especially relevant if the "Allow Blanket Invoicing Hours and Days" system parameter is selected because then blanket invoices can include a mixture of jobs invoiced in days and jobs invoiced in hours.
Job Invoice Name, Heading If you select this field, a line for each job is inserted on blanket invoices with the line showing the invoice name of that job. The text on the invoice line placed in front of the invoice name is set up in Language Texts on the record with key1 @JobInvoiceNameLine.
Job Subtotal If you select this field and perform blanket invoicing or crediting, a subtotal is printed below each group of invoice/credit memo lines that belong to the same job.
Main Job Invoicing If you select this field on an invoice layout rule and apply the rule to a main job, the main job and its subjobs are approved and invoiced (or credited) together. This has an impact in the following workspaces:
  • Invoice Selection — When you approve a main job for which an invoice layout rule with a mark in this field has been selected, the whole main job/subjob structure is approved (if any other requirements for approval have also been fulfilled).
  • Approve Invoice Selection — If a main job (that uses an invoice layout rule on which this field is marked) is included in the job selection criteria, the invoice selection for that job and the associated subjobs are approved when you use the “Approve” action. A subjob is only approved if the associated main job is also included in the job selection criteria.
  • Invoice Editing — The full invoice (main job and subjobs) is displayed in this workspace, and a draft invoice that includes both main and subjobs can be printed.

For more information, see the description of the respective windows.

You can approve a mix of jobs where some subjobs are in credit and some are in debit. The result of the combined Main Job Invoice Selection Combine Invoice Lines job invoicing determines whether Maconomy prints an invoice or a credit memo to the customer.

Note that you cannot change this field if you have already invoiced a job to which the current invoice layout rule applies.

Also note that if this field is selected, you cannot invoice any subjobs if you do not have access to the main job. Conversely, if you have access to the main job, you can invoice all associated subjobs regardless of special access restrictions.

This field cannot be selected for jobs specified as fixed-price jobs, that is, where “Fixed Price” has been selected in the “Invoicing Method” job parameter attribute in the “Pricing Method” job parameter type for the job in question.

Main Job invoice Selection This field can only be selected if the “Main Job Invoicing” field is also selected. If this field is selected, invoice selection is performed from the main job only. This means that in the Invoice Selection workspace you cannot select a subjob that is subordinate to a main job that uses an invoice layout rule on which this field is selected, but only the main job. When you create an invoice selection for the main job, all entries on the main job and the associated subjobs are summarized and displayed in the sub-tab. The layout of the invoice selection lines is based on the invoice layout rule assigned to the main job.
Combine Invoice Printout Lines This field can only be selected if the “Main Job Invoicing” field is also selected. If this field is selected, all lines from a main job and the associated subjobs are summarized and combined on the printed invoice, and the invoice layout rule of the main job is applied.

If this field is not selected, the invoice lines from the main job and the subjobs are printed separately, using the invoice layout rule selected for each job.

Invoice Island

Field Description
Create Invoice from Quote In this field, you can specify whether the layout of an invoice is to include lines from the quote. If you select this field, the invoice contains the same lines as the quote, in the same order, and therefore the only other relevant field in this island is “Total Price Only.”
Period Indication In this field, you can specify for jobs invoiced on the basis of time and material whether the invoice layout is to include a header that indicates the period covered by the invoice/credit memo. For invoices, the period is determined by the first and last entry dates of the entries included in the invoice. For credit memos with restored job entries, the period covers the first and last entry dates of the entries included in the invoice being credited, whereas the period is today’s date on credit memos without restored job entries. You can choose to have the period specified by dates, week numbers, or months. Maconomy automatically inserts the period text as a header in the invoice, and it can be edited as a normal text line in the Invoice Editing workspace. In the Language Texts workspace in the Set-Up module a language-dependent text can be configured to precede the period indication.
Show Items Separately If you select this field, Maconomy collects job entries that have identical item numbers and descriptions into one invoice line when invoicing cost of sales on a job. In this way, the cost of sales is shown more clearly and independent of the posting of deliveries on the job. The field can only be selected if you have selected a level of detail in the field “Level 1.”
Show Time Quantity in Subtotals If you select this field, the number of hours can appear on subtotal invoice lines.
Split Invoice Lines on Unit Billing Price If this field is selected, Maconomy splits job entries with different unit billing price onto different lines on the invoice. Thus, instead of showing an average unit price, multiple lines are created for each of the unit prices.

If the system is set up to keep quantity upon write-up/down, then Maconomy updates the unit billing price on the job entries when you change the billing price for invoicing in the sub-tab of the Invoice Selection workspace, provided that the Close Balance field is selected. In this case, Maconomy adjusts the job entries to have the same unit billing price.

General Island

Field Description
Show Line Amounts In this field, you can specify whether external printouts that contain lines should show the extended price on each line. If you select this field, an extended price is shown on quote and order confirmation lines created from budget lines by using the “Transfer to Quote” action in the Job Budgets workspace. In addition, an extended price is shown on invoice lines created using the “Approve Invoice Selection” action in the Invoice Selection workspace.

If the values in the fields “Level 1” are blank, this field is not relevant.

Note that quotes, order confirmations, and invoices that do not have line amounts are taxed with the tax rate for the full amount. It is therefore recommended that you select this field and select values in the “Level 1” fields if you are working with differentiated tax or with tax-exempt activities.

