Bar Code Entries Workspace

Use this workspace to import and process electronic entries of delivered and returned items.

You typically perform the entries using a bar code scanner that reads data as items are delivered and returned.

At regular intervals, Maconomy collects this data in a document that has a fixed format. You can import this data using the Import Bar Codes action. The bar code entry is imported regardless of whether the items, orders, or jobs already exist in Maconomy. In the System Information workspace you can specify whether to create a single bar code entry for each bar code that is read, or to create a bar code entry for each delivery or item return in an order or job.

After importing the data, you validate that the imported items, orders, and job numbers were created in Maconomy by using the Validate Transaction action. You can also edit the imported data, if an entry was imported incorrectly or omitted.

You approve a bar code entry using the Approve Transaction action, which transfers the lines from the entries to the specified orders or job orders. If you select the New Ord. when Transf. to Sales field in the System Information workspace, when you approve bar code entries that are linked to a job Maconomy creates an order. When you perform the approval, Maconomy sets the For packing field to zero for all related order lines. Then Maconomy prints out the returns lists and packing slips for the returned and delivered items. Finally, Maconomy selects the maximum quantity of the items that are not affected by the transferal for packing.