Print Planning Conflicts Workspace

Use this workspace to print a report that provides an overview of jobs that have conflicting or potentially conflicting allocations to employees in the detailed planning.

Conflicts arise in the detailed planning if two or more allocations of the Confirmed type to the same employee cause the planning time of this employee to be exceeded, making the employee overbooked. A conflict is potential if the conversion of an allocation from the booking type Preliminary or Requested to Confirmed and other confirmed allocations to the same employee cause this employee to be overbooked. For a description of the different booking types, see the introduction to the Detailed Planning workspace.

Maconomy creates the conflict report based on information from the detailed resource planning and presents the information that it extracts as an analysis in three levels. The report displays information on the levels of job, time, and employee. The time level can be either week or day, depending on the time unit that you define in the selection criteria. The data from the lower levels is grouped by the data from the upper levels.

As illustrated previously, all of the information shown for the second and third levels is for the job identified in level one. The information on one level is thus always relative to information on higher levels.

On the employee level, the conflict information that is displayed covers the number of preliminary, requested, and confirmed allocations of hours; the number of potential overtime hours; the allowed number of overtime hours for the employee; and the potential load percentage-that is, the number of hours of the employee's planning time for which he will be allocated if all of the preliminary allocations for the employee are converted to confirmed allocations.

On the job level, the report displays a list of allocations that conflict with the current job. The conflicting allocations are listed by booking type, that is, Preliminary, Requested, and Confirmed allocations. For each booking type, the report shows for the job in question the number of hours allocated and the potential load percentage of the employee allocated, that is, the load percentage if the employee's involvement in the job is cancelled.

This information on the employee and job levels allows you to foresee conflicts in the period examined. Based on this information, you can take actions to either avoid or try to solve conflicts by redistributing allocations to other employees, or, if the conflicts are potential, by not converting preliminary allocations to confirmed.

In addition to using the three levels, you can modify the report by specifying a planning unit, that is, whether the time unit on level two should be a day or a week. Finally, you can set a lower limit for the load percentage of employees so that only employees who have workloads that are above a certain percentage are included in the report.