Sequence Numbers Workspace

This workspace allows customers to view sequence numbers added to finance entries, and view opening balance entries with sequence numbers.

Along with the Sequence Number Criteria single dialog workspace, the Sequence Numbers workspace allows customers to view sequence numbers added to finance entries, and view opening balance entries with sequence numbers. These numbers are unique, chronological (according to entry date), and unbroken within the context of a company and fiscal year (and, optionally, within a fiscal year period and transaction type).

This functionality is also added as an enhancement to the Accounting Entry File (AEF), a French statutory requirement that is generated using BPM. The sequence numbers for finance entries listed in the AEF report can be used to look up those finance entries in Maconomy.

You can also specify if a company is a reporting/non-reporting company. This is significant when you want to use the same sequence of numbers for a reporting company and its subordinate company (which should be a non-reporting one).

To make this functionality usable , you must tag specific local accounts (or companies) to the Local Specification 1 dimension. Only finance entries for these local accounts are assigned sequence numbers and taken into consideration when Maconomy calculates opening balance entries.