
This section shows the actions available in the On Account Invoice Selection workspace.

On Account Invoice Selection Tab

Field Description
Transfer Invoicing Plan This action is not available when invoice selection is closed.

Use this action to allow Maconomy to transfer due lines in the invoicing plan of the current job to the invoice selection. However, if the Transfer Several Invoicing Plan Lines system parameter is disabled, only the first due line of the invoicing plan is transferred.

The amount is shown in the Amount for Invoicing on Account field in the sub-tab. Once the lines have been transferred, use the Approve for Invoicing on Account action to approve the on account invoice selection for further processing in the Invoice Editing tab. For further information, see the description of the Invoicing Plans workspace.

Note: Invoicing plan lines must be approved in the Invoicing Plans workspace before they can be transferred for invoicing in this workspace if the Approval of Invoicing Plan Lines job parameter is enabled for the current job.

If the current job is a sub-job to a main job, and the main job’s invoice layout rule specifies Main Job Invoicing, this action cannot be used.

If the invoicing plan contains a mix of lines for invoicing on account and pre-invoicing, running this action transfers only one type of line at a time. Once the transferred lines are invoiced, the action can be run again to transfer the remaining lines of a different type.

Undo Transfer Invoicing Plan Lines created using the action “Transfer Invoicing Plan” are protected from being deleted. Instead you must use the undo action. When you select this action, Maconomy will undo the transfer from the invoicing plan.

This action is not available when the on-account invoice selection is closed.

Approve for Invoicing on Account When you select this action, you approve the invoice on account. If invoice editing is required, invoice editing of this invoice on account is not closed in the window Invoice Editing.

Invoice printout lines for invoice editing are prepared upon approval based on the invoice layout rules.

This action is not available when the invoice selection is closed.

If the current job is a main job, and the job’s invoice layout rule specifies Main Job Invoicing, invoicing on account can only be carried out on the main job.

If the current job is set up for split billing (that is, there are more than one bill-to customer on the job), selecting this action will generate invoice lines for each bill-to customer on the job with an amount greater than zero selected in the field “Selected Amount” in the table part of the window Bill to Customer Distribution.

Note: When distributing the billing price lines on customers, a small rounding correction may be made on one of the entry lines. However, the total billing price will not change. For more information, please see the description of the Bill to Customer Distribution window.
If you change anything in this window, the approval is canceled, and the invoice selection must be approved again. Maconomy issues an alert if the approval is canceled.
Note: If the job is set up for split billing (that is, there are more than one bill-to customer on the job), multiple invoices may be generated for the current invoice selection, which all may need editing.

You can either invoice an approved selection by choosing “Print Invoice” in this window or by choosing “Print Invoice” in the window Invoice Editing. You can also invoice selected invoices for several jobs at a time in the window Job Invoicing. However, the job parameter of the type “Invoice Approval” for the current job may require that the invoice is edited in the window Invoice Editing before being printed.

Approve for Crediting on Account The functionality of this action is similar to that of the action “Approve for Invoicing on Account,” but pertains to credit memos on account, including crediting invoices on account.
New Invoice Selection This action is available when the invoice selection is closed, that, is after creating a draft, and provided the job is set up to allow multiple drafts. When you have run this action, the job is open for invoice selection. The quantity and amount for invoicing will be reset to zero on job entries that are approved for invoicing, and remaining job entries will be set for invoicing. The amount for invoicing on account will also be reset to zero.
Print Draft This action is available whenever a draft invoice or a draft credit memo exists on the job.

When you select this action, Maconomy prints a draft copy of the current invoice or credit memo. No postings are made when you select this action.

Print Invoice This action is available whenever a draft invoice exists on the job which has been approved for invoicing.

When you select this action, you create and print an invoice on account based on the invoice selection in the window.

It is only possible to select this action if the invoice has been approved using the action “Approve for Invoicing on Account.” In addition, the job parameter of the type “Invoice Approval” for the current job may require that the invoice is edited in the window Invoice Editing before being printed.

If the current job is a main job, and the job’s invoice layout rule specifies “Main Job Invoicing” and “Main Job Invoice Selection,” selecting then invoicing on account can only be carried out from the main job. For more information, please see the description of the window Invoice Layout Rules.

If split billing is used, that is, multiple bill-to customers are specified for the job in the window Bill to Customer Distribution, an invoice for each bill-to customer is printed when you select this action. Each of these can be edited in the window Invoice Editing. Please note that when distributing the billing price of the invoice lines on customers, a small rounding correction may be made on one of the invoice lines. However, the total billing price will not change. For more information, please see the description of the window Bill to Customer Distribution.

A user can only print an invoice in this window if the field “Can Print Invoice” in the window Actions in the Set-Up module is marked for the user in question.

The invoice is printed according to the invoice layout rule selected for the current job. See the description of the window Invoice Layout Rules for a description of invoice layout rules.

Invoices to be collected electronically are only printed if the customer payment mode selected for the job has a mark in the field “Print Invoice.” The customer payment mode is selected for a job in the window Job Information, and the customer payment mode is set up in the window Customer Payment Modes in the Banking module.

Print Credit Memo This action is available whenever a draft credit memo exists on the job which has been approved for invoicing.

For further information about printing credit memos, see the description for the action “Print Invoice” above.

Rederive Tax Code If the setup for the derivation of a tax code has been changed since the lines were created, you can select this action to rederive the tax code of the lines in the table part. All open lines are updated with the tax reporting code selected for the job.

When you select the action, any approval of the invoice selection is removed.

This action is not available when the invoice selection is closed. When the invoice selection is open, and drafts exist on the job, this action only affects lines that are available in the present invoice selection. In other words, the action does not include lines that are for invoicing on a draft.

Invoice to Credit Memo This action is only available when the invoice selection is open, and no drafts exist on the job. When you have created a draft to credit an invoice, you cannot create multiple drafts until you have completed the crediting by printing the credit memo (or deleted the draft to cancel the crediting).

When you select this action, Maconomy creates a credit memo selection based on the job invoice number you have specified in the field “From Invoice No.” in the card part of the window. The original invoice on account is credited by the amount specified in the field “On Account Reduction.” If that field is empty, the total open amount on the invoice on account is credited, that is, the amount not yet reconciled by a job invoice or a previous job credit memo on account.

A credit note must be in the same currency as the original invoice on account. This means that Maconomy requires the invoice currency on the bill-to customer of the original invoice on account to match the invoice currency of the original invoice. The bill-to customer must also be specified directly on the job.

If the invoice to be credited has been closed through Job Invoice Allocation, the job invoice allocation will automatically be reverted, and the corresponding Job Invoice Allocation journal will be created.

Note that if the system parameter “Allow Multiple Credit Memos Per Invoice” has not been marked, it is only possible to make one credit memo per invoice. If this system parameter is marked, Maconomy will issue an alert if you attempt to make a second credit memo on the basis of a job invoice of which a part has already been credited.

Undo Invoice to Credit Memo You can use this action to bring the job out of the state of crediting if the Invoice to Credit Memo has been faulty applied.
Remove Latest Draft The functionality of this action is similar to that of the action “Remove Latest Draft” in the window Invoice Selection
Remove All Drafts The functionality of this action is similar to that of the action “Remove All Drafts” in the window Invoice Selection.
Calculate Invoice Surcharge Use this action to calculate the surcharge based on the Job Surcharge Rule specified on the job. The surcharge is calculated based on the current invoice selection (T&M, On Account, or both). Directly created job entries (direct invoicing) are included in the calculation of surcharges.
The action is enabled if the job has the job parameter "Surcharge at Invoicing" set to Yes and if the job is open for invoice selection.