Show Base Salary Cost Select this check box to show base salary costs on the detailed invoice specification. This field works similarly to the related field in the Invoice Layout Rules workspace; see that description for details.
Show Markup Separately Select this check box to show a possible markup separately, on its own line in the draft. You can specify whether you want Maconomy to show the markup on amount activities on a separate line in quotes and order confirmations. If you select this field, the layout of quote lines and order confirmation lines created by using the “Transfer to Quote”action in the Job Budgets workspace shows the cost price instead of the billing price. Similarly, only the cost price is shown on invoice selections created by using the “Approve for Invoicing” action. The difference between the billing price and the cost price (that is, the markup) of each line is summed and shown separately on the bottom line.

If the job is set up to make a detailed invoice specification, this field also affects the detailed invoice specification.

Surcharge entries created by the action Calculate Surcharge are excluded from the markup that is shown separately.

Show Write Down Separately Select this check box to show a possible write-down separately, on its own line in the draft.

If the job is set up to make a detailed invoice specification, this also affects the detailed invoice specification.

If the invoice layout rule is set up to show amounts on lines, the draft invoice that is created when you approve an invoice selection on a job shows the amount that is being invoiced, including any write-up/down that you may have selected. You can show write-down on a single, separate line and then instead show the billing price excluding write down on the specification. This is enabled by selecting this field.

The text on this line (such as Courtesy discount) can be set up in the Language Texts workspace on the entry with key1 @JobWriteDownLine.

Surcharge entries created by the action Calculate Surcharge are excluded from the write down that is shown separately.

Time Unit Use this field to specify the time unit for quotes and invoices. If you leave this field blank, the time unit on the job determines the time unit on printed quotes and invoices.

Invoice Selection Island

Field Description
Time and Amount Act. on Separate Lines If you select this field, Maconomy groups time and amount activities on separate invoice selection lines. If, for example, you group invoice lines by Task and Employee, you will get two lines per employee if the employee has entered on both time and amount activities. This allows you to handle time and amount entries differently in the Invoice Selection workspace.
Time The selections made in the fields “Level 1” and “Level 2” in this column concern time activities.
Amount The selections made in the fields “Level 1” and “Level 2” in this column concern amount activities.
Level 1 In this field, you can specify the level of detail on the first level on invoice selections that use the current layout rule. You cannot select a level of detail for one type of activity and blank for the other; either complete both fields or leave them both blank. The following options are available:
  • Activity — The layout shows information about a job, summed by activity. This means that one line is created for each activity on which entries have been made on the job.
  • Employee — The layout shows information about a job, summed by employee. This means that one line is created for each employee specified in job entries on the job.
  • Task — The layout shows information about a job, summed by task. This means that one line is created for each task that has been performed in connection with the job.
  • <other dimensions> — The layout shows information about a job, summed by dimension value. This means that one line is created for each dimension value on which entries have been made on the job.
  • Task Group 1-6 — The layout shows information about a job, summed by its work breakdown structure. This means that one line is created for each line that is associated with the selected task group level. For more information about work breakdown structure and task groups, see the descriptions under “Job Tasks” and under “Job Budgets.”
Level 2-4 In these fields, you can specify the level of detail on subsequent levels on invoice selections using the current layout rule. The functionality of these fields is similar to the functionality of the “Level 1” field.

Invoice Level Details Island

Field Description
Time The selections made in the fields “Level 1” and “Level 2” in this column concern time activities.
Amount The selections made in the fields “Level 1” and “Level 2” in this column concern amount activities.
Subtotal If you select one or more of these fields, and you have selected a specification on all relevant levels in the following fields, the invoice layout shows subtotals for the selected levels.
Level 1 In this field, you can specify the level of detail on the first level on invoice selections that use the current layout rule. You cannot select a level of detail for one type of activity and blank for the other; either complete both fields or leave them both blank. The following options are available:
  • Activity — The layout shows information about a job, summed by activity. This means that one line is created for each activity on which entries have been made on the job.
  • Employee — The layout shows information about a job, summed by employee. This means that one line is created for each employee specified in job entries on the job.
  • Task — The layout shows information about a job, summed by task. This means that one line is created for each task that has been performed in connection with the job.
  • <other dimensions> — The layout shows information about a job, summed by dimension value. This means that one line is created for each dimension value on which entries have been made on the job.
  • Task Group 1-6 — The layout shows information about a job, summed by its work breakdown structure. This means that one line is created for each line that is associated with the selected task group level. For more information about work breakdown structure and task groups, see the descriptions under “Job Tasks” and under “Job Budgets.”
  • Job — The layout shows information about a job, summed by job. This means that one line is created for each job included on a blanket invoice.
  • Overtime Specification — The layout shows information about a job, summed by overtime specification as indicated on the time sheet.
  • Employee Category — The layout shows information about a job, summed by the primary employee category.
  • Entry Date — The layout shows information about a job, summed by entry date. Job entries created for direct invoicing get the preferred invoice date as entry date (current date if no preferred invoice date is specified).
Level 2-4 In these fields, you can specify the level of detail on subsequent levels on invoices that use the current layout rule. The functionality of these fields is similar to the “Level 1” field.
Total Price Only If you select this field, the corresponding fields in the sub-tab of the Invoice Editing workspace is marked. This means that the “Quantity” and “Billing Price” fields are not included in the invoice journal and the invoice because only the total price is shown.
Use for On Account Invoicing When this check box is selected, the setup in the group of fields is used when generating the lines for invoicing on account. Lines are grouped up to four levels with sub-totals for each level, as specified. When the check box is not selected, the lines are generated directly from the lines in the sub-tab part of the workspace for on account invoice selection.

If the Create Invoice on Account from Quote field in the Quote island is selected, you cannot select this check box.

User Island

See the chapter “Getting Started” for a description of the fields in the User island.