Compensation Types Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Compensation Types sub-tab.

Field Description
Compensation Type No.

Enter the number of the compensation type. You can only specify a compensation type that belongs to the compensation model specified in the Compensation Model tab.

Name This field shows the name of the specified compensation type.
External Description This field shows the external description of the specified compensation type.
Category Specify the category of the specified compensation type.

Specify if the compensation type is an allowance or deduction:

  • Allowance specifies that the compensation type adds value.
  • Deduction causes a change of sign in the calculation of gross pay / base salary. Thus, instead of writing a negative amount or a negative percentage in the fields, you can specify a positive amount or percentage and select Deduction.
Calculation Type Select the calculation type, such as Amount and Percentage.
Estimated % Specify the percentage which, prior to negotiating compensations with the contact person, is expected to be granted on the compensation agreement line. Maconomy suggests the percentage from the corresponding field on the compensation type specified on the line.
Unit Price, Currency Enter the expense amount in the currency selected in the Currency field. Enter the amount including tax, if any.
Expected Amount Specify the default amount for compensation agreements made from this compensation type.
Currency Select the default currency for new compensation types added to the model.
Pay Period

Select the default pay period for new compensation types added to the compensation model. This field can be left blank.

Period, Pro Rata This field shows the method of calculating gross pay when the effective period differs from the pay period, which happens if the pay period includes days on which an employee is not employed or days that are not within the period covered by the agreement.
Group for Pct. Calc. This field is a choice of Compensation Group which is a list of compensation types. The percentage is applied to the sum of the agreements of those types. If no compensation group is specified, the percentage functions as now and be applied to the parent agreement.
Limit, Pay Period

This field shows the limit (upper limit / cap) applied to percentage calculation.

Incl. in Gross Pay Calculation

Select the check box to include the compensation agreements created with this type in gross pay calculation by default.

Incl. in Base Salary Calculation

Select the check box to include the compensation agreements created with this type in base salary calculation by default.

Incl. in Total Base Salary

Select the check box to include the compensation agreements created with this type in total base salary calculation by default.

Default Linking Rule

Select the degree of linking from compensation type to compensation agreements.

  • Full - You cannot directly edit agreements of this type; the agreements are created, updated, and removed by Maconomy corresponding to changes to the compensation type instead. If, in particular you create or remove a compensation type, then the agreement will be created/removed for all relevant employees.
  • Partial - This is like full linking except that compensation agreements of this type can be edited directly; the compensation agreements will be updated from the compensation type when a field here is updated, if the field has the same value as on the agreement.
  • At Creation - Compensation agreements are created when the contact person is created, and then has no further linking to the compensation type.
  • None - There will be no linking from compensation type to compensation agreements.
Condition, Percentage

Enter the condition to apply in the calculations of gross pay and base salary rates. In those calculations, the agreement will be excluded if the condition fails, that is if the percentage applied to the sum of the codes specified below falls outside the range specified below.

Condition, Lower Limit See above.
Condition, Upper Limit See above.
Based on Job Entries Select a value in this field if the agreement is based on posted job entries. You can select time sheets, expense sheets, or mileage sheets.
Based on Job No. If specified, Maconomy only includes job entries for the selected job. All jobs are included if no job no. is specified.
Based on Activity No. If specified, Maconomy only includes job entries for the selected Activities. All activities are included if no activity no. is specified.
Based on Task Name If specified, Maconomy only includes job entries for the selected task. All jobs are included if no task name is specified.
Based on Overtime Spec. If specified, Maconomy only includes job entries with the selected overtime type. All jobs are included if no overtime types are specified.
Allow Joint Agreements

Select the check box if you want multiple agreements to be applicable for the employee.

Option List 1-10

Specify the default choice of option lists on compensation types added to the model.

Selected Value 1-10

Specify the default choice of selected values on compensation types added to the model.